Capacity-building (Roster of
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
1. Adopts the Interim Guidelines for the Roster of
Experts on Biosafety, contained in annex I to the present
2. Invites Parties and Governments to use the Interim
Guidelines for the Roster of Experts on Biosafety;
3. Urges Parties and Governments that have not yet done
so to submit nominations of experts to the Secretariat in
accordance with the Interim Guidelines for the Roster of Experts on
Biosafety, using the nomination form provided via the Biosafety
Clearing-House and reproduced in appendix 1 of annex I to the
present decision;
4. Recognizing that the roster of experts will be most
useful if there is sufficient detail to discern the particular
areas of knowledge and specialization for each
expert, urges Governments to update, or
to request their nominated experts to update, the information
currently contained in the roster, for each field of the nomination
5. Requests the Executive Secretary, as the
administrator of the roster, to implement the functions specified
in the Interim Guidelines for the Roster of Experts on
6. Requests the Executive Secretary to report to the
second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to theProtocol on
the status of the use of the roster of experts on biosafety, with a
view to monitoring the regional balance in the use of experts;
Reaffirming the important role to be played by the
voluntary fund in supporting developing country Parties, in
particular the least developed and small island developing States
among them, and Parties with economies in transition, to pay for
the use of experts selected from the roster,
Noting and welcoming the decision of the Conference of
the Parties, at its sixth meeting, to establish, pursuant to
paragraphs 6 and 7, of recommendation 2/9 B of the
Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety, and on a pilot-phase basis, a trust fund, to be
administered by the Secretariat, for voluntary contributions from
Parties and Governments for the specific purpose of supporting
developing country Parties, in particular the least developed and
the small island developing States among them, and Parties with
economies in transition to pay for the use of experts selected from
the roster of experts on biosafety,
7. Adopts the Interim Guidelines for the Pilot Phase of
the Voluntary Fund for the Roster of Experts on Biosafety, as
contained in annex II to the present decision;
8. Invites Parties and Governments to use the Interim
Guidelines for the Pilot Phase of the Voluntary Fund for the Roster
of Experts on Biosafety;
9. Requests the Executive Secretary to administer the
pilot phase ofthe Voluntary Fund
according to the Interim Guidelines for the Pilot Phase of the
Voluntary Fund for the Roster of Experts on Biosafety;
10. Decides that the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund
for the Roster of Experts on Biosafety shall last for a period of
four years andrequests the Executive
Secretary on its completion to provide the Conference of the
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol with
an evaluation of its performance along with recommendations for any
necessary future action;
11. Urges Governments and other donors to make
contributions to the pilot phase of the voluntary fund for the
roster of experts;
12. Invites the financial mechanism for the Protocol to
assess whether it can have a role to play in the roster of
Annex I
A. Mandate of the roster
1. The mandate of the roster of experts shall be to provide
advice and other support, as appropriate and upon request, to
developing country Parties, in particular the least developed and
small island developing States among them, and Parties with
economies in transition, to conduct risk assessment, make informed
decisions, develop national human resources and promote
institutional strengthening, associated with the transboundary
movements of LMOs. Moreover, the roster of experts should perform
all other functions assigned to it by the Conference of the Parties
serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol in the
future, in particular in the fields of capacity-building.
2. The roster of experts is an instrument to build capacities
and to aid developing country Parties, in particular the least
developed and small island developing States among them, and
Parties with economies in transition until adequate capacities have
been built.
B. Administration of the
The Secretariat of the Convention/Protocol shall administer the
roster. These functions will include:
(a) Establishing and reviewing, as necessary, the nomination
(b) Maintaining an appropriate electronic database to allow easy
access to the roster;
(c) Maintaining a paper copy, updated at least once a year, of
the roster;
(d) Advising the Parties on coverage of all areas of expertise
available through the roster, and on regional and gender balances
on the roster from time to time;
(e) Assisting Parties, on request, in identifying appropriate
experts; and
(f) Performing such other administrative functions as are set
out in these Guidelines or as directed by the Conference of the
Parties to theConvention serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Protocol in other decisions;
(g) Verifying the availability of experts as necessary.
C. Access to the
Access to the roster should be maintained through the Biosafety
Clearing-House (via the Internet or non-electronic means). The
Secretariat will publish once a year a written version of the
roster for distribution to each Party, along with a description of
how the different Internet search fields can be used to aid Parties
to identify needed expertise. A Party may request any updated
version in between these publications.
D. Membership on the
roster of experts
1. Nomination of members
1. Roster members shall be nominated by Governments. Governments
are responsible for ensuring that nominees possess the highest
professional qualities and expertise in the fields for which they
are nominated. Parties should consult with relevant stakeholders
and seek interested individuals including from national and
sub-national governments, research and academic institutions,
industry and non-governmental organizations for the purpose of
providing balanced, high-quality nominations.
2. The Parties are encouraged to consider retired experts with
accumulated knowledge and experience, and with no current
institutional affiliations, as potential nominees.
2. Mechanism for
1. The nomination form attached to these guidelines as appendix
1 shall be used for all nominations. Electronic submissions of the
form are encouraged. Nominating Governments should ensure the
accuracy of the information submitted on all nomination forms. The
Executive Secretary will undertake a review of the roster of
experts nomination form with input from Governments and, in
particular, to review the categories of expertise.
2. Governments shall endeavour to keep their nominations to the
roster of experts up-to-date. Parties shall use their national
reports to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety to confirm their
nominations and, if necessary, update information of individual
experts. Non-Parties are invited to confirm and update information
with the same periodicity.
3. Maximum number of
Each Government is recommended not to nominate more than 50
experts, and not more than five experts per area of specialization
(as this term is used in the nomination form) may be nominated.
4. Balanced
1. All Governments are encouraged to nominate experts and to
encourage regional balance in the roster. Governments should
utilize regional centres of excellence in developing countries, in
particular the least developed and small island developing States
among them, and countries with economies in transitions, as sources
for the nomination of experts. The Secretariat will ensure that the
roster database allows for a regional breakdown of roster members
as a primary "filter" in searching the list of members.
2. Governments are encouraged to promote gender balance in their
nominations, as well as ensure appropriate expertise for
assessments with respect to Article 26 of the Cartagena
3. The Executive Secretary shall report annually to the Parties
on the sectoral, regional and gender balances in the roster.
5. Required information on
Information required for each nominee is set out in the
nomination form. The Secretariat shall
ensure each form is complete prior to listing a nominee on the
6. Institutions
Involving experts from existing and independent institutions
with relevant expertise in biosafety would allow access to a wide
base of multidisciplinary knowledge. Therefore, experts are invited
to indicate in the nomination form whether they are members of any
E. Scope of expertise
1. The areas of expertise required for members of the roster are
identified on the nomination form in appendix 1.
2. The areas of expert advice and support that may be provided
through the roster are set out in the indicative list contained in
appendix 2 to these guidelines.
F. Choice of experts for
1. Choice by requesting Party
The choice of experts for any given assignment is to be made by
the requesting Party.
2. Assistance by
When requested by a Party seeking an expert, the Secretariat
shall provide assistance to the Party to identify experts listed in
the specific area(s) of expertise in the roster. Where feasible,
the Secretariat should include a list of potential experts that
reflects regional and gender participation.
3. Secretariat facilitating
initial contact
The Secretariat may facilitate the initial contact
ofa Party seeking assistance with any
expert on the roster. When direct contact is made by a Party to an
expert, the Party should report the contact and its result to the
Secretariat in order to ensure that full records on the operations
of the roster can be maintained.
G. Obligations of
individuals on the roster
1. Ensuring complete and accurate information on nomination
Experts are responsible to ensure that the information on their
nomination form is complete and accurate.
2. Agreement to release
nomination form information to the public
All information on the nomination form should normally be made
available to the public, including on the Biosafety Clearing-House,
after a nomination is completed. However, a roster member may
request the non-disclosure of direct contact information
(telephone, address, fax and e-mail) if she or he chooses.
3. Acceptance or refusal of a
request for assistance/advice
Members of the roster may accept or reject any proposed
4. Declining to act if there
is a real or perceived conflict of interest
1. Experts should decline any assignment where an assignment may
raise a real or perceived conflict of interest. Prior to
undertaking any assignment through the roster, or to being put
forward on a secretariat shortlist, each roster member will
complete a conflict of interest declaration, indicating if they
have any personal, institutional or other professional interests or
arrangements that would create a conflict of interest or that a
reasonable person might perceive creates a conflict.
2. If the declaration raises concerns, the Secretariat or Party
concerned may seek further information from the expert. If
legitimate concerns remain, it is recommended that any judgments as
to whether a conflict exists should err on the side of caution,
consistent with maintaining the highest level of credibility of the
roster process.
5. Acting in a personal
Each expert shall act solely in their personal capacity,
regardless of any other governmental, industry, organizational or
academic affiliation.
6. Exhibiting highest
professional standards
Any expert carrying out an assignment is expected to comply with
all applicable professional standards in an objective and neutral
way, and to exhibit a high degree of professional
conduct in undertaking an assignment. These
standards should extend to any discussions that assist a Party in
choosing an expert. Experts are expected to perform their duties in
a timely manner.
7. Contributing to training of
local personnel when possible
Experts may be asked, when appropriate, to contribute to
on-the-ground-training and capacity-building of local personnel as
part of their assignment.
8. Confidentiality and
1. Unless otherwise authorized by the requesting Party
concerned, experts on the roster undertaking assignments shall not
divulge confidential information obtained through or as a result of
performing their duties. Confidentiality should be as stipulated in
the agreement between the Party and the expert.
2. The final written advice of the expert shall be made
available through the Biosafety Clearing-House, respecting
confidential information.
9. Setting clear
It is the responsibility of the Party and the expert to ensure
that the expectations and terms of reference of the Party are
clear, and that these have been understood by the expert.
10. Submitting a report
Brief reports should be prepared by the expert following
completion of the assignment, including overall assessment of the
process, the results achieved and constraints encountered, as well
as suggestions that might be considered for future assignments.
H. Payment of roster
1. Pro bono assignments
Any expert may choose to undertake an assignment on a pro
bono basis. The same principles
relatingto conflict of interest, acting
in a personal capacity, and other obligations under section G would
apply to suchpro bono assignments.
2. Secondment
Any organization may permit experts affiliated with it to
undertake an assignment as a secondment from their usual duties.
Transparent and full disclosure of any such arrangements should be
made. No Government or institution is obligated to cover any or all
of the cost of a nominated expert.
3. Payments fixed by contract
with requesting Party
Legal arrangements for fees and/or expenses associated with an
assignment should be addressed in contractual agreements between
the Party and the expert in question.
Decisions taken by the requesting Party on the basis of advice
provided will be the sole responsibility of the
1. Liability of nominating
Nominating Governments shall not be liable for the personal
conduct, inputs or results arising from or connected with the work
of an expert it has nominated.
2. Liability of the
The Secretariat shall not be liable for, or subject to any legal
process arising from or connected with, the use or advice of an
expert from the roster.
3. Liability of experts
Liability of the expert and the applicable law should be
addressed in the contract between the Party seeking assistance and
the expert.
1. Parties are encouraged to provide the Secretariat with an
evaluation of the advice or other support provided by experts and
the results achieved. Such evaluations should be made available
through the Biosafety Clearing-House.
2. Once a year, the Quarterly Report prepared by the Secretariat
will include a section on the operation of the roster, which should
include factual information on the number of experts on the roster,
regional, gender, discipline breakdowns of the roster, direct
contacts initiated by Parties and their results or contacts
facilitated by the Secretariat and their results, including the
individual experts contracted by each requesting Party, a note on
the topic and description of the assignment, results of the work
undertaken and the availability of written products. These reports
should be made available through the Biosafety Clearing-House.
K. Periodic
The operation of the roster should be subject to independent
periodic review. The first review should take place in two years.
Periodic reviews should then take place in accordance with Article
35 of the Protocol. These periodic reviews should be broad-based,
looking at appropriate balances in the roster membership, its uses,
successes, failures, quality control of roster assignments, the
need for additional advisory services in administering the roster,
and other possible recommendations for revisions to the mandate or
these rules of procedure to respond to the findings.
Appendix 1
(a) Please provide full names rather than only acronyms or
| | | |
Title: | Ms. Professor | Mr. Dr. | Other: _________ |
Name: | |
Employer / Organization: | |
Job Title: | |
Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Facsimile: | |
Email: | |
Web Site: | |
Year of Birth: | |
Gender: | Male Female |
Nationality: | |
Details of Current
| | |
Start Date of Employment (year): | |
Organization Type: | Academic Government Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO) | Industry Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Other:__________________ |
Main Areas of Responsibility: | |
(a) Formal education and other qualifications: | |
This section allows you to specify your main expertise for
contribution to the roster. Areas of expertise are organized under
8 broad subheadings as follows:
(a) 1. Data Management and Information Sharing 2. Institutional Development 3. Legislation and Regulation 4. Public Awareness and Participation | 5. Research and Development 6. Risk Assessment and Risk Management (including specification of organisms and traits) 7. Social and Economic Sciences 8. Teaching and Training |
(a) Please indicate only the particular subjects in which you
have specialized expertise.
Data Management and
Information-Sharing Database Environmental statistics Information exchange Information technology Information clearing-house Other: ________________ | Institutional Development Agricultural management Environmental management Human resources Infrastructure development Project administration Public health Resources management Other: _________________ |
Legislation and Regulation Access and Benefit Sharing Biosafety regulation Intellectual property law International environmental law International trade law National environmental law National trade regulations Other: _________________ | Public Awareness and
Participation Campaigning and advocacy Community participation Journalism Public information / communications Research and Development Biotechnology product development Biotechnology research Other: ________________ |
Risk Assessment and Risk
Management Agricultural ecology Agriculture Alien invasive species Analytical detection methods Animal ecology Animal pathology Aquaculture Biochemistry Biotechnologies Botany Entomology Environmental impact assessment Epidemiology Evolutionary biology Food sciences Forestry ecology Genetic engineering Genetics of natural populations | Risk Assessment and Risk Management
(continued) Human biology Indigenous knowledge Marine biology/ecology Microbial Ecology Microbiology Molecular biology Mycology Pest management Plant pathology Plant physiology Population biology Risk assessment process design and application Soil biology Taxonomy Toxicology Virology Zoology Other: _________________ |
Organisms: (specify organisms for which you have expertise, indicating
Genus and species where possible) | |
Organism Traits: (a) (specify organism traits for which you have expertise) Antibiotic resistance Bacterial resistance Fungus resistance Herbicide tolerance | Insect resistance Marker genes Nematode resistance Product quality Virus resistance Other: ________________ |
Social and Economic Sciences Agricultural economics Bioethics Environmental economics Life cycle assessment Social sciences Socio-economic factors Sustainable development Technology assessment Other: ________________ | Teaching and Training Environmental education Extension work Informal teaching (e.g., workshop facilitation) Other: ________________ |
Main Countries or Regions Worked: | |
(a) Please give details of previous employment beginning with
the most recent previous employer.
| |
Previous Employer 1 |
Name of the Employer / Organization: | |
Job Title: | |
Duration of Time Employed: | |
Address: | |
Main Areas of Responsibility: | |
Previous Employer 2 |
Name of the Employer / Organization: | |
Job Title: | |
Duration of Time Employed: | |
Address: | |
Main Areas of Responsibility: | |
Previous Employer 3 |
Name of the Employer / Organization: | |
Job Title: | |
Duration of Time Employed: | |
Address: | |
Main Areas of Responsibility: | |
Other Relevant Work
Experience (e.g. volunteer work experience) |
Description: | |
Responsibilities: | |
(a) Three most relevant publications: | 1. 2. 3. |
List of publications (please list complete citations of all
peer-reviewed articles, books, book chapters, conference papers and
other publications; you may send a file if the list is long)): | |
Awards and
Scientific awards, professional societies, honorary memberships,
and membership in advisory committees/panels: | |
Knowledge of
Mother Tongue: | Arabic: English Russian Chinese: French Spanish Other: __________ |
Speak well: | Arabic: English Russian Chinese: French Spanish Other: __________ |
Read well: | Arabic: English Russian Chinese: French Spanish Other: __________ |
Write well: | Arabic: English Russian Chinese: French Spanish Other: __________ |
(a) Please give name and detailed contact information for key
professional references
Reference 1: | |
Reference 2: | |
Reference 3: | |
Any Other Relevant
(a) Please list any other information relevant to your role as
an expert.
Confirmation and
I hereby confirm that the above information
iscorrect and agree for its inclusion in
the Roster of Experts on Biosafety under the Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety and the Convention on Biological Diversity. I have no
objection to this information being made publicly available.
(a) This section must be completed by a National Focal Point
Government: | |
Name of Government Representative: | |
Focal Point Type: | Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety National Focal Point Biosafety Clearing-House National Focal Point CBD National Focal Point |
Date: | |
Signature: | |
Appendix 2
| | |
Needs assessment and biosafety framework
planning (a) Inventory of existing and anticipated biotechnology
programmes and practices (b) Capacity to develop present and future import/export
data (c) Accurate understanding of industry biotechnology practices
in relevant sectors (d) Capacity to compile and analyse existing legal and
administrative biosafety regimes (e) Multi-disciplinary strategic planning capacity (f) Capacity to relate biosafety regime to other international
obligations Biosafety regime development (a) Develop/strengthen legal and regulatory structures (b) Develop/strengthen administrative processes to manage risk
assessment and risk management (c) Develop domestic/regional risk assessment capacity (d) Capacity to administer notification, acknowledgement and
decision response process (e) Capacity to make and report decision on LMO import in
required time frames (f) Emergency notification and planning and response
capacity (g) Enforcement capacity at borders | General risk assessment capacities (a) Ability to coordinate multi-disciplinary analyses (b) Enhancement of technological and institutional capacities
for risk assessment (c) Capacity to identify and access appropriate outside
expertise (d) Understanding of relevant bio-technology processes and
applications Science and socio-economic
capacities (a) Analyse risks to conservation and sustainable use of
biodiversity (b) Undertake life-cycle analysis (c) Analyse risks to human health of effects on biodiversity (d) Analyse ecosystem effects of living modified organism
introduction (e) Assess food security issues arising from risks to
biodiversity (f) Value and roles of biodiversity to local and indigenous
communities (g) Other socio-economic considerations related to
biodiversity (h) Enhancement of related scientific, technical capacities Note: Specific types of scientific expertise required
will vary from case to case, but broadly involve two areas: - evaluation of genetic modifications -evaluation of interactions with the receiving environment | General risk management capacities Understanding of application of risk management tools to
different biotechnology sectors Decision-making capacities (a) Identification and quantification of risks, including
through sound application of the precautionary approach (b) Capacity to assess relative effectiveness of management
options for import, handling and use, where appropriate (c) Capacity to assess relative trade impacts of management
options, where appropriate (d) Impartial review of proposed management regime prior to
decision-making Implementation of decisions (a) Identification and handling of living modified organisms at
point of import and export (b) Monitoring of environmental impacts against expected
impacts (c) Capacity to monitor, enforce and report on compliance |
regime-building/maintenance (h) Capacity to monitor, review and report on the effectiveness
of risk management programme, including legal, regulatory and
administrative mechanisms (i) Capacity to monitor longer-term environmental impacts, if
any (based on current baselines) (j) Establishment of environmental reporting systems | | |
Data management and
information-sharing (a) Exchange of scientific,
technical, environmental and legal information (b) Collection, storage and analysis of scientific, regulatory
and administrative data (c) Communication to the Biosafety Clearing-House |
Human resources strengthening and
development (d) All aspects of regime
development, evaluation and maintenance for risk assessment and
risk management (e) Raising awareness of modern biotechnology and biosafety
among scientists, government officials (f) Training and longer-term education (g) Procedures for safe handling, use and transfer of living
modified organisms |
Public awareness and participation (h) Administer and disseminate
information on legal and administrative framework (i) Public awareness of/participation in scientific assessment
process (j) Risks associated with handling and use |
Involvement of stakeholders e.g. non-governmental
organizations, local communities, private sector (k) Capacity to negotiate with and
provide opportunity for private sector involvement (l) Processes for community, NGO consultation in development of
risk assessment and management regimes (m) Processes for community, NGO consultation prior to
decisions |
Regional capacity development (n) Scientific assessment of risk (o) Harmonization of legal regimes (p) Training of human resources (q) Information sharing |
Source: Indicative Framework for Capacity-Building under the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/1/4).
Annex II
A. Purpose of the pilot phase of the Voluntary
The pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for the Roster of Experts
is hereby established to support developing country Parties, in
particular the least developed and small island developing States
among them, and Parties with economies in transition, to pay for
the use of experts selected from the roster.
B. Financing of the pilot
phase of the Voluntary Fund
The pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund shall be financed from
voluntary contributions. Annually, the Executive Secretary shall
seek contributions to the Voluntary Fund from Governments,
governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations,
and other sources with the financial ability to do so, in
accordance with the Financial Rules of the Convention and the
Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations.
C. General administration
of the Voluntary Fund
1. The pilot phase of the Fund shall be administered by the
Executive Secretary in accordance with the interim guidelines for
the roster of experts on biosafety contained in annex 1 to the
present decision, and in accordance with the Financial Rules of the
2. The Bureau of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention
serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol shall advise
the Executive Secretary on administrative and operational matters
relating to the activities of the pilot phase of the Voluntary
3. The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
shall receive voluntary contributions and, upon request and as
agreed, distribute on a case-by-case basis, an agreed amount from
the Voluntary Fund to eligible Parties in accordance with the
eligibility criteria specified in section D below.
4. All administrative costs of the pilot phase of the Voluntary
Fund shall be met by the Voluntary Fund. In accordance with the
Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, 13 per cent
of the total amount disbursed shall be levied to cover
5. The Secretariat shall prepare reports on the status,
operation and use of the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for
consideration by each meeting of the Conference of the Parties
serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, as well as
allocation reports and financial statements in accordance with the
Financial Rules of the Convention. These reports shall be made
available through the Biosafety Clearing-House.
6. Once a year, the Secretariat will report in its Quarterly
Report for the fourth quarter the status of the use of the pilot
phase of the Voluntary Fund, listing the value, purpose, and timing
of approved requests and completed assignments. A summary of use of
the Voluntary Fund by region will also be included. This report
will be in the same Quarterly Report as the report required on use
of the roster itself, specified in section J,
paragraph 2, of the interim guidelines for the roster of
experts annexed to the present decision.
D. Eligibility
The eligibility criteria are defined as follows:
(a) Eligible countries: Funding
requests will only be considered from developing country Parties,
in particular the least developed and small island developing
States among them, and Parties with economies in transition;
(b) Eligible activities: Funding
requests shall be related to the use of experts from the roster,
for purposes defined by decision EM-I/3 and the interim guidelines
for the roster of experts on biosafety, annexed to the present
decision. These purposes include providing advice and support to
Parties to conduct risk assessment, make informed decisions,
develop national human resources, promote institutional
strengthening, associated with transboundary movements of living
modified organisms, or perform other functions approved by the
Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to
the Protocol in future, particularly in the field of
capacity-building. The use of experts and their contributions
should be complementary to, and not duplicate, the assistance
provided through the financial mechanism;
(c) Eligible costs:
(i) Eligible costs include professional fees, travel expenses,
and other costs directly related to the use of experts. The pilot
phase of the Voluntary Fund shall not be used to support broader
activities or projects that comprise anything other than the use of
(ii) The general United Nations daily rate for professional fees
for experts shall apply, as appropriate. In cases where the normal
daily rate for an expert from a
particularcountry exceeds the United
Nations daily rate, higher rates may be approved.
(d) Criteria for assessment of funding
requests: The requests made by the eligible Parties shall be
assessed on the basis of the following criteria:
(i) Regional balance: Preference shall be given to
requests from Parties in regions where the Voluntary Fund has been
(ii) Satisfactory compliance for previous grants:
Consideration of new funding requests shall be conditional upon
satisfactory compliance with outstanding reporting requirements for
previous grants to the same Party under the Voluntary Fund;
(iii) Timing of receipt of the request: Requests will
be assessed on a first-come-first-served basis. However, if the
number and value of requests is high in relation to the funds
available, the Bureau ofConference of the
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol may
advise the Secretariat to gather all requests over a specified time
period so that all can be assessed simultaneously;
(iv) Any other criteria that may be approved by
theConference of the Parties serving as
the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol.
(e) Maximum amount per funding
request: Subject to the availability of funds, the maximum
amount to be requested from the Fund shall not exceed
(f) Maximum disbursement per Party per
year: The maximum amount to be disbursed from the Fund to any
one Party shall not exceed US$50,000.00 in a calendar year;
E. Procedures for
application, processing of requests, disbursement of funds, and
The following shall be the steps related to application for
funding by Parties, processing of requests, disbursement of funds,
and reporting:
(a) Funding requests from eligible Parties shall be endorsed by
the competent national authority and submitted by the national
focal point to the Executive Secretary. Each funding request shall
be prepared using the attached funding request form (appendix A),
and shall be submitted to the Secretariat at least 60 days prior to
the intended date on which the assignment is to commence;
(b) The Secretariat shall acknowledge receipt of the funding
application within two weeks of receipt of a completed funding
request form;
(c) The funding request shall be evaluated by the Secretariat,
in consultation with the Bureau of
theConference of the Parties serving as
the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, according to the
eligibility criteria defined in section D above, and a decision on
the request shall be communicated within 30 days of receipt of the
(d) If funding is approved, the Secretariat shall prepare a
memorandum of understanding, based on the template attached as
appendix B, which specifies the purpose and extent of the
assignment to be undertaken, the date of completion for the
assignment, thereporting requirements and
the obligations of the recipient Party regarding the use of the
funds. This memorandum of understanding shall be signed by the
Secretariat and delivered to the recipient Party for signature
within 30 days of receipt of the application;
(e) The recipient Party shall return the signed memorandum of
understanding to the Secretariat within 30 days;
(f) The Secretariat shall disburse 50 per cent of the
approved funds, to the bank account nominated by the Party, within
30 days of receiving the signed memorandum of understanding from
the recipient Party;
(g) Each recipient Party shall be required to submit to the
Executive Secretary a copy of the final report of the expert(s),
immediately upon completion of the assignment but not later than
three months after completion of the assignment, and to report on
the assignment using the reporting form attached as appendix C;
(h) Upon receipt of the final experts report from the recipient
Party, the Secretariat shall transfer the outstanding balance;
(i) The Secretariat shall make all submitted reports on
assignments available through the Biosafety Clearing-House.
Appendix A
Requesting Party:
Name(s) and organization(s) of expert(s):
Purpose of assignment:
Specific activities of the assignment:
Start date: ________________________ End date:
Expected costs (US dollars) (attach more details if
| | |
Item | Rate and # Units | Total |
| | |
Professional fees1 | ___ days @ $_______ /day | |
Travel | | |
Accommodation and subsistence2 | ___ nights @ $_______ /night | |
Other (specify): | | |
Other (specify): | | |
| | |
1 Standard UN rates should be used; other rates must
be justified and are subject to approval by the Executive
2 Standard UN rates will apply
Representative of Competent National Authority
Name: ________________________ Organization:
Signature: ________________________ Date: _________
National Focal Point
Name: ____________________________ Signature:
________________________ Date: _________
Appendix B
1. This Memorandum of Understanding is made between
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (the
Secretariat), and
Agency: ______________________________, of
Country: ______________________________ (the Recipient), which
is the competent national authority with respect to implementation
of the decisions of the Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Protocol.
2. This memorandum of understanding addresses the
responsibilities of both the Secretariat and the Recipient
regarding the use of the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for the
Roster of Experts on Biosafety to fund the use of the following
expert(s) for the following period:
Name(s) and organization(s) of expert(s):
Start date: ______________________________ End date:
3. The attached request for funding specifies additional details
including the purpose of the assignment, the specific activities of
the assignment, and the costs and value of the request.
4. The Secretariat agrees to fulfil its obligations with respect
to the modalities for application, processing of requests,
disbursement of funds, and reporting as specified in the interim
guidelines for the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for the Roster
of Experts on Biosafety.
5. The Recipient agrees to fulfil its obligations with respect
to the modalities for application, processing of requests,
disbursement of funds, and reporting as specified in the interim
guidelines for the pilot phase of the Voluntary Fund for the Roster
of Experts on Biosafety.
6. It is the responsibility of the Recipient, in discussion with
the expert, to ensure that the expectations and terms of reference
of the Party are clear, that these have been understood by the
expert, and provided in written form to the expert at the outset of
the assignment.
7. Specific conditions agreed to for this memorandum of
understanding are the following:
For the Secretariat
Name: ________________________
Date: _______________
For the Recipient
Name: ________________________ Signature:
________________________ Date: _______________
Bank account details for transfer of funds:
Bank name:
Branch ID/Number: ________________________
Swift/Sort code: ________________________
Complete mailing and street address:
Account holder:
Account number:
Currency: ________________________
Appendix C
Competent National Authority:
A. Specifications of the
Name(s) and organization(s) of expert(s):
Purpose of assignment:
Specific activities of the assignment:
Start date: End date:
B. Assessment
Is the final report(s) of the work of the expert(s) attached?
Yes No
Was the work finished in the time specified? If no, why not?
Did the work and associated products fulfil the purpose of the
assignment? If no, why not?
Please report on the quality and standard of work performed by
the expert(s).
C. Signatures
Representative of Competent National Authority
Name: ________________________ Organization:
Signature: ________________________
National Focal Point
Name: ________________________ Signature:
________________________ Date: _______________