Vicia faba (Broad Bean, Tick Bean, Windsor Bean, Horse Bean, Pigeon Bean, Field Bean) | BCH-ORGA-SCBD-48359 | Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Organism (ORGA)
published: 05 Mar 2009 last updated: 15 Jun 2012
Organism information
Vicia faba
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Magnoliophyta
Class Magnoliopsida
Order Fabales
Family Fabaceae
Genus Vicia
Species Vicia faba
  • Broad Bean
  • Tick Bean
  • Windsor Bean
  • Horse Bean
  • Pigeon Bean
  • Field Bean
Characteristics related to biosafety
The wild progenitor and the exact origin of faba bean remain unknown. Several wild species (V. narbonensis L. and V. galilaea Plitmann and Zohary) are taxonomically closely related to the cultivated crop, but they contain 2n = 14 chromosomes, whereas cultivated faba bean has 2n = 12 chromosomes.
Faba bean is assigned to the Central Asian, Mediterranean, and South American centers of Diversity.
Faba bean requires a cool season for best development. It is grown as a winter annual in warm temperate and subtropical areas; hardier cultivars in the Mediterranean region tolerate winter temperatures of -10°C without serious injury whereas the most hardy European cultivars can tolerate up to -15°C (Robertson, 1996). "It can be grown anywhere and does not winterkill. Well-adapted to wetter portions of cereal-growing areas of western Canada and elsewhere. Tolerates nearly any soil type; grows best on rich loams. Moderate moisture supply is necessary" (Duke, 1981). They are considered to be the least drought resistant of legume crops; however, cultivars with high water use efficiency have been developed at ICARDA (Robertson, 1996). "Moisture requirement is highest about 9-12 weeks after establishment. Faba bean is more tolerant to acid soil conditions than most legumes. Can be grown in nearly all parts of the United States without liming. Growing seasons should have little or no excessive heat, optimum temperatures for production range from 18 to 27°C (65-85°F)" (Duke, 1981). Rainfall of 650-1000 mm per annum evenly distributed is ideal (Kay, 1971). The maturity period ranges from 90-220 days depending upon the cultivars and climatic conditions (Bond et al., 1985).
See link below for complete references.

  • Feed
  • Food
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Record type Field Record(s)
Genetic element Donor organism(s) 6