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AHTEG 2023-2024

In its decision CP-10/10, the COP-MOP established an Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) with a mandate to meet twice, subject to the availability of funds and prior to the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, with at least one of the meetings being face-to-face, and perform necessary tasks between its two meetings supported by online means of communication and engagement.

In accordance with its terms of reference the AHTEG will, taking into account the work undertaken by the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology:

  • Develop additional voluntary guidance materials for conducting case-by-case risk assessments of living modified organisms containing engineered gene drives in accordance with annex III of the Protocol. A specific focus of this material should be engineered gene drive mosquitos taking into account the current experience with the organism, the type of gene drive and specific issues of risk assessment, identified in annex I to decision CP-9/13, including existing reports, general considerations of living modified organisms containing engineered gene drives, and existing national and regional risk assessment experiences;
  • Analyse the information submitted by Parties as per paragraph 8 and, on the basis of this, prepare a list of prioritized topics on which further guidance materials on risk assessment may be needed according to criteria in decision CP-9/13, annex I;
  • Prepare a report, including draft additional voluntary guidance materials on living modified organisms containing engineered gene drives and a list of prioritized topics as per paragraph (e) above, on which further guidance materials on risk assessment may be needed, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice.

For more information, please refer to the calendar of activities.