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Online Forum on Risk Assessment of LMOs, begins today [#11536]
Dear participants,

Please find some news.

SCBD’s 1st round of the Online Forum on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs), begins today, 10 April 2023 - https://bch.cbd.int/en/portals/risk-assessment/forum?fbclid=IwAR1hqmUc-3np65STMWM7UtMr66giDRThweBJrJarcWUSSBs51evRB4yRtVo

Notification: Consultations on the establishment of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Fund by the Global Environment Facility - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2023/ntf-2023-041-gbff-en.pdf

Best regards,
posted on 2023-04-10 19:04 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety