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Past Activities


The Biosafety Unit of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity has organized a number of capacity-building workshops on the Identification and Documentation of Living Modified Organisms. Workshop documents are available through the links below.

Workshops for Small Island Developing States

Regional workshops

Additional documents for the following workshops are provided further below:

Other materials

Documents from the New Delhi workshop, 21-25 November 2011

Official documents for the workshop.

Introduction to the Protocol and its elements relating to the identification and documentation requirements for shipments of living modified organisms:
  • Video on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - YouTube
  • Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - pdf
  • Introduction to the Identification & Documentation requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - pdf

The role of customs and border control officials in implementing the Protocol:
  • The role of customs officers in implementing the Protocol - pdf
  • The role of the Biosafety Clearing-House in facilitating the implementation of the identification and documentation requirements - pdf

National experiences with transboundary movements of living modified organisms:
  • Indonesia - pdf
  • Laos - pdf
  • Malaysia - pdf
  • Philippines - pdf
  • Sri Lanka - pdf
  • Syrian Arab Republic - pdf
  • Thailand - pdf
  • Vietnam - pdf
    1. Appendices to Vietnam Decree No. 69/2010/ND-CP - Word

Documentation accompanying shipments of living modified organisms: case studies on existing documentation systems:
  • International Grain Trade Coalition - pdf
  • LMO Quick-links - pdf

Sampling, detecting and identifying living modified organisms
  • Introduction to biotechnology - pdf
  • Sampling methodology
    1. Presentation by Dr. Singh - pdf
    2. Presentation by Dr. Randhawa - pdf
  • Detection and Identification of living modified organisms
    1. Presentation by Dr. Siva Reddy - pdf
    2. Presentation by Dr. Randhawa - pdf
    3. CropLife International Detection Methods Database - pdf

Experiences of the Green Customs Initiative:
  • Video on the Green Customs Initiative - YouTube: ar | en | es | fr | ru | zh
  • Introduction to the Green Customs Initiative - pdf
  • INTERPOL's Environmental Crime Programme - pdf

Documents from the Ljubljana workshop, 11-15 April 2011

Official documents for the workshop.

Online discussion for Customs Officials from Central and Eastern Europe.

Announcement from the National Institute of Biology.

Introduction to the Protocol and its elements relating to the identification and documentation requirements for shipments of living modified organisms:
  • Video on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - YouTube
  • Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - pdf
  • Introduction to the Identification & Documentation requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety - pdf

The role of customs and border control officials in implementing the Protocol:
  • The role of customs officers in implementing the Protocol - pdf
  • The role of the Biosafety Clearing-House in facilitating the implementation of the identification and documentation requirements - pdf

National experiences with transboundary movements of living modified organisms

Documentation accompanying shipments of living modified organisms: case studies on existing documentation systems:
  • International Grain Trade Coalition - pdf

Sampling, detecting and identifying living modified organisms
  • European Network of GMO Laboratories - pdf
  • Sampling methodology - pdf
  • Detection and Identification of living modified organisms - pdf
  • Interpreting the results from detection and identification

Field study visit

The Green Customs Initiative

The way forward: next steps for continued collaboration and exchange of information

Documents from the Mexico City workshop, 23-27 November 2009

Official documents from the workshop in English and Spanish.

Introduction to the Protocol and its elements relating to the identification and documentation requirements for shipments of living modified organisms:
  • Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety en es
  • Introduction to the Identification & Documentation requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety en es

The role of customs officials in implementing the Protocol:
  • The role of customs officers in implementing the Protocol en es

National experiences with transboundary movements of living modified organisms:
  • Bahamas: en
  • Belize: en
  • Chile: es
  • Colombia: Word document es; PowerPoint es
  • Costa Rica: Word document es; PowerPoint es
  • Dominican Republic: es
  • Ecuador: es
  • El Salvador: es
  • Grenada: en
  • Guatemala: es
  • Honduras: es
  • Mexico:
    1. Estado actual del proceso de importación y exportación de organismos genéticamente modificados es
    2. Estado actual sobre la detección, documentación y autorización de organismos vivos modificados es
  • Panama: es
  • St. Kitts and Nevis: en
  • Venezuela: es

Documentation accompanying shipments of living modified organisms: case studies on existing documentation systems:
  • International Grain Trade Coalition en es

Sampling and detection of living modified organisms:
  • Sampling and detection of LMOs en es
  • Identification of LMOs en es
  • Laboratory protocol for ELISA test en es
  • Laboratory protocol for strip test es

The way forward: next steps for continued collaboration and exchange of information - Action plans:
  • Caribbean countries en
  • Spanish-speaking countries es

Documents from the Bamako workshop, 14-18 September 2009

Under development

Official documents from the workshop in English and French.

Introduction to the Protocol and its elements relating to the identification and documentation requirements for shipments of living modified organisms:
  • Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety en fr
  • Introduction to the Identification & Documentation requirements of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety en

The role of customs officials in implementing the Protocol:
  • The role of customs officers in implementing the Protocol en fr

National experiences with transboundary movements of living modified organisms:
Under development

Documentation accompanying shipments of living modified organisms: case studies on existing documentation systems:
  • International Grain Trade Coalition en

Sampling and detection of living modified organisms:
  • What is an LMO? en
  • Types of LMOs en
  • GM detection and sampling en
  • Detection methods en
  • Reporting en

The way forward: next steps for continued collaboration and exchange of information - Action plans:
Under development

Resource materials

From the BCH Online Help:

  • Using the BCH for Customs and Border Control Tasks: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Case 7: Custom officer seeks information on importing LMOs: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Case 28 Principal Custom officer looks for relevant CPB articles, COP-MOP decisions and capacity building opportunities: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Case 29 Customs officer looks for laboratories for detection and identification of LMOs: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Case 30 Customs or border control officer looks for unapproved soybean events: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Case 31 Phytosanitary officer looks for maize stacked events: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Curricula for customs and border control: ar | en | es | fr | ru
  • Curricula for phytosanitary officers: ar | en | es | fr | ru

Other resource materials:

  • Biosafety Technical Series Issue 1: Standards for Shipments of Living Modified Organisms: Outcomes of an Online Forum en
  • Green Customs Guide to Multilateral Environmental Agreements en es ru
  • Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identification of Living Modified Organisms: Synthesis of information on experience gained with the use of sampling of living modified organisms and detection techniques and on the need for and modalities of developing criteria for acceptability of, and harmonizing, sampling and detection techniques (Paragraph 2(a) of Article 18), document prepared for the fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety en es fr
  • COP-MOP 3 decision BS-III/10: Handling, transport, packaging and identification of living modified organisms: paragraph 2 (a) of Article 18 en
  • COP-MOP 1 decision BS-I/6: Handling, transport, packaging and identification of living modified organisms (Article 18) en