Nopaline Synthase Gene | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium) | BCH-GENE-SCBD-15171 | Genetic element | Biosafety Clearing-House

Genetic element (GENE)
published: 20 Jun 2006 last updated: 24 Jul 2012
General information
Nopaline Synthase Gene
Protein coding sequence
Donor organism
Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4
Characteristics of the protein coding sequence
Nopaline synthase
Nopaline synthase is an enzyme which catalyses the synthesis of nopaline, an opine which is formed as the result of the condensation of the amino acid arginine and alpha-ketoglutaric acid. When wild-type A. tumefaciens infects a host plant, the opine synthase gene present on the T-DNA region of the Ti plasmid of the bacterium directs infected host cells to synthesize an opine, such as nopaline. The type of opine produced is specific to the particular strain of A. tumefaciens. Opines are metabolized as a source of carbon and nitrogen only by a bacterium possessing a Ti-plasmid and the gene specific for catabolism of the particular opine.

This trait is introduced to permit the identification of transformed plant embryos.
Additional Information
Records referencing this document Show in search
Record type Field Record(s)
Laboratory for detection and identification of LMOs Genetic element(s) detectable by the laboratory 3
Living Modified Organism Introduced or modified genetic element(s) 3
Living Modified Organism Genetic elements construct 3