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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase

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Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10765]
Dear BCH users,

As you know, when you create a record in the BCH, you may need to reference it to other records that may have been already published in the BCH or may not. For example, you need to attach additional contact information, or associated laws and guidelines, or LMO records, etc. Inline record creation means you can create additional reference records directly from within the record you are currently registering.
For example, you are creating a CNA and you need to attach an associated measure (laws). If the law is published, you can just select it from the list within the CNA online submission form. But if the measure has not yet been published in the BCH, you can create and publish the measure INLINE without having to close your CNA record as a draft, and then come back to it later.

To demonstrate how this feature works, please perform a simple test below. Please note that this time I tried to do something different and I have created two informal videos to illustrate the steps we would like you to perform in the test below. The test is simple but the videos are a bit long, because I am also covering some other features in them. See explanation below.

The test is for all BCH Registered Users as it deals with the creation of a Reference Record.

TEST ASSIGNMENT: Create a new “Genetic Element” and then a “Donor organism” inline (within the “Genetic Element” record). Once published, find the records in SEARCH using a combination of filters.

There are TWO videos to illustrate this test: Part 1 and Part 2.

PART 1 covers Steps 1 to 5 below and the video is available here:  https://youtu.be/2iq8RDrQrtI.

STEP 1: Log into test site https://bch.cbddev.xyz/. Click on SUBMIT.
STEP 2: Start creating a new “Genetic element”.
STEP 3: Add a new “Donor organism” by creating it INLINE (without closing your current “Genetic element” record).
STEP 4: Finish registering the “Genetic element” record and submit it for publishing.
STEP 5: Go to Dashboard and check the status  of your created records.


PART 2 of the video covers Steps 6 and 7 below and is available here: https://youtu.be/R3rgO6NDcvM.

In this Part I also cover some other features: how to check for notifications about the status of your records; and I give a brief overview of the Search interface with examples.

STEP 6: Once Secretariat approves your 2 records, log in to the SUBMIT and check the status of the requests on your Dashboard, in Notifications section, Requests and Alerts tab.
STEP 7: Go to SEARCH and find your records by using a combination of filters.

Please watch the 2 videos. I apologize for the videos being maybe a bit long (Part 1 is about 16 minutes long, and Part 2 – about 18 minutes long) but I hope you will find them informative, as I provide some additional information in them. In future, we will try to make the videos shorter in length. This is the first attempt!

DEADLINE: Friday – 15th May. Please send us your feedback by that the end of Friday – 15 May.

Please also note that all Help Videos created and that will be created, as well as all help materials are also available on the HOME page of the BCH test site. Just scroll down to ANNUNCEMENTS section and click on the respective box.  Direct link is: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/articles/5eaa095934e536000152ca10.

Thank you for your support and kind regards,

posted on 2020-05-04 15:21 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10773]
Dear Anastasia,
I'd like to congratulate you for choosing to present the tasks threw the videos! It worked very well for me. The explanations are clear and detailed enough. The pace is just right, so I was able to follow you and also click at my own test page simultaneously. I'm looking forward to seeing more of videos like that.

Best regards Ruth
posted on 2020-05-06 15:30 UTC by Ms. Ruth Rupreht, Slovenia
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10776]
Dear Anastasia,
I did both tests and they worked as shown on your videos.
Best Regards,
posted on 2020-05-07 13:52 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10777]
Dear Ms. Anastasia,

Thank you for explaining in detail.  I could finish the test.
At first, in the Donor Organism box, I added a new record but I think I didn’t publish it immediately after reviewing it. Instead of that I saved it as a draft and finished it.
And also I saved the Genetic Element record as a draft.  Then I went back to the Dashboard and selected the two drafts and requested the publication. So the Donor Organism was not linked to the Genetic Element record.

But after your advice, I could link it to the Genetic Element record.  Thank you.
posted on 2020-05-12 03:26 UTC by Ms. Fuyumi Ogawa, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10778]
Dear Anastasia,

I completed both tests and there seems no problem. your video was good resource.

Thank you
Jambay Dorji
posted on 2020-05-12 03:41 UTC by Mr. Jambay Dorji, Bhutan
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10779]
Dear Anastasia,

I agree with the previous comments, the videos are a very nice new way of presenting your instructions and information.
I performed the current assingnmet and did not encounter any problems. The inline record-creation is a really useful feature!

posted on 2020-05-12 09:58 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10780]
Dear Anastasia

It was very well done without any challenging issues, and videos of your creation are thought to be very useful for users. Thank you for your efforts.

posted on 2020-05-15 07:01 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10781]
Dear Anastasia,

I would like to  thank you for  the videos. Videos are clear and understanding and a good resource.

Best regards

Birgül Güner

NAU of Turkey
posted on 2020-05-15 10:32 UTC by Ms. Birgul Guner, Türkiye
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10783]
Dear Anastasia,
I performed the tests and everything worked fine.  The status of my requests was shown only in the notification section and Alert tab. The Requests tab did not show the status of the requests. The Donor Organism record was linked to the Genetic Element record. The search was initially difficult but going through the video made it easier. By going to reference records and using date filter, I was able to search for my records. Thanks for the video

Blessing Aligwekwe
BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-05-15 19:03 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria
RE: Videos: Test - Inline Records Creation (Reference Records) [#10786]
I have tested the inline record creations and the different methods of searching for them. The video guides were very helpful; I encountered no problems in carrying out the test exercises.
posted on 2020-05-19 14:49 UTC by Sean Simpkins, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland