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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase

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Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10809]
Dear BCH users,

Again, thank you very much for all your feedback for helping us test the new BCH platform.

In this round, we will be testing the:
--Home Page  - the MAP section of it – and
--Country Profiles page.

TEST ASSIGNMENT: test MAP (on Home page) and Country Profiles page.

1. This step is optional. Please watch the informal video, prepared by Secretariat, that gives you an overview of the main features of the Map on the Home page, and of the Country Profiles page. It also explains the test assignment. The video may assist you in testing and it is available here: https://youtu.be/ijPvVC0mAhU.
2. Sign in to the test site: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/
3. Explore the MAP section of the Home Page.
4. Explore the Country Profiles tab and the Country Profile page for your government and other countries. Compare the Country Profiles page in new BCH to the Country Profiles page in the current BCH.
Please keep in mind that the data you see in the test site is not a true reflection of the status of the national records for your government. It is just a test data.

DEADLINE: Monday – June 29th.

We are looking forward to receiving your suggestions, comments. Please send them through this forum or you can also send them to bch@cbd.int.

Thank you for all your support and helping us in testing the new platform.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-06-15 13:21 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10812]
Dear Anastasia,
I did all the tests and it work as expected.
I have to suggestions:
1. When overview of all countries is selected, it will be very useful, if under the regions filter exist all the UN regional groups. At present I could not find this. E.g. if I want to see all countries of the WEOG group or the EE group I can't do this, as they come in different groups in this filter.
2. On the same page, if I click on a green button for a country, e.g. the CNA of Bulgaria, it sends me to the country page of Bulgaria, but does not automatically open the drop-down menu for the CNA, which is what most people (I assume) would expect.
Otherwise the page is quite useful and easy to use.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-06-16 11:29 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10814]
Dear Anastasia,

To start with, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the web page work.

I have completed the test and I haven’t encountered any problem; it is easy and convenient.

However, I would like to make some suggestions;

When I click on the decisions taken by the countries, it is easy to access such decisions. However, it may be useful to see the intended use of the decisions taken as well.

For instance, the country decisions taken by Turkey are 46. But it is not understood whether the decision is for Direct use as feed / Direct use as food / Intentional introduction into the environment etc. I guess I couldn't see the detail when I clicked on the country's decisions because it is still in the testing phase. If it is possible, it may be better to filter the decisions taken by country decisions according to their purpose (Direct use as feed / Direct use as food / Intentional introduction into the environment etc.).

(The decisions taken on the former web page could not be filtered according to the purpose of use. In addition to the decision, the icon and its objectives were shown together.)

Best regards

Birgül GÜNER

NAU of Turkey
posted on 2020-06-22 08:53 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10816]
Dear Anastasia,

Thank you for sending the detailed explanation.  Quite understandable.

Just one thing I would like to comment is;
After logging in as a Japan's NFP of CP, there is not edit button on right edge of top of the Country Profile record - the same as when I click on other countries.  I don't know the reason but can CP NFP edit the data?

Kind regards,

Fuyumi Ogawa
posted on 2020-06-24 06:28 UTC by Ms. Fuyumi Ogawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Attachement BCH testing.PNG - 67 KB
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10821]
Dear Ms. Ogawa,

Thank you for your message and thank you to everyone who has performed this particular test and sent us their comments already. We are looking into all of them.

As for the "Edit" button. There seems to be a technical glitch. The CPB focal points, in fact, can edit National Records for their government in the new BCH. The "Edit" button should appear in National Records belonging to your government only and only if you are logged in as a CPB focal point, BCH focal point or and NAU. So, you, as the CPB focal point, should be able to see it.

We will fix this. Thank you for noticing.

Kind regards,
posted on 2020-06-26 13:05 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10822]
Dear Anastasia,

First of all, I would like to say many thanks for your video with excellent explanations.
I did the test, everything works as expected.
I would like also support the Birgul`s proposal  [#10814].

Best regards,
(edited on 2020-06-26 14:56 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus)
posted on 2020-06-26 14:55 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10823]
Dear Anastasia,
The test assignment worked well. I was able to test the home page and my country’s profile by navigating through the map and directly from the country profile button. The video links on the announcement page also worked well but something was confusing. By clicking directly on “Parties to the Cartagena Protocol” and clicking on CNA and DEC , as against Nigeria,  for example, I expected to see information on CNA and DEC but I was taken back to the page showing categories of information on country profile. I expected the green buttons to be direct links to specific information sought for in a particular country.
Thank you

Blessing Aligwekwe
BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-06-29 05:25 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10824]
Dear Anastasia,
It is nicely explained in the video. Thank you for uploading the video.
The edit button as you mentioned in the video was not visualized when signed in from the NFP. Other than that every other step worked fine.
posted on 2020-06-29 15:45 UTC by Dr. Maheshi Athapaththu, Sri Lanka
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10832]
Dear Anastasia,

sorry for the late submission and this is because i am on COVID19 duty. the test went well but just would like to point out that Bhutan map is not correct. i am attaching the copy of map.

Thank you
posted on 2020-07-03 06:34 UTC by Mr. Jambay Dorji, Bhutan
Attachement Map-Bhutan.png - 31 KB
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10837]
Dear Anastasia,

My compliments for the map and the country profiles pages as well as for a crystal-clear explanatory video.

I have looked at the map and the country profiles from the perspective of how researchers and students might utilise this.

Overall, I find it excellent that you offer the combination of the map and the pull-down menus, and my observations below are mainly fine-tuning suggestions for your consideration.
1) Home button: could that bring you back to the whole map instead of the individual country?
2) The pull down ‘Overview- list of all countries’ gives a very interesting overview in which you can quickly find your way around, click on a record, and then use the ‘back’ function.  That function will also give an interesting impression how well populated the BCH is, and in which areas countries may need to be nudged to add more information.
3) The pull-down menu ‘regions’ is also helpful. In support of Nikolay’s suggestion, I would recommend a filter that allows for other any grouping of countries.
4) As to Party Status, could there also be an option ‘signatories’?
5) I find the ‘ranking’ in numbers of CAs or laws a bit peculiar, as if having may CAs or laws is somehow a qualifier. I would recommend keeping the countries in alphabetical order.
6) I support Birgül’s suggestion to be able to filter the decisions according to intended purpose of the products.

Again, with my compliments and best regards

posted on 2020-07-04 06:48 UTC by Mr. Pieter van der Meer, Ghent University
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10842]
Dear Mr. van der Meer, Mr. Tzvetkov, Ms. Guner and Ms. Mozgova,

I am responding to all of you through this message because all of you raised some similar points.

First of all thank you for taking the time to test the Maps and Country Profiles pages. We have taken all your comments/suggestions into account and will try to implement them.

Few common point that were raised:
1. Searching by regions in the ‘Overview- list of all countries’. There are quite a lot of options in the pull-down menu which are standard across many CBD applications. The WEOG, EE and other groups are within the “CBD Regional Groups” area. Please see the attached screen shot.
2. Concerning filtering and displaying decisions on Country Profiles page according to the intended use of the LMOs, we will consider this idea as work on the migration continues.

Thank you again for your support.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-07-06 15:58 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Map and Country Profiles [#10843]
Bonjour tout le monde
Très intéressant. Merci
posted on 2020-07-06 16:53 UTC by M. Abaya Abdramane Ahmat, Chad