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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase

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Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10789]
Dear BCH Users,

This test assignment is dedicated to the LMO records in the new test site of the BCH platform: submission of LMO records and searching for them.

Steps to perform:

1. Go to: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/. Log in to the SUBMIT section.
2. Create a new LMO record. Within that record, try also creating different records inline to test the inline record creation for that record type.
3. Submit the LMO record for publishing.
LMOs are reference records meaning they need to be validated and published by the Secretariat.
4. After Secretariat publishes your record, find it in SEARCH.
5. Find an LMO record in old BCH and then look for the same record in the new test site in SEARCH; examine and compare the display.

My colleague Austein McLoughlin prepared TWO short VIDEOS to help you orient yourselves better with the testing of the LMO records in the new BCH. Please watch these videos BEFORE you start performing the test. Description of the videos:

First video compares and shows the differences between the creation of LMO records in the old and new BCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH0BYicRdkQ&t=6s

Second video explains how to build a GENETIC ELEMENTS CONSTRUCT (which is part of LMO record creation) in the new BCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wMTYM8SMJ0&t=5s.

We hope you will find the videos helpful and thank you for helping us in testing this important record type.

Deadline: Monday June 8th.

Kind regards.

posted on 2020-05-21 19:40 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10792]
Dear Anastasia,
I did the test to create an LMO record. It generally worked as it should. There was only about 15-30 minutes gap, between the the confirmation that the record was approved by the Secretariat and the moment when it appeared on BCH and became searchable. I had the record number immediately after getting the confirmation.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-05-29 13:42 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10795]
Dear Anastasia,

I did the test, everything works well and is clear for me.

It was interesting to build the construct. System works fast, I didn`t experience problems with this exercise and its approval time.

I also would like to say many thanks to Austein for his comprehensive explanations and very helpful video.
(edited on 2020-06-07 20:31 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus)
posted on 2020-06-07 20:21 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10796]
Dear Anastasia,

I have done the test and everything worked well and easy.

I would like to thanks to Austein for his understandable and very helpful videos.

Birgül Güner

NAU of Turkey
posted on 2020-06-07 20:52 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10797]
Dear BCH-team,

The test were done, also inline creation of genetic element record worked.
The validation of the record took around 20-30min. 
Whereas I did the search of the record  much later and not immediately after confirmation, I don't have any information about the mentioned time gap between confimation of the record and getting searchable. 
Thank you for the videos.

Natalia Mogelska
posted on 2020-06-08 10:37 UTC by Ms. Natália Mogelská, Slovakia
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10798]
Dear Anastasia,
I found the process for creating an LMO to be very simple to follow; and the search for it after publishing also worked very well. Comparing records that are in the old and the new BCH platform; the new one is much clearer and easier to understand. This is particularly so for the unique identifiers for the elements in a record such as LMO, gene constructs, parental organism etc. Thank you for all your hard work.
posted on 2020-06-08 12:53 UTC by Sean Simpkins, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10799]
Dear Anastasia and Austein,

thanks for the very clear instructions!
After clearing up a short insecurity on my side (which I have reported directly) it all worked very well.
The possibility to create genetic elements constructs gives a lot more flexibility and is so much more user friendly than the pure selection of elements that was used in the cold BCH. Now, the real constructs can be displayed proplerly, and making changes is a lot easier and more intuitive. This feature is a huge improvement!

Thank you!
posted on 2020-06-08 13:14 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10800]
Dear Anastasia,
The tests on submission and searching of LMO records were performed. The display in old and new BCH is almost the same, showing information on LMO identity, description, characteristics of the transformation process, etc at a glance; with decisions on LMO and risk assessments viewable on different pages.   However, there are few differences. The old bch shows records referencing an LMO while the new test site does not make provisions for this. The old BCH shows date record was created and published which may be different dates but the new test site only shows date record was last updated. The videos were helpful.

Blessing Aligwekwe
BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-06-08 20:44 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10807]
Dear Blessing,

First of all, thank you for helping us to test the new system and your feedback.

I am replying to you through the forum because you raised very important issues and I would like everyone to be aware of the answers:

1. SHOWING REFERENCED RECORDS: this feature will be available in the new BCH. We are working on this. It will be functioning more properly when all records are migrated. Also, we will be working on the display of referenced records to ensure that they are grouped/categorized and displayed similarly to the old BCH. So, this is coming.

2. HISTORY OF creation of RECORDS. More detailed information is available through Dashboard. Go to Submit, open the list of records and then click on a specific record and you will see the history of the record creation. Please see screen shots attached (I opened one of my LMO records which I have updated). Thus, the owner of record can see the history of records through Dashboard.

Kind regards,
posted on 2020-06-10 12:59 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10802]
Dear Anastasia
The submission of the LMO records was smooth. No problems.
It also checked and provided correction (as I intentionally left out a field that needed to be filled)

I did have problems for the Detection, when I chose the "Look up Detection Method" button instead of uploading a file, it was not working.

Thank you for all the hard work and improvements to the new BCH site.
posted on 2020-06-09 00:59 UTC by Ms. Anita Anthonysamy, Malaysia
RE: Testing LMO records: Deadline -June 8th (Steps and Videos) [#10804]
Dear Anastasia

Functions requested to test worked well. But I felt like some more consideration might be neeeded for higher readibility of the record sheet on LMOs. And information loaded for reference records in the bottom is found to be unsufficient when compared to the former one. For instance, some risk assessment loaded do not show their submitter(country) before attached documents are clicked to open. Such documents are not always attacehed yet as of now.
Thnks and regards,

posted on 2020-06-10 08:41 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea