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SWG on Risk Assessment of LM Trees

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draft for the online discussion [#2658]
Dear collegues
Please find attached my draft for the online discussion with the expert forum and thanks once again for your comments and proposals for better wording.
For the time being I did not make fundamental changes but sticked to the outline we discussed in Mexico City and like to await the outcome of the online discussion.
For transparency I attach a version in track changes and a clean version.
(edited on 2011-08-25 16:56 UTC by Mr. Stephane Bilodeau, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity)
posted on 2011-08-25 09:15 UTC by Beatrix Tappeser, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation
RE: draft for the online discussion [#2659]
Perhaps it is me, but I can't see the attachment.
posted on 2011-08-25 12:17 UTC by Mr. Jack Heinemann, University of Canterbury
RE: draft for the online discussion [#2660]
dear Jack
It ist not you but the button "choose file" did not work. I asked Manoela to post the draft.

best regards
posted on 2011-08-25 12:24 UTC by Beatrix Tappeser, Federal Agency for Nature Conservation