BCH Central Portal Online Help
Using the search pages
BCH Central Portal Online Help > BCH Central Portal > Finding Information > Using the search pages

Glossary Item Box

The Finding Information section of the BCH provides web pages to search for each category of information in the BCH. To access a searchable database of interest, click on the link either on the Main page or in the left-hand menu. These web pages are designed to let the user specify the search criteria and then display the records found which match the search criteria used.

All search pages have a similar and consistent design. Let us take the Search for National Contacts page as an example.


Figure 3



The search page contains:


  1. A brief description of the search page and the type of information that can be found through it.
  2. The search criteria input area.
  3. The Search buttons.
  4. The Browse all records button.


The criteria that can be used are given by the input boxes that appear on the search page of each category of information. The input boxes are used to narrow the search results, i.e. they can be used to obtain a smaller and more specific set of records, but never a wider one.

Several types of input boxes (also called fields) can be found in the criteria input area. Many of these types of fields are also found in the search pages of other categories of information. The following list describes these field types, which are shared among several categories of information:



Figure 4




Figure 5




Figure 6



Finally, the Search button performs the search based on the specified criteria and then shows the search results, while the Browse all records button displays all records in the current category of information.

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