The Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on
1.Encourages Parties, when submitting to the
Biosafety Clearing-House information required under the Protocol,
to upload the actual documents that contain the information or, in
cases where they provide a link to a website to access a document,
ensure that the link is functional and up-to-date and the
information is easily accessible;
encourages Parties to ensure that the information they make
available to the Biosafety Clearing-House is up to date and
consistent with their national reports;
Parties, other Governments and relevant international and regional
organizations to undertake or support capacity-building initiatives
aimed at assisting developing country Parties, in particular the
least developed and small island developing States among them, and
Parties with economies in transition, in the use of the Biosafety
Clearing-House and in putting in place facilities that will enable
them to submit consistent, up-to-date and complete information
through the Biosafety Clearing-House and their national reports and
allow developing country Parties access to appropriate technologies
for active participation in online activities;
4.Encourages Parties that are facing
difficulties complying with one or more of their obligations under
the Protocol to seek assistance from the Compliance Committee or
the Secretariat in such areas as making information available to
the Biosafety Clearing-House and the development or updating of
national biosafety frameworks;
5.Encourages Parties to implement
requirements under Article 23 of the Protocol within a mechanism
appropriate to their national circumstances, which could include
the integration of public awareness, education and participation in
national biodiversity strategies and action plans, broader national
frameworks for communication, education and public awareness
(CEPA), or efforts to implement Aichi Biodiversity Target 1, taking
into account relevant elements of the programme of work on public
awareness, education and participation adopted in
6.Encourages Parties to make effective use of
the various tools, materials and mechanisms made available by the
Secretariat and other sources, including the online forum and the
online regional networks established through the Biosafety
Clearing-House, to share information, experiences and lessons
learned in the implementation of obligations under Article 23 of
the Protocol.