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Reminder - closing of the discussion on “New specific topics” [#2281]
Dear all,

Once again, thank you very much to those who have participated so far in this discussion for your important contributions.

This is a gentle reminder that the discussion on the “New specific topics of risk assessment for the development of further guidance” will close on

*** Monday, 18 April 2011 (1:00am GMT) ***

To find out the corresponding time at your location please go to "Time Zone Converter" (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html).

Thank you and best regards,
posted on 2011-04-15 20:46 UTC by Ms. Manoela Miranda, UNEP/SCBD
RE: Reminder - closing of the discussion on “New specific topics” [#2293]
Dear Manoela
Many thanks for reminding us.

I would like to propose the following set of priority:
  1. Environmental risk assessment and monitoring taking into account human health;
  2. Post-release monitoring and long-term effects of LMOs released into the environment;
  3. “Co-existence” between LMOs and non-LMOs in the context of small scale farming;
  4. Risk assessment of living modified microorganisms and viruses
  5. Risk assessment of living modified pharmaplants;

posted on 2011-04-16 18:42 UTC by Mr. Ossama Abdelkawy, Egypt
Closing of the discussion on “New specific topics” [#2315]
Dear members of the Open-ended Online Group and AHTEG,

Thank you very much to all who have participated in the discussion on “New specific topics of risk assessment for the development of further guidance” (Topic 3) for your excellent input. A total of 16 messages were posted under this topic.

This concludes this round of online discussions in preparation for the AHTEG meeting to be held in Mexico City from 30 May to 3 June 2011. A synthesis of all three topics will be prepared by the Secretariat in the coming weeks.

A new round of discussions will take place after the AHTEG meeting at dates to be announced.

Once again, thank you for your comments. I look forward to next discussions.

The present discussion is now closed.

Best regards,
posted on 2011-04-18 00:34 UTC by Ms. Manoela Miranda, UNEP/SCBD