Changing the order of the remaining questions
Dear participants,
First, I would like to express, on behalf of my colleagues here in the Secretariat, our thanks and appreciation for your active participation so far. It has been a very illuminating discussion. The discussions on the first set of questions are being closed.
Second, given the present momentum in the discussions focusing on the possible substance/contents of socio-economic considerations, we suggest that what was question number 2 in our previous outline better discussed at the end.
Accordingly, the previous Q3 will now be Q2 and be posted for the next round of discussions. Sorry, for any inconvenience that this change might create.
My colleague Giovanni will post the next question.
Looking forward for another exciting week of discussion!
(edited on 2013-03-18 00:08 UTC by Mr. Worku Yifru, UNEP/SCBD)
posted on 2013-03-18 00:06 UTC by Mr. Worku Yifru, UNEP/SCBD