What has been done on awareness and participation
The COP-MOP in its
decision BS-I/12 on the medium-term programme of work for the COP-MOP agreed to consider, at its second meeting, “options for cooperation, as appropriate, with other States and international bodies, on the promotion and facilitation of public awareness, education and participation concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of living modified organisms in relation to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking into account also risks to human health”.
At its
second meeting, the COP-MOP in
decision BS-II/13, urged countries to develop and implement national programmes for the promotion of public awareness, education and participation, including public access to information, concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs. The COP-MOP also encouraged Parties and other Statesto make effective use of the media and to seek and leverage opportunities for cooperation with one another and international organisations at the regional and internaitional level. The COP-MOP urged Parties, other Governments and international bodies to support subregional and regional initiatives concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs, and to share, through the BCH, information, awareness materials and case studies about their ongoing initiatives. The COP-MOP decided to review and consider this issue again at MOP 5.
At its
fourth meeting, the COP-MOP considered an interim report on the status of implementation of Article 23, the experiences gained and the lessons learned and underscored the need for a cohesive and focused approach to public awareness, education and participation. In its decision
decision BS-IV/17, the COP-MOP agreed to develop a programme of work on public awareness, education and participation concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs and invited Governments and relevant organizations to submit views on its possible elements. It was also requested that the Executive Secretary prepare a draft work programme, taking account the submission of views, for consideration at the fifth meeting. The COP-MOP also welcomed t
new Outreach Strategy for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2008-2012) and requested that the Executive Secretary advance its implementation and report on the progress at the sixth meeting.
At its
fifth meeting, the COP-MOP in
decision BS-V/13 adopted a comprehensive programme of work on public awareness, education and participation concerning the safe transfer, handling and use of LMOs and invited Parties, other governments and relevant organizations to implement it and share their experiences and lessons learned through the BCH. Developed country Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations were urged to provide additional support to developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition to implement the programme of work. Finally, the Secretariat was invited to establish an online forum and other means needed to facilitate exchange of information and experiences on the implementation of the programme of work.
Portal on Public Awareness, Education and Participation was established to host online discussions and make available resources.
At its
seventh meeting, COP MOP, in
decision BS-VII/1, encouraged Parties to implement requirements under
Article 23 of the Protocol within a mechanism appropriate to their national circumstances, which could include the integration of public awareness, education and participation in national biodiversity strategies and action plans, broader national frameworks for
communication, education and public awareness (CEPA), or efforts to implement Aichi Target 1, taking into account relevant elements of the programme of work on public awareness, education and participation, adopted in decision BS-V/13. In
decision BS-VII/5, the Secretariat was also requested to mobilize additional financial resources, among other things, to mainstream biosafety into the national development plans, establish strong outreach programmes, strengthen the capacity of the personnel dealing with biosafety to effectively engage and encourage policymakers, and identify "biosafety champions" to promote awareness and greater understanding of biotechnology and its regulation among the public and parliamentarians.
At its
eighth meeting, COP-MOP, in
decision CP-VIII/18, extended
the programme of work until 2020 with revised priority areas and activities and encouraged regional stakeholders and donors to play a greater role in supporting the integration of the programme of work into national initiatives with a view to raising the profile of the Protocol through outreach and communication. Seven priority areas were identified: 1) Advance legal and/or policy frameworks and mechanisms; 2) Build and maintain joint initiatives; 3) Advance tools, resources and processes to broaden training activities; 4) Communicate biosafety and empower a wider audience; 5) Strengthen biosafety education at all levels; 6) Improve tools and procedures for access to information; and 7) Mobilize the public and ensure gender-equality for a wider target audience to participate in the decision-making process. The COP-MOP requested that the Secretariat assist in the implementation of priority areas and activities, provide links to national websites and national biosafety clearing-houses and enhance cooperation with relevant organizations and initiatives.
At its
tenth meeting, the COP-MOP, in
decision CP-10/3, adopted the
Implementation Plan for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The Implementation Plan is a framework of broad desirable achievements and accomplishments to help guide Parties in their implementation of the Protocol and measure progress in this regard for the period up to 2030. The Implementation Plan has a goal related to Article 23 of the Cartagena Protocol with related objectives, indicators and outcomes. The Implementation Plan is complemented by the
Capacity-building Action Plan for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety with the purpose of facilitating the development and strengthening of the capacities of Parties to implement the Protocol. The Capacity-building Action Plan has a goal related to Article 23 of the Cartagena Protocol with related key areas for capacity-building, capacity-building activities, indicators and outcomes.