Operation and activities of the
Biosafety Clearing-House
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
Taking note of the progress report on the
implementation of the multi-year programme of work for the
operation of the Biosafety Clearing-House, and relevant information
contained in the interim national reports on implementation of the
Taking note of the report of the second meeting of the
Compliance Committee (UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/3/2),
Welcoming the participation of Governments and
international organizations that have already provided information
to the Biosafety Clearing-House,
Recalling the need for capacity-building to enable
developing country Parties, in particular the least developed and
small island developing states among them, to effectively use the
Biosafety Clearing-House, and taking into account the
limited capacities of these Parties to provide information to the
Biosafety Clearing-House,
Emphasizing that the provision of sufficient relevant
information is essential for the effective operation of the
Biosafety Clearing-House, and recognizing the important
role of the Biosafety Clearing-House in implementing the
1. Urges Parties, Governments and other users to
participate in the Biosafety Clearing-House by contributing or
continuing to contribute information as soon as possible, whether
directly through the management centre of the Central Portal, or
through the development of nodes that are interlinked and
interoperable with the Central Portal, or other options for
national participation as appropriate;
2. Requests the Executive Secretary to continue to
collaborate with nodes that are interlinked and interoperable with
the Central Portal to ensure full accessibility of information
through the Biosafety Clearing-House;
3. Recognizing the limited data available in some
categories of information in the Biosafety Clearing-House,
urges Parties and other Governments to include information
pertaining to decisions on the release or import of living modified
organisms and risk assessments taken prior to entry into force of
the Protocol;
4. Invites those Governments that have identified
constraints on making information available in a timely manner
and/or implemented strategies to overcome these difficulties to
share these experiences with the Secretariat for circulation to the
fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, no later than six months
prior to that meeting;
5. Recalls the requirement under Annex II of the
Protocol to provide any unique identification of living modified
organisms intended for direct use as food or feed, or for
processing under Article 11 and requests Governments to
also provide information relating to unique identification when
registering decisions under the Advance Informed Agreement
procedure, where available;
6. Encourages Parties, Governments and other users to
continue to use the Management Centre to provide information,
and/or to develop national, regional, sub-regional and
institutional nodes that are interlinked and interoperable with the
Central Portal, as appropriate;
7. Reminds Parties that information must be directly
registered with the Central Portal even where it is available on a
national website, in order to comply with the information-sharing
8. Invites Parties, other Governments and donor
organizations including the Global Environment Facility (GEF), when
formulating projects and programmes for capacity building in
biosafety, to take into account the need for Parties to be able to
provide summary information in the common formats for reporting
information (particularly keywords for categorizing records) in an
official language of the United Nations to enable registration of
such information with the Central Portal;
9. Invites Parties, Governments and international
organizations to continue to make relevant biosafety information
available through the Biosafety Information Resource Centre;
10. Welcomes ongoing initiatives in capacity-building,
such as the Biosafety Clearing-House training workshop supported by
the Secretariat in collaboration with the UNEP-GEF Biosafety Unit
and requests the Executive Secretary to continue to
support such capacity-building activities in partnership with
organizations such as UNEP-GEF;
11. Recalls the invitation previously extended to donor
Governments and organizations to assist developing country Parties,
in particular the least developed and small island developing
States among them, and countries with economies in transition as
well as countries that are centres of origin and centres of genetic
diversity, and especially States with limited or no Internet
access, to access and use the Biosafety Clearing-House,
particularly in the areas of improved capacity for data collection
and data management at the national level, strengthening of core
human resources at the national level, and the establishment of
appropriate infrastructure to share information at national,
regional and international levels;
12. Requests the Executive Secretary, in order to
ensure the rights of Parties arising from in particular Article 11
of the Protocol, to make easily available decisions and other
information on living modified organisms for food, or feed, or for
processing, risk assessments on living modified organisms, and
decisions taken under the Advance Informed Agreement procedure;
13. Requests the Executive Secretary to undertake
translation of the Central Portal interface into the six official
languages of the United Nations, and calls upon Parties,
Governments and other donors to provide the required financial
14. Requests the Executive Secretary, with a view to
ensuring value for money, to undertake an external security audit
of the Central Portal and its infrastructure to ensure full
security of this information, and to minimize any chance of any
loss of information, and calls upon Parties, Governments
and other donors to provide the required financial resources ;
15. Requests the Executive Secretary to continue to
develop non-Internet based mechanisms for countries to access
information in the Biosafety Clearing-House, such as circulating
information registered with the Central Portal on CD-ROMs on a
quarterly basis to those Governments that request such
16. Requests the Executive Secretary to undertake
another survey of Biosafety Clearing-House users to compare
improvements against existing baseline data, and to submit this
information for consideration by the Parties at their fourth
meeting as part of the review of the implementation of the Protocol
envisaged in the medium-term programme of work.