preparation for the workshop
Dear participants,
We are getting ready for the workshop in Trinidad and Tobago and we have noticed that many of you have already posted on our forum in the past days.
Following our e-mail of the end of September in which a number of preparatory activities were outlined, we would like to make sure that for each country participants will prepare one presentation.
The Power Point presentation should be 15 minutes and address national experiences with transboundary movements of LMOs and the legal, policy and institutional framework within which border controls on LMOs take place.
The presentation should follow the structure below:
• Legal and policy framework applying to transboundary movements of LMOs in your country (applicable national laws and policies);
• Institutions involved in transboundary movements of LMOs, including, where applicable, competent national competent authority on biosafety or LMOs and border control institutions, and their responsibilities and involvement;
• Collaborative arrangements between different institutions involved;
• Experience with transboundary movements of LMOs in your country, focusing on: applicable requirements, approval procedures, information exchange, testing and detection;
• Description of national awareness and capacities for border controls on LMOs, including strengths, gaps, needs and recommendations;
You will need to coordinate with other participants from your country, copied in the original e-mail, to prepare the presentation as it may require expertise on both biosafety and border control.
We look forward to seeing your presentation at the worskhop. Should you need additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us through the forum if the question may be relevant to other participants.
All the best and good luck.
Peter Deupmann
Legal Officer
Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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