Killer Protein 4 | Ustilago maydis virus H1 | BCH-GENE-SCBD-47790 | Genetic element | Biosafety Clearing-House

Genetic element (GENE)
published: 11 Dec 2008 last updated: 29 Jun 2012
General information
Killer Protein 4
Protein coding sequence
Donor organism
Characteristics of the protein coding sequence
Killer protein 4
KP4 specifically inhibits voltage-gated calcium channels inhibiting cell growth and division by blocking calcium import.

The KP4 gene is derived from the genome of a double-stranded RNA virus (Ustilago Maydis Virus 4, UmV4, Totiviridae, Totivirus,, which is present in the tissue of certain fungal strains of corn smut (Ustilago maydis). Expression of the KP4 gene leads to the production of the KP4 (killer protein 4).

In Ustilago maydis cells KP4 leads to a reversible inhibition of hyphal growth, but does not kill off competing strains. It is expected that plants expressing the KP4 protein are less susceptible to damage caused by the phytopathogenic fungi Ustilago spec.
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Living Modified Organism Introduced or modified genetic element(s) 2
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