Pea modified for alpha-amylase expression | BCH-LMO-SCBD-109360 | Living Modified Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Living Modified Organism (LMO)
BCH-LMO-SCBD-109360-1   |   PDF   |   Print   |  
Decisions on the LMO Risk Assessments  
last updated: 24 Nov 2015
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Pea modified for alpha-amylase expression
Genetically modified pea plants in which the bacterial alpha–amylase gene is present in homozygous condition do not show any significant changes in configuration and general appearance. Nevertheless, it cannot be excluded that the effects of the recombinant alpha–amylase on the plant will become noticeable under field conditions. The recombinant alpha–amylase is located in protein bodies. However, the endogenous seed starch, the main constituent of pea seeds (approx. 70%), is assumed to be degraded also at suboptimal temperatures, resulting in the formation of mainly maltose, maltotriose and alpha–dextrin. The partial change in the carbohydrate composition may, amongst other things, change the osmotic value of the seeds and increase their frost resistance.
The term “Recipient organism” refers to an organism (either already modified or non-modified) that was subjected to genetic modification, whereas “Parental organisms” refers to those that were involved in cross breeding or cell fusion.
Cultivar: Erbi
Characteristics of the modification process
  • Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer
Some of these genetic elements may be present as fragments or truncated forms. Please see notes below, where applicable.
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-103026-3 Unknown seed protein-promoter | Vicia faba (Broad Bean, Tick Bean, Windsor Bean, Horse Bean, Pigeon Bean, Field Bean)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-109359-2 Alpha-amylase gene | Bacillus licheniformis (BACLI)
    Protein coding sequence | Changes in quality and/or metabolite content (Carbohydrates)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100271-5 Octopine Synthase Gene Terminator | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100270-6 Nopaline Synthase Gene Promoter | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-14972-12 Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase gene | Streptomyces hygroscopicus (STRHY)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to herbicides (Glufosinate)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-103067-9 Transcript 7 gene 3' untranslated region | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-46004-7 Beta-glucuronidase coding sequence | Escherichia coli (ECOLX)
    Protein coding sequence | Selectable marker genes and reporter genes
The genetically modified pea plants contain 1800 bp of the 1948-bp AmyLi sequence (alpha–amylase gene) from Bacillus licheniformis that is controlled by the seed-specific USP promoter of broad beans (Vicia faba) and the terminator sequence of the ocs gene from A. tumefaciens.
In the genetically modified plants, the bar gene is controlled by the promoter of the nos gene and the terminator sequence of the g7 gene from A. tumefaciens. It was used for the selec-tion of transformed plant cells.
The uidA gene that codes for the enzyme beta-glucuronidase is promoterless and contains the nopaline synthase termination region of A. tumefaciens. It is a constituent of the Ti region of the transformation vector pGPTV-BAR. The uidA gene is not expected to be expressed in the genetically modified pea plants.
LMO characteristics
  • Research
Detection method(s)
Additional Information
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Record type Field Record(s)
Country's Decision or any other Communication Living modified organism(s) 1
Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process Living modified organism(s) 1