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COP-MOP Decisions


<< BS-VII/6

Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (BS COP MOP 7)

BS-VII/8 >>

BS-VII/7.Report of the Executive Secretary on the administration of the Protocol

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
1.Welcomes the contribution of CAD 1,576,652, for the year 2015 and CAD 1,584,692 for the year 2016, from the host country, Canada, and the Province of Quebec to the rental of the premises of the Secretariat, of which 16.5 per cent has been allocated per annum to offset contributions from the Parties to the Protocol for the biennium 2015-2016;
2.Approves a core programme budget (BG) of US$ 3,243,500 for the year 2015 and of US$ 3,190,400 for the year 2016, for the purposes set out in table 1 below;
3.Approves secretariat staffing as set out in table 2 below;
4.Adopts the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the costs under the Protocol for 2015 and 2016 set out in table 5 below;
5.Decides, in the light of the recommendation of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) in its report on the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, to increase the working capital reserve to a level of 7.5 per cent of the core programme budget (BG) expenditure, including programme support costs, and to do so from the existing BG fund balance;
6.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into commitments up to the level of the approved budget, drawing on available cash resources, including unspent balances, contributions from previous financial periods and miscellaneous income;
7.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to transfer resources among the programmes between each of the main appropriation lines set out in table 1 below up to an aggregate of 15 per cent of the total programme budget, provided that a further limitation of up to a maximum of 25 per cent of each such appropriation line shall apply;
8.Agrees to share the costs for secretariat services between those that are common to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Protocol on an 85:15 ratio for the biennium 2015-2016, while noting that the proportionate division between the Convention and its two Protocols will need to be reconsidered for the 2017-2018 budget following discussions on the implementation of the Functional Review of the Secretariat;
9.Invites all Parties to the Protocol to note that contributions to the core programme budget (BG) are due on 1 January of the year in which these contributions have been budgeted for, and to pay them promptly, and urges Parties in a position to do so, to pay by 1 December of the year 2014 for the calendar year 2015 and by 1 October 2015 for the calendar year 2016, the contributions set out in table 5 and in this regard requests that Parties be notified of the amount of their contributions for 2016 by 1 August 2015;
10.Notes with concern that a number of Parties have not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2014 and prior years, including 14 Parties that have never paid their contributions, and also notes that, in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards adopted by the United Nations, arrears estimated at $92,738 will be outstanding at the end of 2014 and will have to be deducted from the fund balance to cover doubtful debt and so cannot be used for the benefit of all Parties;
11.Urges Parties that have still not paid their contributions to the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for 2014 and prior years; to do so without delay and requests the Executive Secretary to publish and regularly update information on the status of contributions to the Protocol's Trust Funds (currently BG, BH and BI) and on the implication of non-payment of assessed contributions for the fund balance;
12.Confirms that, with regard to contributions due from 1 January 2005 onwards, Parties whose contributions are in arrears for two (2) or more years will not be eligible to become a member of the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, and that this will only apply in the case of Parties that are not least developed countries or small island developing States;
13.Authorizes the Executive Secretary to enter into arrangements with any Party whose contributions are in arrears for two or more years to mutually agree on a "schedule of payments" for such a Party, to clear all outstanding arrears, within six years depending on the financial circumstances of the Party in arrears and pay future contributions by the due date, and report on the implementation of any such arrangement to the next meeting of the Bureau and to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
14.Decides that a Party with an agreed arrangement in accordance with paragraph 13 above and that is fully respecting the provisions of that arrangement will not be subject to the provisions of paragraph 12 above;
15.Requests the Executive Secretary and invites the President of the COP-MOP through a jointly signed letter to notify Parties whose contributions are in arrears to invite them to take timely action and thanks those Parties that have responded in a positive manner in paying their outstanding contributions;
16.Agrees with the funding estimates for activities under the Protocol to be financed from:
(a)The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities for the biennium 2015-2016, as specified by the Executive Secretary, giving special attention to capacity-building (see resource requirements in table 3 below);
(b)The Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation of the Developing Country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, Parties with Economies in Transition, for the biennium 2015-2016, as specified by the Executive Secretary (see resource requirements in table 4 below);
and urges Parties to make contributions to these funds;
17.Considers that the trust funds for the Protocol (BG, BH, BI) should be extended for a period of two years, beginning 1 January 2016 and ending 31 December 2017, and requests the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme to seek the approval of the United Nations Environment Assembly for their extension;
18.Agrees, in view of the decision to hold the ordinary meetings of the Parties of the Cartagena Protocol concurrently with the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity, subject to the agreement of the Conference of the Parties and taking into account advice to be provided by the Executive Secretary and the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, to merge the BI special voluntary Trust Fund with the BZ Voluntary Trust Fund, which facilitates participation of Parties in the meetings related to the Convention and its Protocols and, in the event of such merger, requests the Executive Secretary to ensure transparency when reporting expenditure for the Protocol and the Convention under the merged Trust Fund;
19.Invites all States not Parties to the Protocol, as well as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and other sources, to contribute to the trust funds for the Protocol (BH, BI) to enable the Secretariat to implement approved activities in a timely manner;
20.Notes with concern the low level of contributions to the BI Trust Fund, which facilitates participation in the meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol;
21.Reaffirms the importance of full and effective participation of the developing country Parties, in particular the least developed countries and small island developing States, as well as Parties with economies in transition, in the activities of the Protocol and, requests the Secretariat to remind Parties of the need to contribute to the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) at least six months prior to the ordinary meetings of the Conference of the Parties, and urges Parties in the position to do so to ensure that the contributions are paid at least three months before the meeting;
22.Stresses the importance of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention and the meetings of the Parties of its Protocols on improving the efficiency of structures and processes under the Convention and its Protocols and on the outcome of the Functional Review of the Secretariat and their implications for the future budgets of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety;
23.Also requests the Executive Secretary to provide information on savings resulting from the integration of the work of the Secretariat of the Convention and its Protocols;
24.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare and submit a programme budget for secretariat services and the biosafety work programme of the Protocol for the biennium 2017-2018 to the eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, and to provide two alternatives for the budget based on:
(a)The Executive Secretary's assessment of the required rate of growth for the programme budget which should not exceed a 5 per cent increase from the 2015-2016 level in nominal terms;
(b)Maintaining the core programme budget (BG Trust Fund) at the 2015-2016 level in nominal terms as in table 1;
25.Requests the Executive Secretary to report on income and budget performance, unspent balances and the status of surplus and carry-overs as well as any adjustments made to the Protocol budget for the biennium 2015-2016 and to provide to the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol and biosafety focal points all financial information regarding the budget for the Convention on Biological Diversity at the same time as it is provided to Parties to the Convention;
Table 1
Biosafety Protocol resource requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2015-2016
(Thousands of United States dollars)
A. Staff costs*1,971.42,008.83,980.2
B. Biosafety Bureau meetings20.025.045.0
C. Eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol100.0300.0400.0
D. Consultants/subcontracts30.030.060.0
E. Travel on official business50.050.0100.0
F. Meetings of the Liaison Group on Capacity-Building30.030.060.0
G. Biosafety Clearing-House Informal Advisory meetings55.0-55.0
H. Compliance Committee meeting45.045.090.0
I. Biosafety Clearing House Expert meeting80.0-80.0
J. General operating expenses283.6284.6568.2
K. Temporary assistance/Overtime10.010.020.0
L. Translation of BCH website35.035.070.0
M. Biosafety Clearing House equipment5.05.010.0
Subtotal (I)2,715.02,823.45,538.4
IIProgramme support charge (13 %)353.0367.0720.0
IIIWorking capital reserve (7.5 %)175.5175.5
GRAND TOTAL (I+II+III)3,243.53,190.46,433.9
Replenishment of working capital reserve from savings(175.5)(175.5)
Less contribution from host country**(237.9)(239.1)(477.0)
Less savings from previous years(200.0)(200.0)(400.0)
NET TOTAL (amount to be shared by Parties)2,630.12,751.35,381.4
* Includes 15 per cent of costs for 1 P-5, 1 P-4; 3 P-3 and 2 G-S staff funded mainly by the Convention.
Includes 50 per cent of costs for 1 P-4 staff funded by the Convention.
** Host country contribution paid in Canadian dollars to cover rental costs.
Table 2
Biosafety Protocol staffing requirements from the core budget (BG Trust Fund) for the biennium 2015-2016
I.Professional category
Total Professional category8.58.5
II.Total General Service category44
TOTAL (I+II)12.512.5
Table 3
Resource requirements from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BH) for Additional Voluntary Contributions in Support of Approved Activities of the Cartagena Protocol for the biennium 2015-2016
(Thousands of United States dollars)
Description *Amount
Agenda item 10: Identification (4-Regional workshops)320,000
Agenda item 11: Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Protocol (4-regional workshops)320,000
Agenda item 12: Risk assessment and risk management expert meeting100,000
Agenda item 13: Socio-economic considerations expert meeting100,000
Agenda item 15: Assessment and review Liaison Group30,000
Agenda item 16: Article 17 (unintentional) - Regional workshop320,000
On-going Strategic Plan activities160,000
Agenda item 9: Roster of biosafety experts (ongoing)200,000
Travel of Staff
Agenda item 7: Cooperation with other organizations, conventions and initiatives10,000
Agenda item 13: Socio-economic considerations30,000
Publications/Printing costs
Agenda item 16: Article 17(unintentional)60,000
Ongoing Strategic Plan activities150,000
Agenda item 14: Risk assessment and risk management (translation)80,000
Subtotal I1,880,000
II.Programme support costs (13 %)244,400
Total costs (I+II)2,124,400
* COP-MOP/7 Agenda items
Table 4
Resource requirements from the Special Voluntary Trust Fund (BI) for Facilitating Participation in the Protocol for the Biennium 2015-2016
(Thousands of United States dollars)
Meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol600.0
Subtotal (I)600.0
II.Programme support cost (13 %)78.0
Total cost (I+II)678.0
Table 5
Contributions to the Trust Fund for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety for the biennium 2015-2016
PartyUN scale of assessments 2015
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 %
Contributions per 1 Jan. 2015
UN scale of assessments 2015
Scale with 22% ceiling, no LDC paying more than 0.01 %
Contributions as per 1 Jan. 2016
Total contributions 2015-2016
Afghanistan 0.005 0.007 187 0.005 0.007 196 383
Albania 0.010 0.014 374 0.010 0.014 391 766
Algeria 0.137 0.195 5,127 0.137 0.195 5,363 10,490
Angola 0.010 0.010 263 0.010 0.010 275 538
Antigua and Barbuda 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Armenia 0.007 0.010 262 0.007 0.010 274 536
Austria 0.798 1.135 29,864 0.798 1.135 31,240 61,104
Azerbaijan 0.040 0.057 1,497 0.040 0.057 1,566 3,063
Bahamas 0.017 0.024 636 0.017 0.024 666 1,302
Bahrain 0.039 0.055 1,460 0.039 0.055 1,527 2,986
Bangladesh 0.010 0.010 263 0.010 0.010 275 538
Barbados 0.008 0.011 299 0.008 0.011 313 613
Belarus 0.056 0.080 2,096 0.056 0.080 2,192 4,288
Belgium 0.998 1.420 37,349 0.998 1.420 39,070 76,418
Belize 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Benin 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Bhutan 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Bolivia 0.009 0.013 337 0.009 0.013 352 689
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.017 0.024 636 0.017 0.024 666 1,302
Botswana 0.017 0.024 636 0.017 0.024 666 1,302
Brazil 2.934 4.175 109,801 2.934 4.175 114,860 224,661
Bulgaria 0.047 0.067 1,759 0.047 0.067 1,840 3,599
Burkina Faso 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Burundi 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Cambodia 0.004 0.006 150 0.004 0.006 157 306
Cameroon 0.012 0.017 449 0.012 0.017 470 919
Cabo Verde 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Central African Republic 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Chad 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
China 5.148 7.325 192,656 5.148 7.325 201,534 394,190
Colombia 0.259 0.369 9,693 0.259 0.369 10,139 19,832
Comoros 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Congo 0.005 0.007 187 0.005 0.007 196 383
Costa Rica 0.038 0.054 1,422 0.038 0.054 1,488 2,910
Croatia 0.126 0.179 4,715 0.126 0.179 4,933 9,648
Cuba 0.069 0.098 2,582 0.069 0.098 2,701 5,283
Cyprus 0.047 0.067 1,759 0.047 0.067 1,840 3,599
Czech Republic 0.386 0.549 14,445 0.386 0.549 15,111 29,557
Democratic People's Republic of Korea 0.006 0.009 225 0.006 0.009 235 459
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Denmark 0.675 0.960 25,261 0.675 0.960 26,425 51,686
Djibouti 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Dominica 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Dominican Republic 0.045 0.064 1,684 0.045 0.064 1,762 3,446
Ecuador 0.044 0.063 1,647 0.044 0.063 1,723 3,369
Egypt 0.134 0.191 5,015 0.134 0.191 5,246 10,261
El Salvador 0.016 0.023 599 0.016 0.023 626 1,225
Eritrea 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Estonia 0.040 0.057 1,497 0.040 0.057 1,566 3,063
Ethiopia 0.010 0.010 263 0.010 0.010 275 538
European Union 2.500 65,753 2.500 68,783 134,537
Fiji 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Finland 0.519 0.738 19,423 0.519 0.738 20,318 39,741
France 5.593 7.958 209,310 5.593 7.958 218,955 428,265
Gabon 0.020 0.028 748 0.020 0.028 783 1,531
Gambia 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Georgia 0.007 0.010 262 0.007 0.010 274 536
Germany 7.141 10.161 267,241 7.141 10.161 279,556 546,797
Ghana 0.014 0.020 524 0.014 0.020 548 1,072
Greece 0.638 0.908 23,876 0.638 0.908 24,976 48,853
Grenada 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Guatemala 0.027 0.038 1,010 0.027 0.038 1,057 2,067
Guinea 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Guinea-Bissau 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Guyana 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Honduras 0.008 0.011 299 0.008 0.011 313 613
Hungary 0.266 0.378 9,955 0.266 0.378 10,413 20,368
India 0.666 0.948 24,924 0.666 0.948 26,073 50,997
Indonesia 0.346 0.492 12,949 0.346 0.492 13,545 26,494
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.356 0.507 13,323 0.356 0.507 13,937 27,259
Iraq 0.068 0.097 2,545 0.068 0.097 2,662 5,207
Ireland 0.418 0.595 15,643 0.418 0.595 16,364 32,007
Italy 4.448 6.329 166,460 4.448 6.329 174,130 340,590
Jamaica 0.011 0.016 412 0.011 0.016 431 842
Japan 10.833 15.414 405,409 10.833 15.414 424,090 829,499
Jordan 0.022 0.031 823 0.022 0.031 861 1,685
Kazakhstan 0.121 0.172 4,528 0.121 0.172 4,737 9,265
Kenya 0.013 0.018 487 0.013 0.018 509 995
Kiribati 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Kyrgyzstan 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Latvia 0.047 0.067 1,759 0.047 0.067 1,840 3,599
Lebanon 0.042 0.060 1,572 0.042 0.060 1,644 3,216
Lesotho 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Liberia 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Libya 0.142 0.202 5,314 0.142 0.202 5,559 10,873
Lithuania 0.073 0.104 2,732 0.073 0.104 2,858 5,590
Luxembourg 0.081 0.115 3,031 0.081 0.115 3,171 6,202
Madagascar 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Malawi 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Malaysia 0.281 0.400 10,516 0.281 0.400 11,001 21,517
Maldives 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Mali 0.004 0.006 150 0.004 0.006 157 306
Malta 0.016 0.023 599 0.016 0.023 626 1,225
Marshall Islands 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Mauritania 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Mauritius 0.013 0.018 487 0.013 0.018 509 995
Mexico 1.842 2.621 68,934 1.842 2.621 72,111 141,045
Mongolia 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Montenegro 0.005 0.007 187 0.005 0.007 196 383
Morocco 0.062 0.088 2,320 0.062 0.088 2,427 4,747
Mozambique 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Myanmar 0.010 0.010 263 0.010 0.010 275 538
Namibia 0.010 0.014 374 0.010 0.014 391 766
Nauru 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Netherlands 1.654 2.353 61,899 1.654 2.353 64,751 126,649
New Zealand 0.253 0.360 9,468 0.253 0.360 9,904 19,373
Nicaragua 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Niger 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Nigeria 0.090 0.128 3,368 0.090 0.128 3,523 6,891
Niue 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Norway 0.851 1.211 31,847 0.851 1.211 33,315 65,162
Oman 0.102 0.145 3,817 0.102 0.145 3,993 7,810
Pakistan 0.085 0.121 3,181 0.085 0.121 3,328 6,509
Palau 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Panama 0.026 0.037 973 0.026 0.037 1,018 1,991
Papua New Guinea 0.004 0.006 150 0.004 0.006 157 306
Paraguay 0.010 0.014 374 0.010 0.014 391 766
Peru 0.117 0.166 4,379 0.117 0.166 4,580 8,959
Philippines 0.154 0.219 5,763 0.154 0.219 6,029 11,792
Poland 0.921 1.310 34,467 0.921 1.310 36,055 70,522
Portugal 0.474 0.674 17,739 0.474 0.674 18,556 36,295
Qatar 0.209 0.297 7,822 0.209 0.297 8,182 16,003
Republic of Korea 1.994 2.837 74,623 1.994 2.837 78,061 152,684
Republic of Moldova 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Romania 0.226 0.322 8,458 0.226 0.322 8,847 17,305
Rwanda 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153
Saint Kitts and Nevis 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Saint Lucia 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Samoa 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Saudi Arabia 0.864 1.229 32,334 0.864 1.229 33,824 66,158
Senegal 0.006 0.009 225 0.006 0.009 235 459
Serbia 0.040 0.057 1,497 0.040 0.057 1,566 3,063
Seychelles 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Slovakia 0.171 0.243 6,399 0.171 0.243 6,694 13,094
Slovenia 0.100 0.142 3,742 0.100 0.142 3,915 7,657
Solomon Islands 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Somalia 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
South Africa 0.372 0.529 13,922 0.372 0.529 14,563 28,485
Spain 2.973 4.230 111,260 2.973 4.230 116,387 227,647
Sri Lanka 0.025 0.036 936 0.025 0.036 979 1,914
Sudan 0.010 0.014 374 0.010 0.014 391 766
Suriname 0.004 0.006 150 0.004 0.006 157 306
Swaziland 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Sweden 0.960 1.366 35,927 0.960 1.366 37,582 73,509
Switzerland 1.047 1.490 39,182 1.047 1.490 40,988 80,170
Syrian Arab Republic 0.036 0.051 1,347 0.036 0.051 1,409 2,757
Tajikistan 0.003 0.004 112 0.003 0.004 117 230
Thailand 0.239 0.340 8,944 0.239 0.340 9,356 18,301
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 0.008 0.011 299 0.008 0.011 313 613
Togo 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Tonga 0.001 0.001 37 0.001 0.001 39 77
Trinidad and Tobago 0.044 0.063 1,647 0.044 0.063 1,723 3,369
Tunisia 0.036 0.051 1,347 0.036 0.051 1,409 2,757
Turkey 1.328 1.890 49,698 1.328 1.890 51,989 101,687
Turkmenistan 0.019 0.027 711 0.019 0.027 744 1,455
Uganda 0.006 0.009 225 0.006 0.009 235 459
Ukraine 0.099 0.141 3,705 0.099 0.141 3,876 7,581
United Arab Emirates 0.595 0.847 22,267 0.595 0.847 23,293 45,560
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 5.179 7.369 193,816 5.179 7.369 202,748 396,564
United Republic of Tanzania 0.009 0.010 263 0.009 0.010 275 538
Uruguay 0.052 0.074 1,946 0.052 0.074 2,036 3,982
Venezuela 0.627 0.892 23,465 0.627 0.892 24,546 48,010
Viet Nam 0.042 0.060 1,572 0.042 0.060 1,644 3,216
Yemen 0.010 0.010 263 0.010 0.010 275 538
Zambia 0.006 0.009 225 0.006 0.009 235 459
Zimbabwe 0.002 0.003 75 0.002 0.003 78 153


68.540 100.000 2,630,132 68.540 100.000 2,751,328 5,381,461