Saccharum ravennae (Plume grass, Ravenna grass, Elephant grass) | BCH-ORGA-SCBD-115837 | Organism | Biosafety Clearing-House

Organism (ORGA)
last updated: 08 Dec 2020
Organism information
Saccharum ravennae
Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Spermatophyta
Class Monocotyledonae
Order Cyperales
Family Poaceae
Genus Saccharum
Species Saccharum ravennae
  • Erianthus ravennae
  • Tripidium ravennae
  • Ripidium ravennae
  • Plume grass
  • Ravenna grass
  • Elephant grass
Characteristics related to biosafety
Northern Africa and the Mediterranean
Saccharum ravennae thrives in infertile, dry to medium moisture soils. It is suggested that the grass can also grow in wet areas with sandy soil, such as riverbanks, as well as acidic and alkaline soils. The grass prefers full sun and under optimal growing conditions, it will self-seed. S. ravennae is tolerant to a wide array of environmental stresses (e.g. drought), but is somewhat frost-sensitive (surviving only a few degrees below zero degrees Celsius).
Saccharum ravennae has a broad native range from Spain to China. This range includes Northern Africa, Somalia and Central Asia. It may also include West Africa. However, this species has been introduced to other areas, such as North America, Japan and Australia.
  • Ornamental
Additional Information
Saccharum ravennae is a fast growing, clump-forming perennial grass growing between 2 to 4.5 meters tall with 1.5 meter long leaves. The grass has been planted an an ornamental grass due to its impressive floral plumes, but is known as an invasive species in the United States of America. Fodder, soil erosion and biofuel uses have also been explored.

Ravenna grass likely has a chromosome count of 2n = 20. It is suggested that the species has high genetic variability.
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