Wheat modified for low celiac-toxic epitope content | BCH-LMO-SCBD-109214 | Living Modified Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Living Modified Organism (LMO)
Decisions on the LMO Risk Assessments  
last updated: 10 Nov 2015
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Wheat modified for low celiac-toxic epitope content
Wheat was modified using RNAi technology to down-regulate the expression of gliadins in bread wheat. A set of hairpin constructs were designed and expressed in the endosperm of bread wheat. The expression of gliadins was strongly down-regulated in the transgenic lines.
The term “Recipient organism” refers to an organism (either already modified or non-modified) that was subjected to genetic modification, whereas “Parental organisms” refers to those that were involved in cross breeding or cell fusion.
Characteristics of the modification process
pDhp_omega_alpha and pAHC25
  • Biolistic / Particle gun
Some of these genetic elements may be present as fragments or truncated forms. Please see notes below, where applicable.
LMO characteristics
  • Food
Detection method(s)
Additional Information
Records referencing this document Show in search
Record type Field Record(s)
Country's Decision or any other Communication Living modified organism(s) 1
Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process Living modified organism(s) 1