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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase

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Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10730]
Dear Forum Participants

We are now moving to the second phase of testing which involves more complex record types and not only "National Records" but also "Reference Records".

In this test assignment, we are asking you to test "Reference Records", specifically, the submission of “Organisms” and “Genetic Elements”.

"Reference Records” means that any registered BCH user (does not have to be a BCH focal point or NAU or CPB Focal Point) can create and submit these records for publishing. However, it is only the Secretariat who has the right to validate and publish them.

The purpose of the tests:

1) To test creation, submission of and searching for “Organisms” and “Genetic Elements” records (similar to previous tests).

2) Familiarization and testing of the general workflow of publishing records, specifically, the REJECTION and APPROVAL process. How do you know when your record is approved and how do you know when it was rejected and why. REJECTION means “request for changes”. The REJECTION and APPROVAL process work the same for all types of records, including "National Records". The difference: with respect to "National Records", it is the BCH Focal Point (not the  Secretariat) who has the right to Reject (request changes) or Approve records.

There are 3 TEST ASSIGNMENTS: Test 1 and 2 are for everyone - all regular registered BCH users, including focal points and NAUs. The 3rd test is for BCH, CPB focal points and NAUs only.

Details are in the attached file, which includes screen captures to assist you better.

DEADLINE to finish testing: Wednesday – 6 May.

Please provide feedback on:
1. Submission and Search process with respect to “Organisms” and “Genetic Elements”.
2. Workflow: REJECTION/APPROVAL process.

Thank you for all your support!

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-04-20 16:49 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10757]
Dear Anastasia,
I did the tests for organisms and genetic elements and all worked as described.
The workflow test I cant do right now, as I am BCH FP and CPB FP at the same time. I will see if I can get some of my colleagues to become NAU.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-04-23 15:51 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10760]
Dear Anastasia,

We did the test request.  All tests (test 1 - 3) finished without any problem.  Just one thing I would like to comment is regarding test 3, when the BCH focal point reject my delete request after publication, I saw the description on the status "PUBLISHED" with the word "draft" under "PUBLISHED".   It seems strange for me that it is published but draft.  I think just "Deleted" message would be natural.

Kind regards,

Fuyumi Ogawa
CP National Focal Point
posted on 2020-04-30 07:30 UTC by Ms. Fuyumi Ogawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10761]
Dear Anastasia,

We tested and didn't encounter any problem.

thank you
posted on 2020-05-01 12:01 UTC by Mr. Jambay Dorji, Bhutan
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10762]
Dear Anastasia,
I did the third test and all worked with me fine and as described, both as BCH FP and as NAU.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-05-02 16:22 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10763]
Dear Anastasia

Required tests have been done here with no special error found.

posted on 2020-05-04 08:38 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10764]
Bonjour Madame Anastasia,
J'ai fais le test pour les organismes vivants modifiés j'ai pas rencontré de difficultés particulières
je trouve que la nouvelle plate est plus facile à utiliser que l'ancienne.
bon travail pour tous ces efforts déployés
posted on 2020-05-04 13:49 UTC by Mme. Bagayoko Mama Diarra, Mali
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10767]
Dear Anastasia,

We have finished all three tests and tried the roles of the BCH NFP (me) and the NAU (Anastasia Ostrovskaya) and everything goes very well.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-05-05 14:09 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10768]
Dear Anastasia,

thanks again for the opportunity to test the next new features!

I performed all three tests, #3 together with our NFF.

Test #1 and #2: Other than the few little bugs that came up along the way of the “Organisms” and “Genetic Elements” submission process (thanks for fixing those so quickly!!) the submission process worked well and I found it very intuitive. I did also not have any problems with the search process.

Test #3: The communication between the NAU (me) and our NFP (Dr. Nina Opitz) through the BCH and the entire rejection/ approval process worked very well.

One feature that I found really nice while entering the records was the possibility of an in-line preview of the records to be linked to the record you are cuerrently creating. In the selection window where you can search for the record that needs to be linked, the content of the chosen record is displayed, providing an opportunity to check if it is the correct one before linking it. This can be really useful.

Thanks! And best regards,
posted on 2020-05-05 14:27 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10769]
I have tested the organism and workflow of submitting, and this went all OK. But when I submitted a National Record (a Competent National Authority) request for approval by my NFP they were unable to see either the Approve, Edit or Reject buttons on the open record when logged in. They repeated the logging in and out to see if this would correct the problem; but the buttons were still missing.
posted on 2020-05-05 15:49 UTC by Sean Simpkins, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10770]
Dear Anastasia,

I carried out the tests and these were my observations:
Test #1:
When I submitted information, I received no e-mail from the Secretariat as per rejection or approval, but my record status showed “Pending approval”. When I clicked on the bell icon, there was no notification but  I was able to edit draft record. When I logged in again and clicked on notification, I saw my pending requests. When I clicked on Alert tab, the information was “You was no new notifications or requests”. My record was not approved
Test #2:
In the test with genetic elements, same steps were observed, and I still got same test results even when I included in my message that record should be approved asap. When I clicked on the record, the record information was displayed, with my record status reading “DRAFT [Locked: Pending publishing request]”
We are still on test #3 and will give you feedback upon completion.


Blessing Aligwekwe
BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-05-06 06:48 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10771]
Dear Anastasia,
I did test 1 and 2. As being the BCH FP and CPB FP at the same time, I could not do the third test.
Both tests worked well. Interestingly, some of the emails received from secretariat ended up in spam folder, whereas others arrived into the inbox.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-05-06 13:19 UTC by Ms. Teele Jairus, Estonia
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10772]
Dear Anastasia,

I did test 1 and 2. Both tests worked well. 

Best regards,

Birgül GÜNER

posted on 2020-05-06 13:45 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10774]
Dear Anastasia,
I managed to perform all of the tests and I did not encounter any difficulties.
Best regards

posted on 2020-05-06 15:32 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10775]
Dear Anastasia,

Tests 1 & 2 worked as described. Encountered no issues.

Kind regards,
posted on 2020-05-06 16:30 UTC by Mr Vidyanand Mohabir, Guyana
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10784]
Dear Anastasia,

The videos were clear and easy to follow. I successfully completed Test 1. My two records for publishing are not approved as yet so I used a previous record to test the filters.

The filters works as expected for Test 2. I do have an observation about typing in words into the search window. First I typed a country name and got all the country records. Then I typed the genus name of an organism and got additional records for the organism of that genus added to the previous country results.
This suggests that the filter reads the selected words as "Country" OR "Genus". How does one search for a particular Genus within a country from the search window (i.e. "Country" AND "Genus")?

Kind regards
Suzanne Davis
BCH National Focal Point - Jamaica
posted on 2020-05-15 22:06 UTC by Ms. Suzanne Davis, Jamaica
RE: Test: Organisms and Genetic Elements; Workflow Process [#10785]
Dear Anastasia,

This is an update on my previous post: the two pending approvals were granted. Both tests successful.

Kind regards
Suzanne Davis
posted on 2020-05-15 23:59 UTC by Ms. Suzanne Davis, Jamaica