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Technical Series on Synthetic Biology, SCBD Employment and SBSTTA-24 [#11058]
Dear participants,

Please find below some news:

Peer Review of the Technical Series on Synthetic Biology - https://bch.cbd.int/synbio/peer_review

Individual contractor - Action Agenda – Website content management - https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=154877&Lang=en-US

Action Agenda - Advocacy and Engagement Consultant
- https://careers.un.org/lbw/jobdetail.aspx?id=154879&Lang=en-US

How the Public can participate in the formal sessions of SBSTTA-24 - https://www.cbd.int/article/participation-formal-sbstta24-2021

Executive Secretary's Opening Statement at SBSTTA-24 -  https://www.cbd.int/doc/speech/2021/sp-2021-05-03-sbstta24-en.pdf

Best regards,
posted on 2021-05-04 16:08 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety