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BCH Migration/4th National Reports

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Report Analyzer is now active in preview version of new BCH platform! [#9857]
Dear Forum Participants,

This is another development news concerning online format for 4th National Report.

The Report Analyzer is now active and working in the preview version of the new BCH. You can access it by selecting the National Reports on the top bar (please see image below) or here is the direct link: https://beta.bch.cbd.int/en/reports.

You can now track submission of fourth national reports by other Parties and Governments.

Kind regards,
posted on 2019-09-03 16:32 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Report Analyzer is now active in preview version of new BCH platform! [#9963]
Bonsoir Madame,
Je veux comprendre le quatrième rapport national dont  les uns et les autres demandent à son sujet des informations  au cours  des échanges du forum et le quatrième rapport national  sur le Protocole de Cartagena sur la prévention des risques biotechnologiques que ex Point Focal du Mali Dr. Mouhamadou TRAORE vient de m'envoyer pour publication sur votre Site.
Madame est ce que je peux avoir plus d'éclaircissement.
Dans l'attente d'une réponse positive,recevez mes sincères salutations.
posted on 2019-09-26 16:36 UTC by Mme. Bagayoko Mama Diarra, Mali
RE: Report Analyzer is now active in preview version of new BCH platform! [#9964]
Bonjour Mme Diarra,

Nous félicitons votre government pour d'avoir terminé le quatrième rapport national sur l'application du Protocole de Cartagena sur la biosécurité (NR4).

Maintenant, en votre qualité de point focal national pour le BCH, nous vous serions reconnaissants de bien vouloir soumettre le rapport en ligne à l'adresse suivante: https://beta.bch.cbd.int/register/NR4

Veuillez consulter la Foire aux questions (FAQ) à https://beta.bch.cbd.int/fr/articles/5d2cdcd0620471000183573f pour des instructions détaillées sur la façon de soumettre le rapport (question 3). La question 6 explique comment choisir la langue.

Si vous avez des questions pendant ce processus, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.


posted on 2019-09-26 19:33 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Report Analyzer is now active in preview version of new BCH platform! [#9965]
Dear colleagues,

I would lile to join the congratulations for Anastasia with her new job duties in the Biosafety Clearing House and wish to Anastasia success and performances!

As I have just submitted the Moldovan IV National Report to the CPB via the BCH online form, I would like to come with some of my comments regarding the usefulness of the new platform of the BCH.
- In the submission on-line form of the IV NR to CPB, when I saved the draft of the report and click "Review, I would like to have an option to transfer the draft"into a PDF format, that would give possibility to work with the draft in a paper copy and provide final consultations with the stakeholders and the decisional people.
- The "Report Analyzer"doesn't work for me when I try to find a former report III, no content od the reprot is visual.
- in the new version of the BCH platform I can't find the published version of the previous reports I-III, they are not available at the moment. I can't access them from the country profile recording data. Can we check this technical option?

Many thanks for your opening and willingness to provide support and advise in using the new BCH platform.

Best wishes,

Angela Lozan, PhD
posted on 2019-09-30 09:08 UTC by Ms. Angela Lozan, Republic of Moldova
RE: Report Analyzer is now active in preview version of new BCH platform! [#9966]
Hi Angela,

Thank you very much for registering the report online and also for your comments/suggestions.

Here are my answers:

--Transfer of the "draft" into a PDF format. This feature will be implemented eventually in the next version.

--Country Profile option is not available in the new preview version yet. In the current BCH, one cannot use that option to find a report either. That is true.

--In the new BCH platform, there will be a much easier way to find current and previous reports. This is coming soon. But  you can also find the reports in the Report Analyzer in the preview version. Please follow these steps:

1. In National Reports section, select a) the type of report, b) your country (Republic of Moldova). Then c) click the "Analyze" Button. See Capture 1 attached.
2. Click on the arrow underneath "Republic of Moldova". See Capture 2.
3. Click on "MD" - see Capture 3. In this case, the third national report for Moldova will be opened. See Capture 4.

You can follow the same steps to see all other previous reports.

I hope this helps.

Kind regards,

posted on 2019-09-30 18:11 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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