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IMPORTANT: Extension of the online discussion till 6 August 2011 (1:00 a.m. GMT) [#2516]
Dear All,

We have had some problems with the automatic emails that are sent every time someone posts a new message in the online discussion. As a result, some of you had not received any message up till moments ago, while some of you may have received them twice - my apologies for that.

Since this round of discussion is a crucial step towards the revision of the Guidance as mandated by the COP-MOP and in order to ensure that all participants will have the appropriate time for taking part in the discussion and sending suggestions for revisions, I would like to inform that:

*** this online discussion will be extended in one week till 6 August (1:00am GMT). ***

Please refer to the previous postings and send your suggestions as track changes as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact me if you need help posting or have any question.

Many thanks and best wishes,
posted on 2011-07-27 18:03 UTC by Ms. Manoela Miranda, UNEP/SCBD
RE: IMPORTANT: Extension of the online discussion till 6 August 2011 (1:00 a.m. GMT) [#2530]
Dear Friends,

I thank you all for your interesting contributions. Please find attached my track change comments on the document under discussion, which I have reviewed up to line 361.
Thanks to the extension of the online discussion, I will add further comments.
Moisés Burachik
posted on 2011-07-29 21:02 UTC by Moisés Burachik, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries
RE: IMPORTANT: Extension of the online discussion till 6 August 2011 (1:00 a.m. GMT) [#2570]
Dear members of the Open-ended Group, AHTEG and Secretariat,

Thank you for the extention and the opportunity to participate on the Revision of the "Guidance on Risk Assessment of LMOs". I am attaching here suggestions marked as "track changes" to the Guidance version of 4 July 2011. I hope it is useful.

Best regards

posted on 2011-08-05 18:02 UTC by Dr. Adriana Otero-Arnaiz, Mexico
RE: IMPORTANT: Extension of the online discussion till 6 August 2011 (1:00 a.m. GMT) [#2578]
Dear members of the Open-ended Group, AHTEG and Secretariat,

I am attaching here suggestions marked as "track changes" to the Guidance version of 4 July 2011.

Best regards

(edited on 2011-08-05 22:15 UTC by Dr. Adriana Otero-Arnaiz, Mexico)
posted on 2011-08-05 22:14 UTC by Dr. Adriana Otero-Arnaiz, Mexico