Brazil | BCH-RA-BR-45580 | Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process | Biosafety Clearing-House

Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process (RA)
BCH-RA-BR-45580-3   |   PDF   |   Print   |  
last updated: 27 Mar 2013
General Information
Risk Assessment for Herbicide Tolerant Maize
Risk assessment details
Methodology and points to consider
Protein PAT was detected in low
levels on the vegetable tissues analyzed, and is fast
degraded in gastric and intestinal fluids, presenting great
susceptibility to digestion and thermal desnaturation,
being highly improbable that it may have any toxic or
allergenic effect. Genetic modification introduced in event
T25 did not result in important differences of chemical
composition regarding nutrients, being within the normal
variation scope among the conventional varieties
sylvan species closer to corn is the teosinte found in
Mexico and in some Central America places. Therefore, there
is no sylvan species in Brazil with which corn can be
crossed. The coexistence between conventional corn
cultivations (improved or creoles) and transgenic
cultivations of corns is possible from the agronomic point
of view. Thus, the probability of fixation of allele
containing the gene sequence that confers tolerance to
glufosinate of ammonium on the population is much reduced
on the absence of selection pressure
Therefore, there is no possibility of
corn being transformed into an invasive plant or weed.
Genetically modified cultures behave like correspondent
conventional cultures, and up to now there is no
registration of great alterations on the structures of
microbial communities of soils
Not applicable
not applicable
not applicable
Corn is a plant that
is incapable of surviving in natural conditions, when not
technically assisted. Therefore, there is no possibility of
corn being transformed into an invasive plant or weed.
Traditional molecular methods
Additional information
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Record type Field Record(s)
Country's Decision or any other Communication Risk assessment 1