Dear Participants,
Welcome to the discussion group on “Conclusions & recommendations”. You are invited to submit your responses to the guiding questions above, to post additional questions you may have and to respond to the comments of others.
You are encouraged to share your views on possible conclusions and recommendations that you might have based on your expertise and the discussions under each of the other three themes as well as the question and answer sessions with experts.
As a participant in this Online Forum on Standards for LMO Shipments, your contribution is very important in making the Forum a success and generating substantial outcomes that can be provided to the Parties at their next meeting in October 2010.
The CBD Secretariat thanks you for your active participation. Happy discussions!
Best regards,
The Biosafety Team
posted on 2009-05-25 19:35 UTC by Ms. Kathryn Garforth, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Hi all, I am totally ignorant on any authority in India which is looking at this issue on LMO. We have Plant Variety Protection Authority and Biodiversity Authority. But what I understand is that Biodiversity Authority is more concentrated on Plants than Animals. Any recommondations for all the developing countries to establish any separate authority for Animals?
Sridhar Gutam
Scientist (Plant Physiology)
Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Anand 387310, Gujarat, India
posted on 2009-05-28 04:10 UTC by Dr Sridhar Gutam, Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants