Training and capacity-building on Risk Assessment of LMOs
Training Manual (for download):
Training Manual (online):

Graphic aligned package (Manual & Guidance):

Draft e-learning concept:

Manual on Risk Assessment of LMOs
The Manual on Risk Assessment of LMOs is available online or for download in the six UN official languages (as MS Word: Ar | En | Es | Fr | Ru | Zh; or Adobe PDF: Ar | En | Es | Fr | Ru | Zh).
Acknowledgement: The translation of the Manual on Risk Assessment of LMOs from English to all UN official languages was made possible through the financial contribution received from the European Union under a ENRTP Strategic Cooperation Agreements project.
Graphic Package Aligning the "Roadmap" and the "Manual"
In decision BS-VI/12, the COP-MOP mandated the Online Forum and the AHTEG on Risk Assessment and Risk Management to develop "package that aligns the Guidance on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (e.g. the Roadmap) with the training manual "Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms" in a coherent and complementary manner". After several rounds of online discussion on this topic, a graphic alignment between the Roadmap and Manual was produced:
At its face-to-face meeting, the AHTEG will consider and improve the graphic alignment for submission to the COP-MOP at its seventh meeting.
E-learning on Risk Assessment of LMOs
In paragraph 9(d) of decision BS-V/12, the COP-MOP requested the Executive Secretary to "an interactive learning tool based on the training manual, and make it available through the Biosafety Clearing-House in all United Nations languages with the view to developing a more cost-effective way for delivering training on risk assessment". In working towards that request, the Secretariat has developed an initial concept of an e-training tool based on the Manual (available here).
The final e-training tool will be developed once the AHTEG has completed the revision of the Guidance on Risk Assessment of LMOs.
Capacity-building activities Please monitor the meetings page for upcoming capacity-building activities on risk assessment.
Past activities:
- South, Southeast and Pacific Asia Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (7-11 November 2022, Manila, Philippines): report | documents
- Western, Central and Eastern Asian Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (17-21 October 2022, Antalya, Türkiye): report | documents
- Francophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (19-22 September 2022, Dakar, Senegal): documents
- Anglophone African Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (8 - 12 April 2019, Pretoria, South Africa): report | documents
- Central and Eastern European Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (24 - 28 September 2018, Minsk, Belarus): report | documents
- Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (20 - 24 August 2018, Panama City, Panama): report | documents
- Anglophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (12 - 16 December 2011, Accra, Ghana): report | documents
- Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (7 - 11 November 2011, Havana, Cuba): report | documents
- Caribbean Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (26 - 30 September 2011, Belize City, Belize): report | documents
- Asian Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified Organisms (12 - 16 July 2010, Siem Reap, Cambodia): report | documents
- Pacific Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building and Exchange of Experiences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (5 - 7 July 2010, Nadi, Fiji): report | documents
- Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange of Experiences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (7 - 9 April 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia): report | documents
- Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange of Experiences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of LMOs (10 - 12 December 2007, Bridgetown, Barbados): report (English, Spanish) | documents
- Central and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange of Experiences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (26-28 November 2007, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova): report | documents
- African Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange of Experiences on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (23 - 25 August 2007, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia): report (English, French) | documents