Having reviewed document
UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/5/5 prepared by the Executive Secretary and
the report of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) submitted to
the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (
Welcoming the policy recommendations
for the fifth replenishment of the Global Environment Facility
Trust Fund (GEF-5) geared towards greater country ownership and
improved effectiveness and efficiency of the GEF, including through
enhancing accountability to the conventions and streamlining the
project cycle,
Taking note of the findings of the
mid-term review conducted by the Global Environment Facility
Evaluation Office in 2008 (GEF/C.35/Inf.2) and the Fourth Overall
Performance Study with respect to the impact of the Resource
Allocation Framework on the availability of GEF resources for the
implementation of the Protocol,
Noting with concern that the
indicative resource envelope for biosafety in the fourth
replenishment of the GEF Trust Fund was only partially utilised and
that the indicative resource envelope for biosafety in GEF-5 has
been reduced,
Recognizing the continuing need for
financial resources for the implementation of the Protocol,
1.Welcomes the fifth replenishment of the
Global Environment Facility Trust Fund and expresses its
appreciation to the donor countries that made pledges to the Trust
note of the measures undertaken by the Global Environment
Facility to further streamline the project cycle for medium-sized
and full-sized projects and GEF programmatic approaches during the
fifth replenishment period;
3.Urges eligible Parties to give priority to biosafety, as
appropriate, when applying for GEF funding against their country
allocations under the biodiversity focal area;
4.Recommends to the Conference of the Parties,
in adopting its guidance to the Global Environment Facility with
respect to support for the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol
on Biosafety, to urge the GEF to:
(a)Continue to implement all
previous guidance to the financial mechanism with respect to
(b)Consider, in the context of the
replenishment process for GEF-6, supporting the implementation of
the Protocol within the System for Transparent Allocation of
Resources by defining specific quotas for biosafety for each
country, on the basis of the second national reports on the
implementation of the Protocol;
(c)Make available, in a timely
manner, financial resources to eligible Parties to facilitate the
preparation of their second national reports under the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety;
(d)Expand its support for
capacity-building for effective participation in the Biosafety
Clearing-House to all eligible Parties to the Protocol and to
submit a report for consideration by the sixth meeting of the
Parties to the Protocol;
(e)Ensure the inclusion of
biosafety-related elements in the terms of reference for national
capacity self-assessments and other capacity assessment initiatives
carried out with GEF funding;
(f)Ensure that identification
requirements of paragraph 2 (a) of Article 18 and related decisions
are taken into account in activities carried out with GEF
(g)Ensure that the programme of
work on public awareness, education and participation concerning
the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms is
taken into account in activities carried out with GEF
(h)Make funds available to
eligible Parties in a facilitated manner and to monitor, as
appropriate, the expeditious accessibility of those funds;
5.Invites developed country Parties to respond
to the defined needs of developing country Parties and the Parties
with economies in transition for financial and technological
resources for the implementation of the Protocol through bilateral,
regional and multilateral channels;
also Parties to provide, in their national reports, under the
section of the reporting format that refers to capacity-building,
information on their experience in accessing existing funds from
the Global Environment Facility;
7.Requests the Executive Secretary to further
explore means for mobilizing additional financial resources for
implementation of the Protocol and report to the sixth meeting of
the Parties to the Protocol.