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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase

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Testing Organizations and Labs [#10826]
Dear BCH users,

Thank you for all your feedback about Map and Country Profiles. We took note of all the comments and will be working on them.

This time we are concentrating on testing another set of Reference Records, namely:

--Biosafety Organization (ORG); and
--Laboratory for detection and identification of LMOs (LAB).

The major change is that in the old/current BCH these two records were part of ONE online and offline format. In the new BCH, they have been split into two. Please watch a short 2 min video which explains the main changes: https://youtu.be/w2srVtdfL8k.

Test Assignment #1: Biosafety Organizations

1. Log in to the SUBMIT section of the test site at: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/
2. Create a biosafety organization. Send it for publishing. Since it is a reference record, it needs to be validated and published by the Secretariat.
3. Once your record is published, go to SEARCH and find your organization.
4. Open the record and examine the display.
5. Test SEARCH interface. Organizations have been migrated from old BCH. By using various filters (on top and/or sub-filters) find an organization in the new BCH that you know exists in the old/current BCH (http://bch.cbd.int/), OR just find any organization in the old/current BCH and try searching for the same organization in the new BCH. Compare the display of results.
6. Reset filters. Test various filters in SEARCH to search for organizations.

Test Assignment #2: Laboratories

1. Log in to the SUBMIT section of the test site at: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/.
2. Create a laboratory: select the existing one or create a new one inline. Send it for publishing. Since it is a reference record, it needs to be validated and published by the Secretariat.
3. Once your record is published, go to SEARCH and find your lab.
4. Open the record and examine the display.
7. Test Search interface. Labs have been migrated from old BCH. By using various filters, find a lab in the new BCH that you know exists (http://bch.cbd.int/), OR just find any lab in the old/current BCH and try searching for the same lab in the new BCH. Compare the display of results.
8. Reset filters. Test various filters in SEARCH to search for different labs.

DEADLINE: Wednesday - 15 July.

Thank you for all your support.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-07-02 12:49 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10828]
Dear Anastasia:

I did both tests for the Organization and the testing lab, it worked very well. I've tested all buttons and I had no problem. I think separating the information on the name of the organization and the testing lab is a good idea. Gives a better picture. I congratulate you and your staff for the effort.

Best regards and stay safe.
Ma. Lorelie U. Agbagala
Asst. Scientist and NFP-BCH
posted on 2020-07-03 02:43 UTC by Ms. Maria Lorelie U. Agbagala, Philippines
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10831]
Dear Anastasia,

I tested and no problem with creating Biosafety organization. However, I had a small problem while adding laboratory record as it takes me to biosafety organization when I click ‘create’ to add laboratory name.

The other thing is when I click 'add record' there appears new window to chose from and also search on top right-hand corner. I was trying to put our laboratory name 'National Food Testing Laboratory’ and also organization name ‘Bhutan Agriculture and Food Regulatory Authority’ and it doesn’t show the result. However my organization name is there in the list. i thought search should provide related results even if i just type 'Bhutan'.  please advice me on this.
thank you very much
Jambay Dorji
posted on 2020-07-03 04:38 UTC by Mr. Jambay Dorji, Bhutan
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10846]
Dear Anastasia,

This is to just inform you that I did the test without any problems. 

Thank you and best regards,

posted on 2020-07-08 02:02 UTC by Ms. Fuyumi Ogawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10848]
Dear Anastasia,

I performed all the tests according to the instructions, and everything went smoothly.

No errors to report.

Kind regards (and soon happy summer from me),
posted on 2020-07-09 08:48 UTC by Ms. Kine Rautio Øverland, Norway
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10849]
Dear Anastasia,

I did the tests and had no problems with search and creating biosafety organization.

However, when I wanted to add the laboratory record, I was first able to create a biosafety organisation. After my biosafety organisation was approved I could choose it from the list and make a laboratory out of it.

Best regards,
posted on 2020-07-09 13:16 UTC by Ms. Teele Jairus, Estonia
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10850]
Dear Ms. Jairus,

Thank you for performing the test.

It is exactly how it is supposed to work with adding new Labs. To create a new Lab, you need to use the “Add record” button. You will see a list of all Biosafety Organizations that already exist in the BCH. If your Lab is the same as the organization that already exists in the BCH, simply find it and select it from the list and click “Select”. If the organization does not exist, then you can create your Lab (organization) inline by clicking on the “Create” button and then on “Biosafety Organizations”. This will open the “Biosafety Organizations” online format which is used for creating the new Lab. Since Organizations and Labs are reference records they need to be validated and published by the Secretarial.

So, what you did was correct.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-07-09 13:55 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10851]
Dear Anastasia,
I did the test and all work fine, incl. linkage to records still pending approval.
Just a quick question. If I want to link a record, to another record that is still pending approval, can I do this to all records pending approval, only to the records I created myself or to the records created by all Bulgarian users?
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-07-09 14:39 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10852]
Dear Mr Tzvetkov,

Thank you very much for performing the test.

In response to your question, we currently do not support linking draft records or "pending approval" records, the only time "pending approval" records are linked is when you create a new inline record and do not have permission to published the record, in such case the pending record is linked. We are considering supporting this feature in future in which case you will be able to link all records which are either draft or "pending approval" from all national users of your government, in your case Bulgaria.

Kind regards,

posted on 2020-07-10 12:47 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10853]
Dear Anastasia

Thank you for your continuous efforts to make it better for users.
I did try for both test items, only to find that the function 'Add file" has not yet gone to successfully load PDF, PPT files other than files of Exel, Word. I think you already have it in mind to make it complete later.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-07-14 07:30 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10854]
Dear Anastacia,

Hello and Good Day!

I already tested the two records (organization and laboratory) and I did not find any major issue. It is also good to see an immediate notification that the record is valid. (but still for approval of SCBD). I also tested the search and I found out the record on laboratory that I submitted.

Adding link is ok, but there is an issue in uploading file like what Dr. Homin Jang has mentioned. Kindly take a look at it. 

Best regards.

posted on 2020-07-14 13:24 UTC by Dr. Ruel Maningas, UN Environment Program- Global Environment Facility (UNEP-GEF)
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10855]
Dear Anastasia,
The tests were performed, and some observations made. The “create” tab for the creation of new record for contact person (in the case of biosafety organizations) should appear on the same column with ‘All,  My Records and Selected’….., rather than putting it under the ‘Selected’ tab. To narrow search in organization coordinates, it is suggested that countries starting with a particular letter should appear once that letter is typed.
For the creation of new record for laboratory, it was difficult to create a new laboratory inline. When I clicked on ‘Add record’ under laboratory name and coordinates, then ‘create’, it gave only an option for Biosafety organization. I expected to see a form that will make provision to fill in the name of the laboratory and its coordinates in case it is not under any organization in the database.
Comparing display of information, the display is the same in both old and new bch.

Blessing Aligwekwe
BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-07-15 19:26 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10856]
Dear Anastasia,
I did both tests, everything goes well. Performance is also good. The only issue, when I started register Laboratory for GMO detection, it proposed to search already published or register new biosafety organisation. May be it would be better to change the title to Laboratory for GMO Detection.

Best regards,
posted on 2020-07-15 20:09 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10857]
Dear Anastasia,
Even though I  realized that both ORG and LAB that I submitted were both published,  today I decided to register the LAB again using the simple approach of filling only the mandatory fields unlike in the previous submissions where I deliberately filled every field for proper testing as you had advised earlier...
It went smoothly.
However, I was a bit confused when clicking to create lab but having "organization" drop down, knowing that I had just submitted organization.
Without prejudice to any other pertinent comments already made, my conclusions are that with the right data, users will be able to submit real  information successfully onto the New BCH platform.
The searching also, is OK.
Best wishes,
posted on 2020-07-15 22:38 UTC by Ms. Lilian NFOR, Holy See
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10858]
Dear Anastasia,
I have performed the test as required. Creation of a biosafety organisation was easy, validation by the Secretariat was also quick and smooth. However, I was not able to find this record using filters. E.g. I tried to use "country - Czech Republic" and "published last seven days" - and "No records found" was displayed as a result. I tried to repeat searching (also using different filters) several times without success. Kind Regards, Hana
posted on 2020-07-16 11:50 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10862]
Dear BCH users,

Thank you for all your feedback on Organizations and Labs.

We are looking into all the comments and issues and will try to implement/fix them (including filtering by "Country").

One common feedback that came up is regarding the creation of a new Lab record. We do understand that it might be confusing at first and it takes some time to getting used to it. We are working on making it a bit more intuitive.

As you know, in old/current BCH, to create a new Lab, you first needed to enter coordinates and details about an organization. In the new BCH, the same principal is retained. When you create a new lab: you have two options - either select an organization that is also a lab and that already exists in the BCH; or create a new record by using the "Organization"'s format. Instead of transferring all the fields that need to be completed in the "Organization" format to the Lab format, we just made it possible to create a new Lab inline by connecting it to the "Organization" format.

Thank you and kind regards,

posted on 2020-07-16 18:19 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10862] [#10865]
Dear Anastasia,

Indeed, the activity was very confusing at first and I did not know where and how to start, but later got used to the test field after taking note of some relevant features such as the filters at the top and sub-filters at the bottom. It took diligence and proper analysis of feed-backs from other BCH users to harness the numerous resources in the search field. The detailed display of records and information on the various icons and records underscores the import of the new BCH, compared to the old, which is not as sophisticated.

In the new BCH, I observed a distinct and proper location of filters and sub-filters, reference records, icons and tabs which are some of the unique features aiding search in the test activities and in navigating the coordinates.

The test assignment 1, on creating a biosafety organisation came out successful, after a more critical look at the details provided by your step to step guide through the mails, the functional and effective video links and reference records.

However, 1was not able to create a new laboratory, as none was linked to the organization. I am still very interested in creating one.

I commend your great efforts, together with the SCBD's support; and in total agreement with the idea of retaining some principles of the old BCH, while taking bold steps towards making the search more intuitive in the new BCH. In the interim, the new BCH is a great landmark in the SCBD's pedagogy. It is the right way to go.

Kind regards,

Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu - Nigeria
RE: Testing Organizations and Labs [#10934]
Dear Anastasia,

Testing of both reference records; the biosafety organisation and laboratory for the detection and identification of LMOs, was very useful to me, despite initial challenges encountered in understanding the process. It was a great, innovative and rewarding activity, worthy of application and validation beyond BCH boundaries by the CBD Secretariat.

I have performed both tests and they worked perfectly. I sincerely appreciate feedbacks from other BCH user and the numerous resources posted by Anastasia Beliaeva for further clarifications. They were all very useful.

I believe the distinction in nomenclature, regarding the reference records enhances proper identification of both; and streamlines related activities, regarding their functions and roles. It also highlights performance and indicates improvement over the old BCH which clearly explains why the new BCH should obtain.  Migration to the new BCH therefore, is mandatory as the old has been substituted by adequate provisions under the new BCH hegemony, as revealed by this testing exercise.

Kind regards,

Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu - Nigeria