Role of the Secretariat in capacity-building under the Protocol
During the independent evaluation, many interviewees and survey respondents noted that the Secretariat has an important role to play in the capacity-building process. Among other things, they recommended that the Secretariat should continue conducting training workshops at regional and subregional levels, develop online training tools, motivate regional stakeholders to play a greater role in building capacity for biosafety and help Parties to identify available sources of funding for biosafety and guide them on the process of accessing the available funds. Some respondents however wondered whether it is the role of the Secretariat to provide such services. It was also noted that the Secretariat does not have adequate financial and human resources. What is your view in terms of what the role of the Secretariat should be?
posted on 2012-03-09 07:55 UTC by Mr. Erie Tamale, UNEP/SCBD