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TESTING of new BCH platform - Second Phase
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Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear BCH users, The assignment this time is dedicated to BIOSAFETY EXPERT (EXP) record type. Since it is a National Record, this test assignment is mainly for CPB focal points, NAUs and BCH focal points. However, all regular BCH users can still test the Search interface, which we encourage you to do. The test assignment is explained below. Perform the following (test site address is: https://bch.cbddev.xyz/register): STEP 1: Test the Submission process (this is for NAUs and CPB, BCH focal points). In SUBMIT interface: 1. Create an Expert. 2. Edit and Expert. 3. Delete an Expert. STEP 2: Test the Search interface (for all users). In SEARCH interface: 1. Find your expert. Examine the record. Try editing it from the Search interface (if you are a regular user, you will not see the "Edit" button). 2. Search for experts using various filters, including record ID. 3. Test the “View Type” and “Sort By” filters (top right corner). Please note that in “View Type”, the "Matrix" filter is not functioning at this time. This informal video also briefly describes the test assignment in both Submit and Search interfaces and points out a few new features: https://youtu.be/6QJs4hXsXxo. DEADLINE: Friday – 18 September. Thank you for all your support! Kind regards, Anastasia
posted on 2020-09-05 13:17 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
Thanks –
I looked at your – as always - crystal clear video and the system looks pretty straightforward to me. The search interface works fine. I did not enter a test biosafety expert, because it will in the end only countries that can enter biosafety experts. Regards
posted on 2020-09-06 12:41 UTC by Mr. Pieter van der Meer, Ghent University
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia I did step 1 and step 2 of the test now (Create, Edit and Delete Biosafety Expert...) an everything are working well.
posted on 2020-09-08 15:07 UTC by M. Mathurin Wend-rabo Rouamba, Burkina Faso
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia, I tested the creation, searching, editing and deletion of biosafety expert profile and all worked fine as shown in the video. Best Regards, Nikolay
posted on 2020-09-08 15:43 UTC by Mr. Nikolay Tzvetkov, Bulgaria
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia
It was fine with Test 1, while the newly loaded expert was not able to be found by SEARCH that seems to be unfunctioning since 5 Sep. And please check the file attached here for a minor correction. Regards Homin
posted on 2020-09-10 08:28 UTC by Mr. Ho-Min Jang, Republic of Korea
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
I have tested the creation, editing and deletion, and everything works well. Just small proposal. I noticed when fulfilling "Areas of Expertise", there was only one option to choose for the area of professional expertise that most closely matches the experience of the nominee. At the same time, I feel that some experts may have the equal level of expertise for close-related areas and it would be important to indicate both. For example, for risk assessment and risk management. So, may be it will be better to indicate in preambula to this paragraph, that nominee may choose one or more areas, or one or two areas (or 1-3).
posted on 2020-09-14 12:57 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
I and NAU tested the creation, searching, editing and deletion of biosafety expert profile and everything worked well without any problem.
Best Regards, Jean Roger RAKOTOARIJAONA NFP/BCH Madagascar
posted on 2020-09-14 15:17 UTC by M. Jean Roger Rakotoarijaona, Madagascar
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
I (NAU) performed the test together with our NFP and it all worked very well!
I only have one minor remark: wouldn't it be convenient to be able to directly link to the organization that the respective expert is working for within the expert's record (BVL in my case, as I entered a test record for myself as an expert)? Currently, the organization's contact information (name, address, what kind of organization it is) has to be entered by hand. As the BVL is registeres in the BCH anyway, would it not be possible to choose and link it directly?
Maybe there is a reson you decided not to do that. It is not a major issue, maybe just a minor inconvenience. Of curse, if an epert is working for an organization that is not present in the BCH, the option to enter the organization's information separately is still needed.
Thanks for your great work! Best regards, Nina
posted on 2020-09-18 06:47 UTC by Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
We have tested the creation, editing and deletion as CPB focal point and BCH focal point, everything worked very well without any problem.
Marvin Argueta CPB and BCH focal point /Costa Rica
(edited on 2020-09-18 21:21 UTC by Sr. Marvin Argueta García, Costa Rica)
posted on 2020-09-18 21:20 UTC by Sr. Marvin Argueta García, Costa Rica
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia Beliaeva,
This second phase of the new BCH platform testing was interesting. The two steps were made simple by following the rules. It was easy to find and create an expert and examine records. It was an interesting exercise. Thank you for providing a guide through the interesting video.
Edel-Quinn Agbaegbu - Nigeria
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Galina,
Thank you for your suggestion. Just to let you know that it is possible to select several areas of expertise. That feature is functioning already. However, as per your suggestion, we have adjusted the descriptive text to: "Please select one or more areas of academic and professional expertise that most closely match the experience of the nominee."
Kind regards,
posted on 2020-10-01 16:00 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia,
Thank you very much for addings and clarifications.
Best regards,
posted on 2020-10-02 11:15 UTC by Ms. Galina Mozgova, Belarus
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Ms. Duensing (and all BCH users),
I am replying to your suggestion about easier way of entering an organization in the Experts online format. First of all, thank you very much for your feedback.
Based on your suggestion, we have implemented an “auto-complete” function which means that when users start filling out the details of, for example, current employment and typing the name of organization, if the organization exists in the BCH, suggestions will pop up (auto-complete) and, thus, the entry can be auto-completed. If no organization by that name exists, then the fields will have to be completed manually.
This auto-complete feature is now working in the following fields:
1. “Details of current employment": Name of Employer / Organization / Company 2. “Employment history”: Name of Previous Employer / Organization / Company 3. “Post-secondary education”: in all three fields titled “Name of academic institution”.
Try typing the name of the organization in the fields mentioned above and see what happens. For example, type “SCBD”, or “university”, or "BVL" (in case of Germany). A list will open from which you can select the required record.
Thank you for your attention.
Kind regards, Anastasia
posted on 2020-10-08 18:54 UTC by Ms. Anastasia Beliaeva, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Testing "Biosafety Expert" online format
Dear Anastasia, I recently created a record on Biosafety expert and these were my observations: 1. Expert’s nationality failed to load. 2. When I searched for my record, it was listed but when I tried to open the record, the record was not opening.
Blessing Aligwekwe BCH NFP Nigeria
posted on 2020-10-16 13:24 UTC by Ms. Blessing Aligwekwe, Nigeria