Go to the top of the pageGuiding questions
The following questions were prepared by the Chair of the SWG to assist the discussions on this topic.
GENERAL REMARKS - Is the structure of the draft clear?
- Is it complete or are there some aspects missing?
Introduction: - Is the introduction of the draft guidance document correct and complete?
- Is there any other issue that should be addressed under the introduction?
Objective and Scope: - Do you have any comment on these sections?
Points to Consider: - Do you have comments on the rationales under the points to consider?
- Could you please provide a draft for the rationale under the point to consider "Persistence of the transgene in the environment"?
Other Issues and Risk Management Options: - Do you have any comment on these sections?
Bibliography: - Could you please suggest bibliography on the biology, ecology and genetics of mosquitoes that are relevant to this guidance document?
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Overview of the topic
The sub-working group on LM Mosquitoes (SWG-LMM) was formed to produce modalities for development of guidance documents on risk assessment and risk management of living modified mosquitoes. In the context of the steps contained in paragraph 8 of Annex III of the Protocol, the general structure of these guidance documents should be organized by providing: (i) points to consider; (ii) rationales for the points to consider; and (iii) relevant bibliographies and supporting documents.
Living modified mosquitoes are currently being developed for use in vector control related to human diseases, such as malaria and dengue. Various strategies are being used to control the population of the vectors by reducing their population (population reduction strategy) or reducing their vector competence (population replacement strategy). Major challenges face the deployment of recombinant DNA strategies to combat vector related diseases. Lack of a clear regulatory framework for the release of living modified mosquitoes is a significant challenge. Risk assessments and public consultation may become a lengthy process due to the uniqueness of the strategies and also the lack of experience in regulatory agencies to handle such programmes. Both the environment and health impacts will have to be taken into consideration.
The participants to the Open-ended Online Forum are asked to give
ad hoc advise to the work of the SWG-LMM.
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