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TESTING of new BCH platform - First Phase
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Simple Test Assignment
Dear Forum Participants, Further to my previous messages, to assist you with the testing of the new BCH platform, we would like to ask you to perform the following SIMPLE TEST (PLEASE REFER TO YOUR RESPECTIVE ROLE BELOW): IF YOU are a BCH FOCAL POINT, perform the following: 1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/2. Click on SUBMIT tab (on the bar on top). 3. Create and publish a new COMPETENT NATIONAL AUTHORITY (CNA). Remember, this is a test data and will not affect any current national records of your country and will not appear in the old/current BCH. 4. Once you see that the record is "Published", click on SEARCH tab (on the bar on top). 5. In the SEARCH interface, search for the CNA you have just created. 6. Go back to SUBMIT section and try to edit (or delete) and re-publish the same CNA record. 7. Go back to SEARCH, find the edited record and verify the changes made. Please use the “?” mark at the bottom of the screen to ask questions (if need be) online during the process. During the above process, you can also save the record and come back to publishing it later. After this test, please send us your feedback with your experience with the above process by March 25th. ****************** IF YOU ARE a CARTAGENA PROTOCOL FOCAL POINT (CPB FP) or a NATIONAL AUTHORIZED USER (NAU), perform the following: 1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/2. Click on SUBMIT tab (on the bar on top). 3. Create a new COMPETENT NATIONAL AUTHORITY (CNA). Remember, this is a test data and will not affect any current national records of your country and will not appear in the old/current BCH. 4. Click on "Publish". Your request will be sent to the BCH Focal Point who will need to approve and publish the record you just entered. 5. After the record is published by the BCH FP you will see its status as "Published". Click on SEARCH tab (on top bar) and, in the SEARCH interface, try to find the CNA you have created and that has been published. 6. Optional: you can go back to SUBMIT and try editing or deleting your record. But, only the BCH focal point will have the right to validate your changes. Please use the “?” mark at the bottom of the screen to ask questions (if need be) online during the process. After this test, please send us your feedback with your experience with the above process by March 25th. ****************** IF YOU ARE A REGISTERED BCH USER (NOT a focal point) and would like to CREATE A RECORD: 1. Log in to https://bch.cbddev.xyz/2. Click on SUBMIT tab (on the bar on top). 3. Create and publish a new CONTACT. Remember, this is a test data and will not affect any current records and will not be reflected in the old/current BCH. 4. Optional: try editing or deleting your record. This "Submit" process is the same for all types of records in the new BCH. To simply SEARCH: 1. Click on SEARCH tab (see top bar) and, in the SEARCH interface, try searching for any type of records to see how the new search works, as well as to see the new display of records. Please use the “?” mark at the bottom of the screen to ask questions (if need be) online during the process. After this, please send us your feedback with your experience with the above process by March 25th. I am re-attaching the short graphical overview of the new SEARCH interface for ease of reference. We look forward to receiving your comments. Thank you and kindest regards, Anastasia Beliaeva (Ms.) Programme Management Assistant (Biosafety Clearing-House - BCH) Biosafety Unit Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity World Trade Center 413 St. Jacques Str. Office 800 Montreal, QC H2Y 1N9 Canada Tel.: +1 514 287 8713 Fax: +1 514 288 6588 E-mail: anastasia.beliaeva@cbd.intWebsite: http://www.cbd.int/
(edited on 2020-03-18 20:37 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
posted on 2020-03-18 19:37 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you very much for informing us about New BCH and how it differs from the old site. And many thanks for all your clarifications.
I tried to do an exercise and download CNV. Actually it was simple, and I think for me it is convenient way to download information.
But when I tried to make corrections, the system hung.
Best regurds, Galina
posted on 2020-03-23 14:24 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, I did the recommended tests to enter, edit and search records. All worked fine to me. I was logged as BCH FP/ CPB FP. Best Regards, Nikolay
posted on 2020-03-23 15:02 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Thank you very much.
posted on 2020-03-23 15:59 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Thanks Galina. I am checking with our IT. Will get back to you.
posted on 2020-03-23 16:00 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I have tried to correct information at home, and now it works perfectly. I think the internet may have been overloaded at work.
So everything is ok. It`s really work good and fast.
posted on 2020-03-23 17:33 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, I just tested the new platform. Everything works well for me. With regards,
posted on 2020-03-24 08:40 UTC by Mrs. Inese Aleksejeva, Latvia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
This went as well as could be expected, after I got the hang of it. It worked fine.
Best regards, Sigurdur
posted on 2020-03-24 09:53 UTC by Mr. Sigurdur Thrainsson, Iceland
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you very much for informing us about New BCH and how it differs from the old site. And many thanks for all your clarifications.
I tried to do an exercise and download CNV. Actually it was simple, and I think for me it is convenient way to download information. Best Regards, Belal Qtishat
posted on 2020-03-24 10:48 UTC by Mr. Bilal Qteshat, Jordan
RE: Simple Test Assignment
I have already done the test and no error was detected but as we do not have the focal point of BCH then the submitted information is not validated and is pending. Is there any situation to consider in this case or will I have to do something more to find out.
Best regards
posted on 2020-03-24 11:33 UTC by Mr. Iderlindo Jorge Silva dos Santos, Cabo Verde
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, Thanks for the Simple Test Assignment on the new BCH. Mine is okey and no errors. Kind regards
posted on 2020-03-24 11:52 UTC by Mr. Christopher Simuntala, Zambia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I did the suggested steps in the first phase of testing of the new BCH platform (create, edit and search record). All worked.
Best regards
posted on 2020-03-24 12:50 UTC by Ms. Natália Mogelská, Slovakia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
thank you for the detailed instructions. Our BCH Focal Point and I (NAU) performed the tests together and all worked fine! More detailed feedback on our test of the new platform will follow shortly.
Thanks for your support and all the hard work on the mirgration! Best regards, Nina
posted on 2020-03-24 13:06 UTC by Ms. Nina Keiss, Germany
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you for the Simple Test Assignment on the new BCH. I don't think that there were any problems. Mine is okey and no errors.
Kind regards, Ali
posted on 2020-03-24 13:18 UTC by Mr. Ali Reza Sadeghi, Ministry of the Environment
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, We did enter new data on CNA, and it worked well, untill approval step. We were before logged as BCH user and as NFP BCH after, were correctly approving the information without problem. And we found easily old information for upload of old information and contacts. Best regards,
Pierre Rahagalala, NAU Jean Roger, NFP BCH Madagascar
posted on 2020-03-24 13:37 UTC by M. Pierre Rahagalala, Madagascar
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you for the new Platform. I find it very good. I tried to sumit CNA, and it work well and without problem.
Best regards.
Mostafa Madbouhi, NBCH FP of Morocco.
posted on 2020-03-24 15:26 UTC by M. Mostafa Madbouhi, Morocco
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastassia, We performed the test assignment following the test scripts as a BCH-NFP and NAU and everything went smoothly.
Best regards, Marco Gielkens ---------------------------------------------------------------- National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Centre for Safety of Substances and Products (VSP) Department for Gene Technology and Biological Safety (GMO Office) P.O. Box 1, NL-3720 BA, Bilthoven, the Netherlands T: +31 (0)30 2744179
posted on 2020-03-24 16:08 UTC by Dr. Marco Gielkens, Netherlands
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
The New Platform worked very well for me when I submitted the new CNA. I found no problem. Best regards, Rita Andorkó
posted on 2020-03-24 16:10 UTC by Dr. Rita Andorkó, Hungary
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you for the new Platform. I have tried to submit CNA, and it worked without any problem.
Best regards.
Birgül GÜNER , NAU for Turkey
posted on 2020-03-24 17:06 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
i have done the recommended test to do for the new website. published new the CNA, edited but after submitted and published i tried to delete it but says that ''processing'' and refuse to delete it.
attached screenshot taken after activities done.
posted on 2020-03-24 17:08 UTC by Mr. Khalif Hassan Dalmar, Office of the Prime Minister
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, I have tested the new platform. Everything works well. Kind regards, Hana Jirakova BCH and CPB NFP
posted on 2020-03-24 18:05 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, I have completed the simple test without any problem. I was able to edit, review and published CNA. Regards Theophilus M.Mutui
posted on 2020-03-24 18:14 UTC by Prof. Theophilus Mwendwa Mutui, Kenya
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
thank you for a very nice new BCH platform. It is fully workable and useful for us.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-03-24 19:00 UTC by Ms. Angela Lozan, Republic of Moldova
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I diid the the recommended tests suggested. All worked well except deleting the newly made CNA. Then it said "processing", but coul not finish.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-03-25 06:15 UTC by Ms. Teele Jairus, Estonia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Tested what is required to try, and confirm that there was no problem with it but with the red *marked item without which the data from us could be posted. I think it may require a correction if the red *mark is meant to indicate "surely need to be provided along".
Thank you, Homin
posted on 2020-03-25 07:34 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I performed the simple test and it all worked well!
All the best, Kine
posted on 2020-03-25 08:25 UTC by Ms. Kine Rautio Øverland, Norway
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Madam: Greetings from Iran. I am sorry to inform you that we receive the following message when trying to enter the link you provided to us.
"loading the Biosafety Clearing-House version dev-3e3ac9a7efe241de901827a8a25519fe1b9d87c1"
We are working at this end, kindly advise us accordingly. With my best personal wishes. Sincerely
posted on 2020-03-25 09:11 UTC by Mr. Behzad Ghareyazie, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
Greetings from Iran!
Thank you for the Simple Test Assignment on the new BCH. i would like to thank you and all people who have worked on this version of BCH which I found it user friendly. Although creating new records and editing them in the new BCH are convenient, but I have trouble deleting the records and/or drafts (I could not find how to delete a draft, for example).
In addition, I am sorry to inform you that we receive the following message when trying to enter the link you provided to us.
"loading the Biosafety Clearing-House version dev-3e3ac9a7efe241de901827a8a25519fe1b9d87c1"
We are working at this end, kindly advise us accordingly. With my best personal wishes. Sincerely
posted on 2020-03-25 10:15 UTC by Mr. Behzad Ghareyazie, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia Warm greetings from Niger I tested the new BCH. It is ok Best regards Gado
posted on 2020-03-25 11:32 UTC by Mr. Mahaman Gado Zaki, Niger
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I just performed the test and everything seems to be working very well.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-03-25 14:04 UTC by M. Charles Bourgeois, France
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Hello Anastasia,
Greetings from Canada.
I was able to add and edit a couple test records. However, my attempt to delete one of my test records has indicated that it is "processing" for over 15 minutes so I haven't been able to delete a record yet.
A second issue I've had is that I could not get any text to be retained as a draft or on my published record for the mandatory field "Detailed description of the regulatory functions". The system let me save a draft after I entered text in that field however none of the text was retained when I returned to the draft. I even published a second record to test this field and again no text that I had entered into this field was published. Even when I attempted to edit this second record and add text back to this field, I had the same result that my text was not retained. In all cases it said that my draft had been saved and my record was valid, despite not having any text in this mandatory field.
I used the chat function of the website to ask about this issue and they said they would look into the matter and encouraged me to post in this forum.
Despite these two issues I raised above, I thought the system performed well as I was able to create a new record with an interface that was familiar and functional.
Best regards, Ken Ellens
posted on 2020-03-25 14:32 UTC by Dr. Kenneth Ellens, Canada
RE: Simple Test Assignment
I have conducted the test and all operations were successful.
Thank you very much.
Deckster Tonny Savadye, Zimbabwe
posted on 2020-03-25 14:51 UTC by Dr. savadye Savadye, Zimbabwe
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastacia,
It seems it is not possible for an NAU to create a new CNA if there were no CNAs recorded. Just an observation.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-03-25 16:03 UTC by Mr Vidyanand Mohabir, Guyana
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia,
I have tested the new platform. Everything worked very well!
Best regards from Costa Rica!
posted on 2020-03-25 21:35 UTC by Sr. Marvin Argueta García, Costa Rica
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia
I have testes the new platform and all operations were successful.
Thank you very much.
posted on 2020-03-25 23:36 UTC by Mr. Victor Chocho, Ecuador
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Anastasia, thank you for your efforts! I have tested some of the new BCH features. It is quite hard for me to adapt to the new souroundings, maybe I'm too old already. I like the old one better, but I understand the technology is changing. I was able to edit some records, bit it worked terribly slow. Besides that I could not access a record on an expert from the rooster of experts which is available in the old version.
Best regards
Ruth Rupreht
posted on 2020-03-26 07:36 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Ruth, No, you are not too old! I do not feel I am too old, and I have to admit I also like more the old version. Although everything we have been asked to test works well in the new plattform (at least in my case), it takes me ages to orientate here - the older version is more user friendly to me. Hana
posted on 2020-03-26 09:41 UTC by Ms. Hana Jiráková, Czech Republic
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Hana and all of you, thank you for this words of understanding. I'll do my best to master the new BCH.
Best wishes
Ruth Rupreht
posted on 2020-03-26 10:22 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Simple Test Assignment
Dear Ms. Rupreht,
Thank you. The old BCH is a great system, that is true. Yes, as you wrote, technology is changing, and we have to move ahead with the times .... By the way, the old system will still be operational for quite some some time until the new platform is completely ready.
We will try to slowly introduce users to the new features of the new BCH though these type of tests. And we will incorporate all the feedback we received to make the new platform more user-friendly.
The experts records are not ready yet.
Many people commented about processing time being slow. We advise:
--to refresh the browser --try switching browsers/using different ones: Google Chrome or Firefox, IE. Someone responded recommending using Google Chrome.
We will also be looking into this issue. I will explain more in my next "test" message.
Thank you for your comments and your patience.
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-03-26 14:04 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity