BS-IV/11. Risk assessment and risk
The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the
Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety,
Recalling its decision BS-III/11, on risk assessment
and risk management,
I. Further guidance on
specific aspects of risk assessment and risk
Recalling paragraph 9 of decision BS-III/11, in which
Parties agreed to consider, at the fourth meeting of the Conference
of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, the need for further guidance on
specific aspects of risk assessment and risk management, and the
appropriate modalities for development of any such guidance such as
a further meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk
Assessment and Risk Management,
1. Takes note of the report of the Norway-Canada
Workshop on Risk Assessment for Emerging Applications of Living
Modified Organisms, and expresses its gratitude to the Governments
of Norway and Canada for organizing this workshop;
2. Takes note of the conclusions and recommendations in
the reports of the regional and subregional workshops on
capacity-building and exchange of experiences on risk assessment
and risk management of living modified organisms regarding the need
to develop additional guidance on specific aspects of risk
3. Decides to establish through the Biosafety
Clearing-House an open-ended online forum on specific aspects on
risk assessment as referenced to in the annex;
4. Decides to establish an Ad Hoc Technical Expert
Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Management according to the
modality of work and the terms of reference annexed hereto;
5. Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant
organizations to submit to the Executive Secretary, prior to the
first meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group, information
relevant to the work of the Group, particularly on existing
guidance documents on risk assessment;
6. Requests the Executive Secretary to:
(a) Convene ad hoc discussion groups and at least one real-time
online conference per region prior to each of the meetings of the
Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group, with the view to identifying major
issues related to specific aspects of risk assessment and risk
management as referenced to in the annex;
(b) Convene, prior to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol, and
subject to the necessary financial resources being made available,
two meetings of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk
Assessment and Risk Management;
7. Urges Parties, other Governments and relevant
organizations to make funds available to the Executive Secretary
for the organization of the second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical
Expert Group, prior to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Protocol;
II. Collaboration in
identifying living modified organisms that may have an adverse
effect on the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity, taking also into account risks to human
Recalling the provisions of the medium-term programme
of work, decision BS-I/12 paragraph 4 (b) (iii), on cooperation in
identifying living modified organisms or specific traits that may
have adverse effects on the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity, taking also into account risks to human
health, and taking appropriate measures regarding the treatment of
such living modified organisms or specific traits,
8. Requests Parties and invites other Governments and
relevant organizations to submit to the Executive Secretary, not
later than three months prior to the first meeting of the Ad Hoc
Technical Expert Group, scientifically sound information available
at that time, on the identification of living modified organisms or
specific traits that may have adverse effects on the conservation
and sustainable use of biological diversity, taking also into
account risks to human health;
9. Requests the Executive Secretary to compile the
information received and to prepare a synthesis report for
consideration by the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group and the
III. Capacity-building
relevant to risk assessment and risk management
Recalling that risk assessment and other scientific and
technical expertise are indicated as key elements requiring
concrete action in the updated Action Plan for Building Capacities
for the Effective Implementation of the Biosafety Protocol,
10. Welcomes the reports of the regional and
subregional workshops on capacity-building and exchange of
experiences on risk assessment and risk management of living
modified organisms that were held in Barbados, Ethiopia, Malaysia
and the Republic of Moldova;
11. Expresses its gratitude to the Governments of
Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Switzerland for their
financial contributions and the hosting Governments and the African
Union for their organizational support;
12. Requests the Executive Secretary to convene, in
cooperation with relevant regional organizations, at the earliest
convenient date and subject to the availability of financial
resources, a sub-regional workshop on capacity-building and
exchange of experiences on risk assessment and risk management of
living modified organisms in the Pacific subregion;
13. Requests the Executive Secretary, subject to
availability of funds, to coordinate and facilitate, along with
other relevant United Nations bodies and other international
organizations, the development of training on risk assessment and
risk management in relation to living modified organisms, and to
convene prior to the fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties
serving as the meeting of the Parties, regional or subregional
training courses to enable countries to gain hands-on experience in
preparing and evaluating risk assessment reports in accordance to
the articles and Annex III of the Protocol.
14. These courses could, inter alia, cover:
(a) How to establish interdisciplinary teamwork in the context
of risk assessment;
(b) Developing skills in using and interpreting existing
information, as well as identifying and addressing information
gaps; and
(c) How to establish baseline information to be used in risk
15. Calls upon Parties, other Governments and relevant
donor organizations to make funds available to the Secretariat to
support the training activities referred to in the above
1. The Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on Risk Assessment
and Risk Management shall:
(a) Include experts selected on the basis of their expertise on
the issues relevant for the mandate of the Group, based on a
standardized common format for submission of CVs from experts
nominated by Parties, respecting geographical representation, in
accordance with the consolidated modus operandi of the SBSTTA of
the Convention on Biological Diversity (decision VIII/10 of the
Conference of the Parties, annex III);
(b) Include observers in accordance with the rules of procedure
for meetings of the Conference of the Parties serving as the
meeting of the Parties to the Protocol;
(c) Meet twice, pending availability of funds, with an interval
of not less than ten months between meetings and prior to the fifth
meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of
the Parties to the Protocol, and perform necessary tasks between
the two meetings to achieve the proposed outcomes outlined
(d) During the first meeting, the Group shall:
(i) Develop a "roadmap", such as a flowchart, on the necessary
steps to conduct a risk assessment in accordance with Annex III to
the Protocol and, for each of these steps, provide examples of
relevant guidance documents;
(ii) Taking into consideration the identified need for further
guidance on specific aspects of risk assessment, including
particular types of (i) living modified organisms (for example,
fish, invertebrates, trees, pharmaplants and algae); (ii)
introduced traits; and (iii) receiving environments, as well as
monitoring of the long-term effects of living modified organisms
released in the environment, prioritize the need for further
guidance on specific aspects of risk assessment and define which
such aspects should be addressed first, taking also into account
the need for and relevance of such guidance, and availability of
scientific information;
(iii) Define an action plan to produce, prior to the second
meeting of the Group, modalities for development of the guidance
documents on the specific aspects that were identified as
priorities and for testing of the roadmap. This action plan should
include the details of a process for monitoring and reviewing the
progress in each of the specific aspects;
(iv) Prepare an progress report containing a detailed summary of
the terms and procedures for reviewing the modalities for the
development of guidance documents to be followed prior to the
second meeting of the Group;
(e) During the second meeting, the Group shall:
(i) Revise and finalize the "roadmap" for the effective use of
guidance documents on risk assessment;
(ii) Make recommendations to the Secretariat on how to integrate
the "roadmap" and tools for retrieval of guidance materials
available in the Biosafety Information Resources Centre of the
Biosafety Clearing-House that are relevant at the different stages
of risk assessment;
(iii) Review the action plan referred to in subparagraph 1 (d)
(iii) of this annex on specific aspects of risk assessment and risk
management developed in accordance with the terms and procedures
established in the first meeting of the Group;
(iv) Consider possible modalities for cooperation in identifying
living modified organisms or specific traits that may have adverse
effects on the conservation and sustainable use of biological
diversity, taking also into account risks to human health;
(v) Prepare a report for consideration by the fifth meeting of
the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties
to the Protocol;
2. The deliberations of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group shall
be based primarily on:
(a) Submissions received in accordance with paragraph 5 of this
(b) The reports of the regional and sub-regional workshops on
capacity-building and exchange of experiences on risk assessment
and risk management of living modified organisms
(UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/4/INF/14-17) and the report of the
Canada-Norway Workshop on Risk Assessment for Emerging Applications
of Living Modified Organisms (UNEP/CBD/BS/COP-MOP/4/INF/13);
(c) Contribution received through the open-ended online forum,
ad hoc discussion groups and real-time online regional
(d) Guidance materials available in the Biosafety Information
Resource Centre of the Biosafety Clearing House;
(e) Any other relevant materials made available by the