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TESTING of new BCH platform - First Phase
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Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Forum Participants, Thank you very much for performing the first test and thank you for all your feedback! The Biosafety Team is looking into all your comments and we will be implementing the recommendations. Thanks to your comments, a few bugs that were discovered by you in the process of testing, have been fixed already. One common comment was about the “Processing” time for loading the application, publishing/deleting records. We have made some changes, so the system should be operating faster now. Advise: please try using different browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, IE. Some of you mentioned that Google Chrome worked best. We will continue making further changes in this regard. This time, we would like to ask you to perform TWO other simple test similar to CNA. These tests are for focal points only – BCH, CPB focal points and National Authorised Users (NAUs) - because it has to do with National Records which only you have access to. DESCRIPTION OF TEST: ASSIGNMENT: In National Records, create an publish a “Supplementary Protocol Competent Authority (SPCA)” and “National Biosafety Website or Database (NDB)”. Please note that the “Supplementary Protocol Competent Authority (SPCA)” is not currently available in old BCH. It is a new record type that will be implemented in the new BCH. The role of this competent authority is to perform the functions set out under Article 5 of the Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and Redress. The SPCA you create on the test site will NOT appear as your national record in the old/current BCH! The submission of the “Supplementary Protocol Competent Authority (SPCA)” is very similar to the creation of a CNA but has its specificity. It is important for us to know your experience with publishing this type of record. INSTRUCTIONS: IF YOU are a BCH FOCAL POINT, perform the following: 1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/. 2. Click on SUBMIT tab (on the bar on top). 3. Create and publish a new “Supplementary Protocol Competent Authority (SPCA)”. Remember, this is a test data and will not affect any current national records of your country and will not appear in the old/current BCH. The SPCA you create will NOT appear as your national record in the old/current BCH. 4. Once you see that the record is "Published", click on SEARCH tab (on the bar on top). 5. In the SEARCH interface, search for the SPCA you have just created. 6. Go back to SUBMIT section and try to edit (or delete) and re-publish the same record. 7. Go back to SEARCH, find the edited record and verify the changes made. REPEAT the same steps above for “National Biosafety Website or Database (NDB)”. Please use the “?” mark at the bottom of the screen to ask questions (if need be) online during the process. During the above process, you can also save the record as a draft and come back to it later. After this test, please send us your feedback with your experience with the above process by Monday - 6 April. ****************** IF YOU ARE a CARTAGENA PROTOCOL FOCAL POINT (CPB FP) or a NATIONAL AUTHORIZED USER (NAU), perform the following: 1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/. 2. Click on SUBMIT tab (on the bar on top). 3. Create a new “Supplementary Protocol Competent Authority (SPCA)”. Remember, this is a test data and will not affect any current national records of your country and will not appear in the old/current BCH. The SPCA you create will NOT appear as your national record in the old BCH. 4. Click on "Publish". Your request will be sent to the BCH Focal Point who will need to approve and publish the record you just entered. 5. After the record is published by the BCH FP you will see its status as "Published". Click on SEARCH tab (on top bar) and, in the SEARCH interface, try to find the record that you have created and that has been published. 6. Optional: you can go back to SUBMIT and try editing or deleting your record. But, only the BCH focal point will have the right to validate your changes. REPEAT the same steps above for “National Biosafety Website or Database (NDB)”. Please use the “?” mark at the bottom of the screen to ask questions (if need be) online during the process. During the above process, you can also save the record as a draft and come back to it later. After this test, please send us your feedback with your experience with the above process by Monday – 6 April. ******** DEADLINE: Monday – April 6. Please send us your feedback by that date. Thank you again for all your support! Kind regards, Anastasia
posted on 2020-03-30 17:08 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you again for this new version of the BCH and for the hard work done for its development. I performed the tests as requested (BCH focal point). PC, Windows 10 Enterprise, Chrome Version 80.0.3987.149 Everything is OK.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-04-01 10:17 UTC by Dr. Didier Breyer, Belgium
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
The new platform is well developed, easier to use than the first Kudos to Madame Anastasia for her efforts in the implementation of the new version Congratulations
(edited on 2020-04-01 12:59 UTC by Mme. Bagayoko Mama Diarra, Mali)
posted on 2020-04-01 12:35 UTC by Mme. Bagayoko Mama Diarra, Mali
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I performed both tests and they worked fine with me. Best regards, Nikolay
posted on 2020-04-02 07:28 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I and BCH NFP performed the two tests (SPCA & NDB) and they worked fine with us.
But, there is this little warning message from our web Advisor McAfee (in red on attached file image), that this site is not safe. Best regards,
Pierre Rahagalala, NAU Jean Roger, NFP
posted on 2020-04-02 08:51 UTC by M. Pierre Rahagalala, Madagascar
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Mr. Rahagalala,
Thank you for performing the test.
Please ignore the McAfee message. It is normal as the site domain is not well known. My IT team advises not to worry about it. The test site is quite safe.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-04-02 19:23 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
I have performed tests as instructed for both for SPCA and NDB as BCH NFP.
Used Windows 10, Chrome Version 80.0.3987.149 (Official Build) (64-bit).
Worked good!
Best regards, Dilovar
posted on 2020-04-02 09:41 UTC by Mr. Dilovarsho Dustzoda, Tajikistan
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
Everything works well. I have successfully done an exercise by using Google Chrome Browser (Windows 10, official version).
I also have tried Internet Explorer Browser, but it doesn`t work on the stage of data saving. I think it is old one. Last time I didn`t noticed that Internet Explorer opened by default when clicking on the link and I also had problems with data saving and correction. So, now will use Google Chrom. It`s really works.
Best regards, Galina
posted on 2020-04-02 11:40 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Estimada Anastasia, Estuve en el nuevo Websites y base de datos. Me pareció fácil de usar y luego de utilizarlo es fácil acostumbrarse al nuevo formato. Las diferencias no son muy marcadas. Gracias
Marina Hernandez Ministerio Ambiente
posted on 2020-04-02 23:00 UTC by Sra. Marina Hernández, Dominican Republic
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Hi, Anastasia,
The test worked! No problems at all.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-04-03 02:11 UTC by Mr. Fred Phillips, Barbados
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
the tasks for the SPCA worked fine. However, I could not edit the created (published and searchable) NDB. Although it is available in the list of NDBs, the status never changes from "processing" to "published"
best regards Anita
posted on 2020-04-03 10:29 UTC by Ms. Anita Greiter, Austria
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I'm testing the new BCH using Google Chrome, as you suggested. It works somewhat faster. I was not able find the name of our CP NFP dr. Batic in the list of contact persons, so I was not able to add this record and I skipped it. After publishing I wanted to perform Search, but the page is cycling saying "loading files from server". I'll try again on sunday Best wishes Ruth Rupreht
posted on 2020-04-03 10:55 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
I have carried out the tests successfully and published both an SPCA and a NWD record. I was able to search for them and alter them before resubmitting them again. For information I use Internet Explorer and Windows 7. The time to upload and search was ok; maybe lagging sometimes but by no more than 30-60 seconds. (I performed this task with the permission to publish of my National BCH focal point)
posted on 2020-04-03 11:48 UTC by Sean Simpkins, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
I did not experience any problem with creating, editing and searching of these two records by using Mozilla Firefox and Windows 7 Professional.
Kind regards
Natalia Mogelska CPB NFP & BCH NFP Slovakia
(edited on 2020-04-04 22:32 UTC by Ms. Natália Mogelská, Slovakia)
posted on 2020-04-04 22:24 UTC by Ms. Natália Mogelská, Slovakia
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I Tested followed with the procedures suggested to follow and worked well without encountered any difficult.
Khalif H. Dalmar CPB, BCH focal Point Somalia
posted on 2020-04-05 07:10 UTC by Mr. Khalif Hassan Dalmar, Office of the Prime Minister
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
posted on 2020-06-25 08:22 UTC by Mr. Mohamed Rashid Al-Sinaidi, Oman
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Japan has tested many times since we received the request on March 30th. Since both BCH Focal point and CP Focal point tried many time by using some browers such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge and Google Crome. Our trial failed until today. CP Focal Point at last could open the designated site and created the record and sent it to BCH National Focal Point.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-04-06 05:27 UTC by Ms. Fuyumi Ogawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I was able to create, review and publish SPCAs and NDB without a problem. I was using Google Chrome browser. Regards Theophilus M. Mutui
posted on 2020-04-06 06:07 UTC by Prof. Theophilus Mwendwa Mutui, Kenya
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia
It worked well with no particular problem for our try using Google Chrome.
Keep safe and healthy.
Homin Korea BCH
posted on 2020-04-06 07:49 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
our NFP an I performed the secend test assignment together, and all worked very well. We did also not have any problems with the processing time.
Thanks again! Nina
posted on 2020-04-06 08:26 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
We have tested the webside successfully and we were able to publish and search the record without problems. For information, I used Google Chrome Browser (Windows 8) and everything worked well.
Thank you very much
Vanesa Rincón SPAIN BCH
posted on 2020-04-06 10:14 UTC by Sr. José Antonio Sobrino Maté, Spain
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I performed the tests as requested, everything worked without problems. Chrome, Windows 10. Hana Jirakova
BCH NFP, CPB NFP Czech Republic
posted on 2020-04-06 10:29 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, thank you for your explanations about CP NFP data. Today I tested the page as requested using GChrome and everything worked fine, also editing and search. Best wishes
Ruth Rupreht
posted on 2020-04-06 12:41 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia,
I performed both tests in Google Chrome, on a Windows 10 PC and they both worked very well. Very little processing time and no issues.
Best regards, Ken Ellens
posted on 2020-04-06 13:51 UTC by Dr. Kenneth Ellens, Canada
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anastasia, I was able to do the test on SPCA and National Websites and Databases as a BCH Focal Point. Everything worked out very well. I could also see changes made as per our experiences with the first test. The meaning of the icons (۷, +, Ξ) in front of SPCAs and National Websites and Databases were still not coming up when pointed at. The meanings should show before they are clicked to enable the Focal Point determine what next to do. Other than this, the overall experience was fine. Thanks
Blessing Aligwekwe BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-04-06 17:14 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Blessing,
Thank you.
The meaning of the icons (۷, +, Ξ) will eventually appear. It will be implemented one way or another but this will come later. We did take note of this.
Kindest regards,
posted on 2020-04-06 17:27 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Test Assignment: SPCAs and National Websites and Databases
Dear Anasthasia, I tested the test assignment with Google Chrome and all is well. Was able to create, publish, search and submit. Thanks so much! Christopher BCH Focal Point Zambia
posted on 2020-04-16 10:46 UTC by Mr. Christopher Simuntala, Zambia