BS-IV/5. Financial mechanism and
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
Recalling its decisions BS-II/5 and BS-III/5,
Taking note of the pre-session document prepared by the
Executive Secretary on matters related to the financial mechanism
and resources (UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/4/5),
Recognizing that the Council of the Global Environment
Facility has commissioned an independent mid-term review of the
Resource Allocation Framework to be undertaken by the Global
Environment Evaluation Office for consideration at its meeting in
November 2008,
Regretting that the Resource Allocation Framework of
the Global Environment Facility review team did not consult the
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to
the Protocol,
Emphasizing the need for ensuring the sustainability of
capacity-building activities funded by the Global Environment
1. Welcomes the successful fourth replenishment of the
Global Environment Facility Trust Fund and expresses its
appreciation to the countries that contributed to the Trust
2. Welcomes also the new Global Environment Facility
Strategy for Financing Biosafety Activities (GEF/C.30/8/Rev.1)
adopted as part of the Biodiversity Focal Area Strategy and
Strategic Programming for GEF-4 (2007-2010) and the Program
Document for Global Environment Facility Support to Biosafety;
3. Takes note of the measures undertaken by the Global
Environment Facility to streamline the project cycle and to provide
guidance on the implementation procedures for the Resource
Allocation Framework (RAF);
4. Recommends to the Conference of the Parties, when
adopting its multi-year guidance to the Global Environment Facility
coinciding with its fifth replenishment, to incorporate the
following guidance with respect to the support for the
implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety:
(a) Requests the Global Environment Facility Evaluation
Office to assess the impact of the Resource Allocation Framework on
the implementation of the Protocol, and propose measures that can
minimize potential resource limitations that may affect the
implementation of the Protocol including measures that facilitate
consideration of regional and subregional projects developed by the
countries of the region;
(b) Urges the Global Environment Facility to make
financial resources available with a view to enable eligible
Parties to prepare their national report;
(c) Urges the Global Environment Facility to extend the
UNEP-GEF Biosafety Clearing House project, in its current form as a
global project with a view to ensuring sustainability of national
nodes for the Biosafety Clearing-House and providing more
capacity-building support, with special attention to targeted
stakeholders (e.g., customs departments and phytosanitary
inspectors), and to provide additional funding for these activities
from sources other than the Resource Allocation Framework (RAF)
taking into consideration the global nature of the project;
(d) Invites the Global Environment Facility, at the
request of developing countries Governments, to provide financial
and other support to enable universities and relevant institutions
to develop and/or expand existing biosafety academic programmes and
provide scholarships to students from developing country Parties,
in particular the least developed and small island developing
States among them, and countries with economies in transition;
(e) Requests the Global Environment Facility, to
cooperate with and support developing country Parties, in
particular the least developed and small island developing States
among them, and Parties with economies in transition, in their
efforts to build their capacities in the area of sampling and
detection of living modified organisms, including the setting up of
laboratory facilities and training of local regulatory and
scientific personnel;
(f) Requests the Global Environment Facility to
consider the following programme funding priority needs for
biosafety during the period of its fifth replenishment (2010-2014),
where appropriate, using the issue-specific approach and providing
longer term support for building, consolidating and enhancing
sustainable human resource capacity:
(i) Implementation of legal and administrative systems for
notification procedures;
(ii) Risk assessment and risk management;
(iii) Implementation of enforcement measures including detection
of living modified organisms;
(iv) Implementation of liability and redress measures.