Potatoes modified for decreased susceptibility to Phytophthora infestans | BCH-LMO-SCBD-102168 | Living Modified Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Living Modified Organism (LMO)
Decisions on the LMO Risk Assessments  
published: 17 Aug 2011 last updated: 28 Aug 2012
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Potatoes modified for decreased susceptibility to Phytophthora infestans
Not available
The genetically modified potatoes are less susceptible to late blight as a result of the introduction of one or three resistance genes stemming from wild relatives from the potato. All three resistance genes belong to the NBS-LRR class, which code for a class of proteins that are common in plants and are involved in disease resistance.

In addition, these potato lines contain the nptII gene for resistance against the antibiotic Kanamycin.
The term “Recipient organism” refers to an organism (either already modified or non-modified) that was subjected to genetic modification, whereas “Parental organisms” refers to those that were involved in cross breeding or cell fusion.
Characteristics of the modification process
Agrobacterium Ti plasmid
  • Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer
Some of these genetic elements may be present as fragments or truncated forms. Please see notes below, where applicable.
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-102164-6 Phytophthora infestans Resistance gene 1 | Solanum stoloniferum (Wild potato)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to diseases and pests (Fungi)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-102155-6 Phytophthora infestans Resistance gene 1 | Solanum venturii (Wild Potato, SOLVN)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to diseases and pests (Fungi)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-102165-7 Phytophthora infestans Resistance gene 3 | Solanum bulbocastaneum (Nightshade, Ornamental nightshade)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to diseases and pests (Fungi)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100270-6 Nopaline Synthase Gene Promoter | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-15001-5 Neomycin Phosphotransferase II | Escherichia coli (ECOLX)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to antibiotics (Kanamycin)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100269-8 Nopaline Synthase Gene Terminator | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
The region to be inserted, which is flanked by the T-DNA borders from the Ti-plasmid of Agrobacterium tumefaciens contains either:

- One resistance gene (Rpi-vnt1, stemming from solanum venturii)

- One resistance gene and a antibiotic resistance gene as selection marker  (Rpi-sto1 + nptII, stemming from solanum stoloniferum and from Tn5 respectively)

- Three resistance genes and a selection marker gene (Rpi-vnt1 + Rpi-sto1 + Rpi-blb3 + nptII, stemming from solanum venturii)

All three Rpi-genes involved are under the control of their own promoters and terminators.

The npt-II gene expression is driven by the NOS promoter and terminator. The npt-II gene stems from the transposon Tn5. The NOS promoter and terminator originate from Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
LMO characteristics
  • Food
  • Feed
Detection method(s)
Additional Information
Records referencing this document Show in search
Record type Field Record(s)
Country's Decision or any other Communication Living modified organism(s) 1
Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process Living modified organism(s) 1