Unique identifiers & transgenic micro-organisms
The background document prepared for the Forum states that the OECD Working Group on the Harmonisation of Regulatory Oversight in Biotechnology is undertaking work on a system of unique identifiers for transgenic micro-organisms. How far has this work progressed? Is the intention that the unique identifiers for transgenic micro-organisms would take a similar form to the unique identifiers for genetically modified plants?
posted on 2009-05-25 15:17 UTC by Ms. Kathryn Garforth, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
RE: Unique identifiers & transgenic micro-organisms
Dear Kathryn, We have been working for some time on a unique identifier for transgenic micro-organisms. It has proved quite a challenging piece of work partly because micro-organisms are a highly diverse group. Certainly, they are very different from transgenic plants for which we have published guidance on unique identifiers. An additional issue is there are few examples of the use of use such organisms except in contained uses so that theory can be tested against practice. (Our focus is on transgenic organisms which might be used in the environment, for example, in agriculture.) In any event, we have a sub-working group which is looking at issues related to micro-organisms including the use of a unique identifier. It is focusing on bacteria. Amongst other things, it has also been working to identify any existing systems which might form a basis for a bacterial unique identifier, such as those in culture collections. It will make a report for the Working Group in October. It doesn't look like a unique identifier for bacteria will be the same at the one for transgenic plants. I hope this helps. Peter
posted on 2009-05-25 15:51 UTC by Dr Peter Kearns, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)