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TESTING of new BCH platform - Third Phase

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Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11021]
Dear BCH users,

We have now reached Phase 3 of the testing process, meaning we will be testing the set (final) of online formats which are the most complex ones.

We are starting with: “Biosafety Laws, Regulations, Guidelines and Agreements (LAW)”.
This online format is used in the new BCH (like in the old/current BCH) for registering laws, regulations, guidelines for the implementation of the Protocol, as well as bilateral, regional and multilateral agreements and arrangements.


FOR WHOM: This test is for national users only: BCH FPs, CPB FPs and NAUs.

VIDEO: available at: https://youtu.be/n99Zr62U9kk

The video is about 9 min long. At the beginning I explain briefly the old/current BCH and then I explain the main changes made to this format in the new BCH, and the test assignment.


1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/register.
2. Using the LAW online format, create a "LAW" record (law, regulation, guideline).
3. Find your created record in "Search".
4. Updated your record and find it in "Search".
5. Amend your record and examine the "Search".
6. Test Search by using different filters (global and sub-filters) to find records.
7. See if your created "LAW" record(s) has(ve) been added to the Country Profile page for your country.

You can create as many "LAW" records as you wish. This is a test site and anything you do in it will not affect your national records in old/current BCH!

DEADLINE: Please send us your feedback and comments by Monday - 22 February.

Thank you for helping us to test this format. We really count on your support and feedback.

Kind regards,

(edited on 2021-02-01 16:34 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
posted on 2021-02-01 16:33 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11023]
Dear Anastasia,
I tried entering new law and creating a new entry as an amendment of an existing entry. This worked fine. Also searching.
But I had a problem when I tried to edit the existing entry as different from entering an amendment. For example if I want to correct an error in the text. I edit it, but when I went to the preview it requested information on the amendment, although it was not an amendment. So even for such trivial change it seems I have to choose amendment of an existing law.
So it will be useful, if this is sorted out. So that we can edit an existing entry without necessary amending it.
One more minor issue: When I had to choose the scope of organisms covered by the law, I got 3 main fields - VIRUSES, ALL ORGANISMS (which contain viruses as subentry) and OTHER. I think it will be useful if Viruses and Others are subentries of All Organisms. Interestingly, when I was creating and amendment I did not have the VIRUSES as stand alone entry.
Best Regards,
posted on 2021-02-02 09:57 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11027]
I agree with Nikolay. It would be very helpful to be able to correct an existing record and to distinct between amendment and correction.
best regards
posted on 2021-02-10 12:57 UTC by Ms. Anita Greiter, Austria
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11026]
Hi, Anastasia - I performed the "biosafety law" addition & amendment exercise & it went very smoothly indeed. No problems to speak of.

Kind regards,

posted on 2021-02-09 22:56 UTC by Mr. Fred Phillips, Barbados
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11029]
Dear Anastasia,

Overall, testing the redesigned format Biosafety law did not cause any trouble. The format is self-explanatory, after publishing the record was displayed correctly and could be exported without any problem.

Just a few minor things that I would like to report:

As observed by others [#11021, #11023] editing a newly entered record was not possible. The system automatically treats it as an amendment. Interestingly, I experienced this only for newly entered records. If I tried to edit a record that has been migrated from the current BCH, I was able to do so.

In my personal view the sections “Types of organisms addressed” and “Subject areas” might contain confusing information if one chose the superordinate categories. Published records do not only display the superordinate category but additionally all sub-categories. (This is also solely observed for newly entered records.)

I agree with Nikolay [#11021] that it would make most sense to classify “viruses” as a sub-type of “All types of organisms” in the “Types of LMOs addressed” section.

Kind regards,
posted on 2021-02-19 10:21 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11030]
Dear Daniela,

Thank you.

We will examine all the comments carefully.

We already made one change based on Nikolay's comment earlier about making "Other" appearing as a sub-type of “All types of organisms” (and not as a separate entity) in the “Types of organism addressed” section. This applies to "Viruses" as well. We also re-examined other formats and made this change in some other formats where this information is required.

We will look into the others "LAW" comments/issues as well!

On another note, we have fixed the "loading" issue for BCP format ("Country Profile for Biosafety Clearing -House") and also made some cosmetic modification to the text within the format, as well as added a title to the section that users can update on the actual Country Profile page. We hope this will make it more clear what that format is all about. You can have a look.

Thank you again and kind regards,

posted on 2021-02-19 20:12 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11031]
Hi Anastasia,

I have performed the test, and everything works fine.

Kind regards,

Birgül GÜNER, Turkey
posted on 2021-02-22 11:09 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11032]
Dear Anastasia,
I tried to perform the test as required. Unfortunately, I was not able to publish a new law for testing purposes. My record seemed to be fine as it was assessed as "valid" by the system in the review window. However, when I had tried to publish it, the system announced "Your action to publish was not successful" (I tried to publish it 3x).  Thus I tried to work with a draft record only. But it was impossible to find this draft using various filters, e.g. countries, date of creating (not publishing) of the record. I did not finalise the test as I encountered these obstacles. This happened to me for the first time :-(
Best regards, Hana
posted on 2021-02-22 13:04 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11033]
Dear Ms. Jiráková,

Thank you for performing the test and bringing the issues to our attention.

I was unable to publish records for some time too. Apparently, there was a bug in the system which we have now fixed. Please try again.

As for finding "Draft" records, you cannot use Search to find them. "Search" interface is only for published records. To find your draft record, you need to do it from Submit. Just click on the  record type from your Dashboard (for example, LAW). This will open the full list of all existing records for that type ("published", "draft", "pending approval"). Then click on the "Edit" button. I have attached screen shots herewith to illustrate this.

Kind regards,

posted on 2021-02-23 14:14 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety LAW" online format [#11034]
Dear Anastasia,
many thanks for all your assistance and for fixing the bug, now everything works fine. Now I am able to create and publish a new law with absolutely no problem. Searching for this record using various types of filters also works smoothly. The record is visible in the our country profile.  The only problem I have encountered relates to editing the record - systems identifies editing as a amendment and asks for details. This was already reported by other testers.
Kind Regards, Hana
posted on 2021-02-24 10:25 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic