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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase
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Testing "Matrix"
Dear BCH users, This time we are asking for your help in testing the “Matrix” view type in the new BCH. This test assignment is for all users. It applies to the Search interface so no log is required. The "Matrix" view allows you to generate various tabular displays of data, perform calculations and generate various charts. We are not giving you any specific scenarios as we want you to come up with your own. Think of how you would use this view and then test the system accordingly. To help you navigate through this view type and understand it better, please watch this informal VIDEO (approx. 14 min long) which explains some key features of the "Matrix": https://youtu.be/_ntdKk0R0psWe will be testing this feature together with you. DEADLINE: Friday - 27 November. Thank you for all your support. Kind regards, Anastasia
posted on 2020-11-06 13:39 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
Everything worked smoothly, apart from the fact that there was no 'stacked bar chart' available in the drop down menu.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-11-12 13:37 UTC by Mrs. Voskehat Grigoryan, Armenia
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Mr. Grigoryan,
Thank you for testing the Matrix.
Please reload the page and look for the 'stacked bar chart' again. Please let us know if it worked.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-11-13 15:26 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
Yes, it did work when I re-opened it. Also, the 'download as png' for the stacked chart and 'export as excel' for the table are very interesting features and they worked smoothly.
Thank you,
posted on 2020-11-19 06:45 UTC by Mrs. Voskehat Grigoryan, Armenia
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia, It worked fine for me, but I have some suggestions: 1. When we put the movable boxes for the options on columns and rows, it is not immediately obvious that their order is reflected in the hierarchy. This a useful feature, and once training video is made it better be explained, e.g. by showing the effect of switching order. It will also useful if the order of the columns and rows can be chosen by the user (that's not critical here, as it can be done in Excel, but still might be useful). 2. When choosing the ordering options, it will be useful to get a small box explaining when move the cursor over the arrows. In addition,, when I have a few columns it seems that the ordering is on the basis of the total counts. Can one choose the column that contains the values for ordering? 3. In relation with the above, may be when we choose subcategories (e.g. within record type) they can also be displayed as boxes that can be moved and use this for ordering. 4. When exporting the views, can there be other options except png format and Excel? In general the Matrix view is a very useful feature, but it needs some working with it in order to get used to. Best Regards, Nikolay
posted on 2020-11-16 10:18 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
thank you very much for presenting this upgraded Matrix-view! I do agree with Nikolay [#10986], working with this feature does need some time to get used to, as not all functionalities are intuitive, but this can be very useful!
I would like to support Nikolay’s point number 2: It would be helpful if it was indicated what the little horizontal/ vertical arrows sort by.
Also, I found the zoom function for the bar and chart views (which are generally very nice!) not very user-friendly. The zoom in and out (+ and - icons) jump from a very far to a very close zoom quite quickly. The custom zoom (zoom icon) is a little more intuitive. For both ways to zoom in, however, it took me quite a while to find a way to move the zoomed view up and down (it might be me, because I didn’t know what the ‘pan’ icon meant).
I also found one issue for which I don’t know if it maybe a general error… I could not display National Focal Points in the Matrix. NFPs are not included in the Matrix’s drop-down menu with the record types, and if I select NFP as a record type for the general search bar above, I only get an empty display in the Matrix. I have repeatedly cleared my selections and tried again for different regions or countries, but it didn’t work.
Being able to export the tables as excel files and to also export the pictures and is very nice. Both worked well for me. Also, the heat map view is an extremely nice feature to get a broad overview!
In general, the Matrix view might need some more detailed work to make it more intuitive and easy to handle, but this will then be a very helpful tool! Thank you and the entire BCH team for the great work so far!
Best regards, Nina
posted on 2020-11-16 15:30 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Nina and Nikolay,
Thank you very much for your comments and suggestions. We will look into all of them.
Just a quick clarification on one point: with respect to NFPs, there is no data in the development site yet. That is why "Matrix" does not generate any views. The same applies to national reports and other formats that are still under development, like BIRC, for example.
Again, thank you very much for testing this interesting feature!
Kind regards.
posted on 2020-11-18 19:37 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
thank you very much for the clear and informative video instructions. The matrix view works fine and I find the various display options and charts very useful. Unfortunately, I still have problems with applying the filters. When using my laptop, the "apply-button" is not visable since the lower section of the filter-window is out of sight.
posted on 2020-11-26 08:11 UTC by Ms. Anita Greiter, Austria
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Ms. Greiter,
Thank you for your feedback.
In the Search interface, there are no apply filter/ search buttons in the new platform. The updates are real-time meaning the moment you check a filter the system runs the query in the background and updates the search result without stopping the user from adding more filters.
If you have more questions, please write to us.
posted on 2020-11-26 16:44 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you very much to you and team.
The matrix view works fine and I find the various display options and charts very useful. Especially excel option is very useful.
posted on 2020-11-26 19:57 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Testing "Matrix"
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you very much for the very informative video, it was really helpful.
I have played different scenarios and it was very interesting, I didn`t experience any problem. Tool is very interactive, and especially I liked different options for presenting material that could be easily downloaded and used in a daily work.
Many thanks to you and all the team.
All the best, Galina
posted on 2020-11-27 08:55 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus