Tag Article | Biosafety Clearing-House

Viewing rejected records

  23 Nov 2021

If your request is rejected, you will receive an e-mail notification to your registered e-mail account. Check your Inbox (if you do not receive the e-mail, check your spam/junk folder). If a reason has been provided, it will be seen in the message.

There are 4 places in the Clearing-House where you can see the reason for rejection:

  1. Notification in Clearing-House : click on the little ‘bell’ icon located on the top right corner. The number indicates how many ‘unread’ notifications you have received. Once selected, click on a particular message to see its details.
  2. On the Submit page: click on the Requests tab and then select “Rejected” from the first drop-down list. You will see the reason in the “Status” column. To expand: click on the “+” sign or on the record to open it.
  3. On the Submit page: click on the Notifications tab. Select “Rejected Requests” from the middle drop-down list. You will see the details in the main column. To open the record, just click on the record.
  4. Dashboard: your rejected record also appears in the “Drafts” status column on your Dashboard.  Click on the number in the column. Then, in the summary of records page, click on the record or on the ‘edit’ icon. You will see the details in the red box at the top of the “Submission form”. 

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