High level and variety of contents of LMOs in grain shipments: difficulties in monitoring
My name is Amanda Galvez. I am professor at the National Univerity of Mexico, and have been involved in the negotiations of the Protocol since 1995, as part of the Mexican Delegation.
My question is:
OECD includes countries with varied legislation: countries such as Europeans where mandatory labeling and identification have somehow modulated the market. Therefore low contents are usually the case for detection and monitoring after marketing. However laboratories from countries such as Mexico and NAFTA countries where labeling is not necessarily enforced, face the other extreme, finding high concentrations of LMOs and a great variation of these LMOs in shipments. Would OECD be interested in also setting up a project or some training for addressing this last case?
(edited on 2009-05-25 09:17 UTC by Dr. Amanda Galvez, Mexico)
posted on 2009-05-25 09:04 UTC by Dr. Amanda Galvez, Mexico
RE: High level and variety of contents of LMOs in grain shipments: difficulties in monitoring
Amanda, This question is, of course, closely linked to your last. To answer one point, I believe that we are not well placed to consider training. However, it is worth noting that all NAFTA members participate in OECD's Working Group and I am sure that the Working Group, at its next meeting October, would appreciate information on experiences with LLP from all delegations. Peter
posted on 2009-05-25 15:14 UTC by Dr Peter Kearns, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)