ACS-BNØØ2-5 - InVigor™ canola | BCH-LMO-SCBD-14754 | Living Modified Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Living Modified Organism (LMO)
Decisions on the LMO Risk Assessments  
last updated: 27 May 2013
Living Modified Organism identity
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InVigor™ canola
RF2 (B94-2)
Canola fertility restoration system displaying glufosinate herbicide tolerance. Contains the barstar gene from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, and the bar gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus to confer tolerance to the herbicide phosphinothricin (Glufosinate ammonium).  Also contains neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) conferring kanamycin resistance.
The term “Recipient organism” refers to an organism (either already modified or non-modified) that was subjected to genetic modification, whereas “Parental organisms” refers to those that were involved in cross breeding or cell fusion.
  • ACS-BNØØ1-4 - InVigor™ canola
    | Bayer CropScience | Changes in physiology and/or production (Fertility restoration), Resistance to antibiotics (Kanamycin), Resistance to herbicides (Glufosinate)
  • ACS-BNØØ4-7 - InVigor™ canola
    | Bayer CropScience | Changes in physiology and/or production (Reproduction, Male sterility), Resistance to antibiotics (Kanamycin), Resistance to herbicides (Glufosinate)
Characteristics of the modification process
  • Agrobacterium-mediated DNA transfer
Some of these genetic elements may be present as fragments or truncated forms. Please see notes below, where applicable.
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-14974-7 Barstar | Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (BACAM)
    Protein coding sequence | Changes in physiology and/or production (Fertility restoration)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-14972-12 Phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase gene | Streptomyces hygroscopicus (STRHY)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to herbicides (Glufosinate)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-15001-5 Neomycin Phosphotransferase II | Escherichia coli (ECOLX)
    Protein coding sequence | Resistance to antibiotics (Kanamycin)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-101407-6 pTA29 pollen specific promoter | Nicotiana tabacum (Tobacco, TOBAC )
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100269-8 Nopaline Synthase Gene Terminator | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-103851-5 rbcS Promoter | Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale cress, Mouse-ear cress, Arabidopsis, ARATH)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-101902-4 rbcS Transit Peptide | Arabidopsis thaliana (Thale cress, Mouse-ear cress, Arabidopsis, ARATH)
    Transit signal
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-103067-9 Transcript 7 gene 3' untranslated region | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100270-6 Nopaline Synthase Gene Promoter | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
  • BCH-GENE-SCBD-100271-5 Octopine Synthase Gene Terminator | Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Agrobacterium)
Southern blot analysis indicated that a single copy of the T-DNA was inserted into the host genome at a single site. There was no indication from the tests that any sequences from the vector backbone were integrated into the genome.
LMO characteristics
  • Food
  • Feed
Additional Information
Transgenic RF2 plants contain the barstar gene, isolated from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The barstar gene codes for a ribonuclease inhibitor (barstar enzyme) expressed only in the tapetum cells of the pollen sac during anther development. The ribonuclease inhibitor (barstar enzyme) inhibits barnase RNAse expressed by lines engineered to be male steril and together, the RNAse and the ribonuclease inhibitor form a very stable one-to-one complex, in which the RNAse is inactivated. As a result, when pollen from the restorer line RF2 is crossed to a male sterile line, the resultant progeny express the RNAse inhibitor in the tapetum cells of the anthers, allowing hybrid plants to develop normal anthers and restoring fertility.

RF2 was also engineered to express tolerance to glufosinate ammonium, the active ingredient in phosphinothricin herbicides (Basta®, Rely®, Finale®, and Liberty®). Glufosinate chemically resembles the amino acid glutamate and acts to inhibit an enzyme, called glutamine synthetase, which is involved in the synthesis of glutamine. Essentially, glufosinate acts enough like glutamate, the molecule used by glutamine synthetase to make glutamine, that it blocks the enzyme's usual activity. Glutamine synthetase is also involved in ammonia detoxification. The action of glufosinate results in reduced glutamine levels and a corresponding increase in concentrations of ammonia in plant tissues, leading to cell membrane disruption and cessation of photosynthesis resulting in plant withering and death.

Glufosinate tolerance in this canola line was the result of introducing a gene encoding the enzyme phosphinothricin-N-acetyltransferase (PAT) isolated from the common aerobic soil actinomycete, Streptomyces hygroscopicus. The PAT enzyme catalyzes the acetylation of phosphinothricin, detoxifying it into an inactive compound. The PAT enzyme is not known to have any toxic properties.
Records referencing this document Show in search
Record type Field Record(s)
Laboratory for detection and identification of LMOs LMO(s) detectable by the laboratory 7
Risk Assessment generated by a regulatory process Living modified organism(s) 2
Country's Decision or any other Communication Living modified organism(s) 8
Living Modified Organism Recipient Organism” or “Parental Organisms 1
Living Modified Organism Related LMO(s) 2