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Reminder webinar registration, reminder notification and updates for the online discussions on biosafety/Action Agenda [#11112]
Dear participants of the online discussions on LMOs under the Portal on Article 23,

Welcome to new participants. You are also part of a bulletin board that issues biosafety news.

Please find some news:

Reminder to register for the Webinar on biosafety commitments for the Action Agenda for Nature and People. Please note that time for the webinar is 10:30 a.m. EDT to 12:00 noon EDT and a separate registration is required at https://www.learningfornature.org/en/courses/biosafety-commitments-for-the-action-agenda-for-nature-and-people/ or https://us18.campaign-archive.com/?e=__test_email__&u=3d0c1779253b94ed1d4e5446d&id=c0c045cffd
(Please note that an updated version of the webinar concept note is available at https://bch.cbd.int/onlineconferences/portal_art23/actionagendaforum/)

Reminder notification: Reminder and Extension of Deadline – Nomination of experts for the Online Discussion on Biosafety Commitments from Non-State Actors for the Action Agenda for Nature and People - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2021/ntf-2021-067-bs-en.pdf
(Please note the we encourage you all to promote non-state actors (e.g. academia, the private sector, NGOs, indigenous peoples and local communities' groups, women organizations, farmer's organizations, youth groups) with related expertise to send us a nomination letter to participate in the online discussions.). The online discussions will begin at 12:00 noon EDT (after the webinar).

New Infographics, video and updated list of moderators for the online discussions are available at https://bch.cbd.int/onlineconferences/portal_art23/actionagendaforum/

Best regards,
posted on 2021-09-23 16:40 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety
Attachement Webinar rev3.doc - 103 KB