Papaya transformed with a viral coat protein that confers resistance to PRSV | BCH-LMO-SCBD-100307 | Living Modified Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Living Modified Organism (LMO)
Decisions on the LMO Risk Assessments  
published: 05 Aug 2009 last updated: 13 Feb 2013
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Papaya transformed with a viral coat protein that confers resistance to PRSV
Not available
The term “Recipient organism” refers to an organism (either already modified or non-modified) that was subjected to genetic modification, whereas “Parental organisms” refers to those that were involved in cross breeding or cell fusion.
The cultivar/ variety of papaya transformed was Maradol Rojo
Characteristics of the modification process
Some of these genetic elements may be present as fragments or truncated forms. Please see notes below, where applicable.
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-15026-6 PRSV coat protein | Papaya ringspot virus (PRSV)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to diseases and pests (Papaya ringspot potyvirus resistance)
LMO characteristics
  • Food
Detection method(s)
Additional Information
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Record type Field Record(s)
Country's Decision or any other Communication Living modified organism(s) 1