1.Urges Parties to give
priority to national biosafety plans and projects under the Global
Environment Facility's System for Transparent Allocation of
Resources (STAR) to ensure support for the implementation of the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
I.Guidance to the financial
2.Recommends to the
Conference of the Parties, in adopting its further guidance to the
financial mechanism with respect to support for the implementation
of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, that it invite the Global
Environment Facility to:
(a)Support regional and
multi-country thematic capacity-building projects for the
implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety using Focal
Area Set-aside resources under the biodiversity focal area, outside
national STAR allocations;
(b)Allow for more flexibility in
the utilization of funds provided for capacity-building to address
emerging needs within the overall framework of approved
(c)Further streamline, simplify
and expedite, to the extent possible, the process of accessing
funds from the GEF trust fund;
(d)Consider developing a new
strategy for financing biosafety, incorporating the priorities and
objectives of the Strategic Plan for the Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety 2011-2020 and other developments that have taken place
since 2006;
(e)Set aside the guidance
contained in paragraph 21 (b) of decision VII/20, which allowed
Parties to the Convention that are not yet Parties to the Protocol
to receive GEF funding for certain capacity-building activities
related to biosafety after providing a clear political commitment
towards becoming Parties to the Protocol;
(f)Provide further support to all
eligible Parties for capacity-building in the use of the Biosafety
Clearing-House, based on experiences or lessons learned during the
Project or Continued Enhancement of Building Capacity for Effective
Participation in the Biosafety Clearing-House and using resources
under the biodiversity focal area;
(g)Make available, in a timely
manner, adequate and predictable financial resources to eligible
Parties to facilitate the preparation of their third national
reports under the Protocol;
(h)Provide support to eligible
Parties that have not yet done so to initiate implementation of
their legal, administrative and other measures for the
implementation of the Protocol;
(i)Take into account the new
Framework and Action Plan for Capacity-Building for the Effective
Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in providing
financial support to developing countries and countries with
economies in transition;
(j)Provide financial and technical
assistance to developing country Parties and Parties with economies
in transition to undertake, as appropriate, the testing activities
referred to in paragraph 3 of decision BS-VI/12 on risk assessment
and risk management;
(k)Provide financial and technical
assistance to developing country Parties and Parties with economies
in transition to implement the capacity-building activities
referred in paragraph 9 of decision BS-VI/12 on risk assessment and
risk management;
(l)Make financial resources
available with a view to supporting awareness-raising,
experience-sharing and capacity-building activities in order to
expedite the early entry into force and implementation of the
Nagoya - Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol on Liability and
Redress to the Protocol;
(m)Cooperate with and support
developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition
to build capacity to implement the detection and identification
requirements of paragraphs 2(b) and 2(c) of Article 18 of the
Protocol and related decisions, including by facilitating the
transfer of technology
(n)Consider, within the four-year
outcome-oriented framework of programme priorities for biodiversity
for the sixth GEF replenishment period (2014-2018), the following
programme priorities with respect to biosafety:
1.National biosafety
2.Risk assessment and risk
3.Handling, transport, packaging
and identification of living modified organisms;
4.Liability and redress;
5.Public awareness, education,
access to information and participation;
6.Information sharing, including
full participation in the Biosafety Clearing House;
7.Biosafety education and
8.Activities recommended by the
Compliance Committee to assist eligible Parties to comply with
their obligations under the Protocol; and
(o)In providing support for
priority 9 specified in subparagraph (n) above, take into account
the outcome of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Socio-Economic
Considerations and the decision on the appropriate further steps
towards fulfilling operational objective 1.7 of the Strategic Plan
for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety 2011-2020, recognizing that
further work to develop conceptual clarity on the issue is under
(p)In allocating resources under
the biodiversity focal area, consider making a notional allocation
which improves the biosafety share of the biodiversity focal area
to support the implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on
Biosafety during the sixth replenishment period (2014-2018);
II.Mobilization of additional
1.Emphasizes the need to
include financing for biosafety as part of sustainable development
financing in the context of the outcomes of the Rio+20 United
Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that relate to
finance, especially section VI.A;
2.Urges Parties and
invites other Governments to implement, as appropriate,
the following measures within the overall framework of the Strategy
for Resource Mobilization in support of the Convention on
Biological Diversity, with a view to mobilizing additional
financial resources for implementation of the Protocol and in
accordance with Articles 20 and 21 of the Convention and Article 28
of the Protocol:
(a)Identify and seek funding
support from diverse sources including regional and international
donor agencies, foundations and, as appropriate, through private
sector involvement;
(b)Establish strategic
partnerships with other Parties and other Governments and with
various organizations, regional bodies or centres of excellence
with a view to pooling resources and/or widening opportunities and
possibilities for mobilizing resources from various sources;
(c)Identify and maximize
opportunities for technical cooperation with regional and
international organizations, institutions and development
assistance agencies;
(d)Mainstream biosafety into
national development plans and relevant sectoral policies,
strategies and programmes, including development assistance
programmes and national biodiversity strategies and action
(e)Consider designating dedicated
staff for resource mobilization and building internal capacity to
mobilize resources for the implementation of national biosafety
activities in a systematic, coordinated and sustainable
(f)Ensure efficient use of
available resources and adopt cost-effective approaches to
3.Invites Parties and other
Governments to exchange, through the Biosafety Clearing House,
information on their experiences, good practices and lessons
learned on the mobilization of resources at the national and
regional levels;
4.Requests the Executive
Secretary to include resource mobilization for the Protocol in
activities to facilitate the implementation of the strategy for
resource mobilization in support of the Convention on Biological
Diversity, including in regional and subregional workshops to
assist Parties to elaborate country-specific resource mobilization
strategies for the implementation of national biodiversity
strategies and action plans;
5.Also requests the
Executive Secretary to further communicate with the GEF Secretariat
before the meeting of the GEF Council in November 2012 in order to
discuss the possibility of opening a special financial support
window for implementation of the Protocol, and to report on the
outcome to the Parties to the Protocol.