Online conference: 3–14 November 2008
Agenda of the conference
The conference will be organised under sessions as follows:
- The first session will review the overall current status of capacity-building in the area of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs and the experiences gained.
- The second session will focus on identifying the major needs and gaps.
- The third session will discuss possible ways and means of enhancing capacity-building efforts in the area of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring LMOs.
- The fourth session will discuss the overall vision for capacity-building in environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs and the way forward to realise that vision.
Session 1: Current status of capacity-building in environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs, the experiences gained and lessons learned
Since the Protocol was adopted, a number of initiatives have been undertaken to build the capacities of countries in different areas, including risk assessment and risk management, to facilitate its implementation. In order to effectively plan for the future, it is important to review the current status of the capacity-building efforts in the area of risk assessment and monitoring of LMOs, ascertain what capacities currently exist and share information on the experiences gained and the lessons learned including what worked well and what did not. Accordingly, participants will be invited to focus their discussions on these elements. Some of the questions that might guide the discussions include the following:
- What capacity currently exists in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the area of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs?
- What expertise is currently available and how adequate is the available expertise (in terms of quantity and quality – level of training and experience)?
- What institutional capacity and infrastructure currently exists?
- How readily are data and information required for risk assessment and post release monitoring of LMOs available or accessible?
- What existing initiatives are contributing to capacity-building in risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs?
- To what extent have current and previous capacity-building initiatives addressed the needs of countries and how effective have they been?
- How effectively are relevant organisations working together or synergizing their efforts to build capacities in risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs? What needs to be improved?
- What has been the experience of developing countries and countries with economies in transition with building capacities in environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs and what lessons have been the learned?
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Session 2: Capacity-building needs, gaps and priorities
To be effective and sustainable, initiatives aimed at building national capacities in risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs must be based on a careful identification, analysis and prioritization of the needs at different levels. During this session, participants will be invited to identify and prioritize the key specific capacity-building needs and gaps in the area of risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs. Some of the questions that might guide the discussions include the following:
- What are the major capacity-building needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the area of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs and which ones are of the highest priority? Under this question, the following sub-questions might be helpful in focusing the discussions:
- In what specific aspects of aspects of environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs are capacities lacking most?
- What type and level of training is required over the next 5 years?
- What are the main institutional capacity and infrastructure needs?
- What are the information requirements?
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Session 3: Measures to enhance national capacities in environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring LMOs
The purpose of this session will be to discuss and propose concrete, forward-looking ideas on ways and means for improving capacity-building efforts in order to build a critical mass of expertise and other core capacities for environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring of LMOs. This will include discussions on options for mobilizing additional resources and fostering coordination and cooperation among different countries and partners. Some of the questions that might guide the discussions include the following:
- What strategic measures could be undertaken to address the existing capacity-building needs and gaps? (Day 5 & 6)
- Where should the main focus be (training programmes, information documents/guidance materials, networks and exchange of experts, regional collaboration, etc.,)?
- Who should do what?
- How could resources (including funds, human resource and technical support) be mobilised to address the capacity-building needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition?
- How could coordination and cooperation among governments and organizations on capacity-building in environmental risk assessment and post-release monitoring and evaluation of LMOs be improved and maximized? (Day 8 & 9)
- What opportunities and mechanisms for coordination and cooperation among governments and organizations exist?
- What should be done to strengthen North-South and South-South cooperation?
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Session 4: Conclusions and recommendations
- What is the way forward?
In the last session of the conference, participants will be invited to share their vision of what capacity in risk assessment and monitoring of LMOs should be put in place over the next five to ten years and share their overall views and recommendations on the way forward to realise that vision.