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Risk Assessment Forum and Notifications [#11666]
Dear participants,

Please find some news:

SCBD’s 1st round of the Online Forum on Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Living Modified Organisms (LMOs) – ends today, 25 April 2023 - https://bch.cbd.int/en/portals/risk-assessment/forum

Notification: Nomination of experts to participate in the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Biology - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2023/ntf-2023-034-SynBio-en.pdf?fbclid=IwAR36uYc2Op22UHPpfhOm5FbqMgMUshItNFBbqSnijlKFEaZ0s2JtSkCpLSo

Notification: Theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity 2023 - https://www.cbd.int/doc/notifications/2023/ntf-2023-026-idb-en.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2IyFNQs8sIIMwxHityqNq5k5Ei98GT20EinDjSJoxegzzDAO3sxdoAFDw

News article: Guinea-Bissau accedes to the Aarhus Convention, opening new horizons for environmental democracy in Africa and worldwide - https://unece.org/media/press/377878?fbclid=IwAR2P7UuaBFftALiVYmJxluRkIXWdsK8aTHSallcUuLYYap39iSKhCZvixew

Best regards,

posted on 2023-04-25 14:27 UTC by Ms. Ulrika Nilsson, UNEP/SCBD/Biosafety